All Notes (16)
Turned off science sensors except for CTD. Heading north to Hydrostation for pickup next week by AE.
Would be good post deployment to check the bad GPS hit DBD/MLG.
Underwater reset = m_why_started = 32 software watchdog
appeared to happen as nearing the surface
reloaded minnie.mi
resequenced 1k_n2.mi x 5
put u_alt_min_depth 1500
put u_low_power_cycle_time 30
Increased no comms to 9 hours
Increased pump to -200 / +210
Dialed pump throw back: -175 / + 185
Full pump throw to make way against strong currents
Bad GPS hit, ru29 had one a few weeks ago...
Science unable to send files (all 3 gliders experienced this on same day)
Fixed by cycling power on science side
put c_science_on 0
put c_science_on 1
Reduced pump throw to -175 / +185 as currents have abated.
Bad GPS hit, ru29 had one a few weeks ago...
Back to full pump throw to deal with strong currents 35 cm/s
Sampling changed:
CTD: d/c/h
OXY4,FLBB: d/h
SUNA: c/h
normal size SBD files now
Pump throw -200/+200
changed tbdlist to reduce size
Reduced waypoint radius to 50 m (was erroneously set to 5000!)
CTD pressure biased +3 m greater than m_pressure (also in previous missions)
Deployed by R/V Endeavor at BATS site
software version 7.20
CTD 9265
FLBB 3771
Optode 541
SUNA 708