All Notes (13)
Reminder, pressure sensor for the glider is off, needs recalibration.
Recovered by Ian Robbins.
Science turned off as of 9/24 PM EST. Altimeter off, inflecting deeper to try to stay out of currents.
In effort to save power and increase speed, science only on during initial yo and changed to 3 hour missions, SBD only transfers.
Switching inshore waypoint to deployment location. Appears current and last waypoint are both set to inshore waypoint, so added deployment location after inshore waypoint in
DS may have locked up, new waypoint to avoid shoreline.
Retasking a bit further offshore to catch poleward flow
# 25 km further offshore
-12114.37 3452.2299
Adjusting u_reqd_depth_at_surface to 1.5 to try and keep gps off.
Changing top of yo to 6 m (from 4 m) to a) try to avoid strong head-on surface currents and b) keep gps from turning on at top of yo.
f_ocean_pressure_full_scale 21.956
also yo10 back to full buoyancy throw, last mission it was set to -180, +160
Deployed by Ian Robbins (CalPoly). Hardware parameters unchanged from previous deployment (pressure sensor, fin, etc.) May need revisited w/ ballast adjustments. Currently on 2 hour missions to full depth.
7.14 Software OS
SB 0148
AQD 8836
Entire glider sent to Webb on 4/30/10 to be retrofitted with rechargeable lithium batteries.