All Notes (7)
CTD 0156
Aandera oxygen optode - SN 1024
First generation G2 glider.
1000m depth rating.
COP Tickle issues. Email from John Dingess with workaround:
> It appears that the G-2 board is not reading the board revision junmpers,
> therefore is defaulting to the no cop tickle timeout, which is 6300 secs
> in masterdata.
> you need to include in your mission:
> behavior: abend
> b_arg: no_cop_tickle_percent(%) -1 #this will disable the
> reading of the board jumpers, just in case
> b_arg: no_cop_tickle_for(sec) 50400 # 14 hrs
> you can cbhange the device warning limits for the attitude sensor, also in
> your mission:
> at the head of the mission file (before behavior_abend)
> use attitude_rev 1 -1 20 10
> this will change the defaults as follows:
> attitude_rev 1 means use the device
> -1 means the glider will always attempt to put the device back into
> service (the default is 3 times)
> 20 is the allowable warnings per segment before an error is generated
> and the device is taken out of service (default is also 20)
> 10 is the allowable warnings per minute befor and error is generated
> and the device is taken out of service (default is 5)
> attached is a writeup on aborts and device limits....good reading when you
> have time
Glider is ballasted heavy and there\'s uncertainty about whether the burnwire jumper is set to 2hrs or 16 hrs.
Glider to be recovered (Haldeman) on 3/20 to address these issues and will be redeployed on either 3/20 or 3/21.
Configuraton as delivered from TWRC.
Glider was shipped directory to St. Thomas, USVI for checkout deployments.