All Notes (22)
During deployment it was thought that the CTD pressure sensor was clogged or broken. Upon return to lab we found that CTD pressure sensor was definitely clogged. Numerous gooseneck barnacles were growing throughout the glider and a butter fish even popped out of the cowling.
Set to change to 1 hour missions on next surfacing. Recovery tomorrow a.m.
Something wrong with CTD pressure sensor...
Remora or something right on sensor or corrosion?
Changed to battpos flying
turned optics off, ctd on only on upcast, changed sbd to reflect this change
trying to get through the weekend with the battery
retasked back to deployment location -8241.81 W 2706.11 N in preparation of recovery.
Remora segments:
ru21_2010_137_000_000_sbd 2010-05-18 20:05 GMT
ru21_2010_136_004_032_sbd 2010-05-18 16:58 GMT
CTD pressure sensor looks fouled or plugged? Putting on short segments to diagnose if its overloading or what be it.
(3:14:30 PM) dkaragon:
(3:14:32 PM) dkaragon: this looks right
(3:14:45 PM) dkaragon: you can see it shuts the logging off on your visual sbd plot
(3:17:00 PM) dkaragon: from segment 06 to 21 of _149_000_xxx there is dupe downcast data
lowered sbd size
sbd dupe problem, sensor off, sbd logging on for the state produces dupes, email being worked on to TWR
30 degrees pitch, 6 hour missions... praying
CC not helping, currents high, may have to turn around in am
u_min_water_depth 80 meters to keep it diving deep
current correction turned off... hope this is what is causing the ground loss, otherwise its just stronger currents
changed to 4 hour surfacings, no comms at 7 hours
max delta battpos .06 help pitch out a little more
gps device error report:
back on normal missions, it obtained gps hit at surface... i think vehicle is getting < 2 m from surface turning the GPS on.
getting close to surface < 2 m, this causes GPS to turn on, getting gps status values in sbd
sbd is large, progress is mediocre. de-convinced myself something was attached to us. Densities increasing across the board.
not sure how to decrease sbd size, best bet is to perhaps go to every 3rd up/down
-8500.00 W 2700.00 N
Heading towards NE corner of loop current.
Changed u min delta battpos to .04, doubled, hopefully helps obtain pitch angles better.
2010-05-18 13:50hrs:
Changed height off the bottom from 5m to 3.5m to try and sample cooler bottom waters.
2010-05-18 05:00hrs:
Changed dive_to depth from 15m to full water column.
Science Payload:
CTD- 0055
Puck is scratched on the Chl a channel.
RU21 switched to 3 hour surfacings ~ 19:47 gmt