All Notes (4)
Recovered by the Atlantic Explorer and Passengers crew.
Pump pushed out further than the nose (over-extended), and caused bending nose release mount, which caused the wire to break and nose release to "fire" during recovery.
Rubber diaphragm doesn't feel very rubbery and might be broken/popped.
Buoyancy_pump errors - taken out of service. Drifting until recovery tomorrow.
turning attitude_rev off so it doesn't error out.
snippets from mlg:
10441 behavior sample_9: SUBSTATE 3 ->1 : Diving
10441 behavior sample_8: SUBSTATE 3 ->1 : Diving
10467 92 buoyancy_pump NOT MOVING FAST ENUF vel: -2.482871, limit: 8.750000
10467 cx: -323.517, cxts: 10467277 ; px: -320.867, pxts: 10466210, dt = 1067
10467 DRIVER_ODDITY:buoyancy_pump:300:motor_safety_check(): Motor is not measured as moving
10467 DRIVER_WARNING:buoyancy_pump:300:MOVE ERROR Error from motor safety check
10480 94 DRIVER_ODDITY:buoyancy_pump:0:motor out of deadband
:OOD:buoyancy_pump:OUT OF DEADBAND: M_su:-323.5166 C_su:-365.0000
:OOD: delta:41.4834 limit:10.0000 over:31.4834
:OSL:buoyancy_pump:OUTSIDE SAFETY LIMIT:OSL: M_su:-414.9148 C_su:-365.0000
:OSL: limits:375.0000 -375.0000 over:39.9148
10517 DRIVER_ODDITY:buoyancy_pump:310:motor_compute_limits_and_clip() warning
:OSL:buoyancy_pump:OUTSIDE SAFETY LIMIT:OSL: M_su:-414.9148 C_su:-365.0000
:OSL: limits:375.0000 -375.0000 over:39.9148
10517 DRIVER_ODDITY:buoyancy_pump:0:Motor started because out of deadband
:OSL:buoyancy_pump:OUTSIDE SAFETY LIMIT:OSL: M_su:-415.3563 C_su:-365.0000
:OSL: limits:375.0000 -375.0000 over:40.3563
0780 behavior sample_9: SUBSTATE 1 ->3 : Climbing
10780 behavior sample_8: SUBSTATE 1 ->3 : Climbing
10817 69 DRIVER_ODDITY:watchdog:0:!Buoyancy Pump is FAULTED!
10818 DRIVER_ODDITY:buoyancy_pump:302:dev_safety_check() complained
10818 DRIVER_ERROR:buoyancy_pump_ctrl():6:302:MOVE ERROR Error reading position
10818 call_and_queue_if_reqd(): device buoyancy_pump TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE
10824 71 ERROR behavior ?_-1: abort_the_mission(0): (16)MS_ABORT_DEVICE_ERROR
10824 behavior ?_-1: abort_the_mission(): Changing U_CYCLE_TIME from 4.000000 to 15.000000
Deployed by Jeff Book, Karen Drager, Brian Buckingham, Jack Slater, Anthea Empson, and Annat Sonion aboard R/V Atlantic Explorer at the Atlantis II Seamount.
OS 8.5
Seabird CTD s/n 9092 cal'd 2019-09-27
Wetlabs ECO FLBBCD-SLC s/n 3346 cal'd 2020-04-29
BIOS PAR s/n 50196 cal'd 2015-05-18
Loggerhead LS1 Hydrophone s/n 4371365 cal'd n/a - strap on instrument, no data flow through glider