All Notes (11)
Started Drift mission 2015-01-16T23:39:13 GMT a bit east of the last mission
Ended Drift mission 1/15 around 10 EST due to collision course with outcast island.
Ran fire on first yo through the night, shut it down 1/16 8 EST
Started 3rd drift mission 1/14 ~1 EST
u_min_water_depth set!!!!
End of 2nd drift mission 1/12 4/5 est
2nd drift/sample mission started around 4/5 EST 1/10
Tide switched, trying to still get out of Strait.
Losing ground, changed to 2.5 hour missions, 30 deg dives, 25 deg climbs.
Started zone 1 around 11/12 EST, stopped at about 4/5 EST due to drift down the Gerlache. Turned off science transfers and FIRE 6 EST to get it out of the strait.
Changed upcast angle to 20 degrees to combat light ballast. Will see how it flies.
Onward to phytoplankton sampling zone 1
Optode removed for 2015-01-05 LTER deployment
Equipped with SB:
CTD SN 0139