All Notes (17)
2015-10-28 20:36:17 N/A ru31-2015-300-4-0 (0029.0000) many science oddities should get NLG/MLG sfmcadmin
2015-10-28 18:43:22 N/A Running -340 +140 ballast sfmcadmin
2015-10-28 18:42:41 N/A deployed by Travis Miles out of Dauphin island
Only deployment ru31-473 CONCORDE 2016-03-22
15:03 GMT
Deployed with OSU GusT prototype.
**adcp was only option on configuration page; glider has Nortek AD2CP 304036
**optode sn was obtained from last deployment note.
Optode SN 275?
t Recovered by LUMCON RV Pelican 12:30 est 11/3.
Leak 11/1 6 am. Aft, drifted with science running.
Strange upcast slowdown no change in downcast... ?
Running some BT tests:
NOTE: problems again with header lines and post CR/LF chars.
Test 1 - ad2_03 : BTdepth = 0, using original cfg (ad2_01 copy) - ru31-2015-302-2-0 (0037.0000) - 58.3 KB
Test 2 - ad2_04 : BTdepth = 5, using original cfg (ad2_01 copy) - ru31-2015-302-3-0 (0038.0000) - 60.3 KB
Test 3 - ad2_05 : BTdepth = 5, using new cfg (ad2_05) which has BT=1 for BURST mode - thise mode failed to start and threw errors test aborted.
ad2_02.cfg caused errors. It had comments and a few newlines before commands. Removed both and it worked.
First file is 60 KB
Optode disabled 10/29 2:30 am est. 2 aborts due to optode.
Will need to retest it.
Trying optode @ 8 seconds. Still seems to be data there, so not sure why the multitude of errors.
Early reports of difficulty transferring science files, similar to experienced on bios_jack.
NLG showed lots of optode errors. What is strange is this is same issue Jack had. The parsed lines were coming through in dialog. Perhaps science overload since it worked in a brief at surface check.
Lowered sampling rates on all sensors
CTD = 2, OXY,FLBBCD = 4, AD2 = 4
First mission in this config:
ru31-2015-301-0-0 (0030.0000)
Running -340 / +140 cc ballast
ru31-2015-300-4-0 (0029.0000) many science oddities should get NLG/MLG
Deployed by Travis Miles out of Dauphin Island.