All Notes (11)
oxy4 242
Recovered by Travis Miles and Chip Haldeman aboard RV Caleta out of Tuckerton.
Performed some final yo's for Cast Away comparison.
WMO ID: 4801518
WMO id 4801518 is invalid and was replaced with 4801946.
Science payload:
CTD 9104 - pumped
AQD Unit 11619, AQD Head 6483 11/26/2013 cal date
Retasked back to AC, 2 hour sufacings, accelerometer script off.
Retasked back to 50 m yesterday morning, beginning to fight downshelf currents.
4 yo's, 2 hour no_comms
6 yo's, started triggering no_comms
Switched to 7 yo's, hopefully just over an hour for a segment.
12 + 12 + 11 + 2 packs = 37 strings
5.25 Ah @ 10 mA, .15 de-rate for 10 C
~ 4.5 AH / string --> 166.5 AH
Deployed off Atlantic City, NJ on Arabella by Haldeman and Miles