All Notes (12)
ru36 Original Primaries (now passengers primaries)
Used RU26 de_pump for this mission
Leak was from thruster port on aft cap, not the optode port. Thruster port was also recently upgraded - and is missing a peek adaptor between the end cap and thruster bulkhead. Confirmed with TWR. Similar situation to the optode bulkhead leak on RU26.
Thruster bulkhead removed and replaced with an MS vacuum plug, so that RU32 can be redeployed.
Initial leak investigation is leak at optode bulkhead, similar to RU26 in Alaska.
Aft leak. Recovered by Passengers field team on Atlantic Explorer.
trying double yo's, climb_to 15m and 30 degree pitch
loadmission ru32.mi
# ru32
# Adapted from ru34 3/2/2022
# 2022/3/2 dkaragon initial. noticed some near hardover starboard steering on uvi mission with pathfinder. Seeing if can improve the performance there while settling the pitch (not that the pitch is out of control just for better dvl data)
# Low density abort stuff
#sensor: u_abort_min_burn_time(sec) 600 # Never drop the weight before this time
#sensor: u_abort_max_burn_time(sec) 64800 # 18 hrs, drop at this time. Assume most missions < 6 hours so 6 hours + 18 = 22 hrs,
#sensor: u_reqd_depth_at_surface(m) 2.5
# Steering params
sensor: u_hd_fin_ap_run_time(secs) 12 # -1 default
sensor: u_hd_fin_ap_gain(1/rad) 1.50 # 1.5 def
sensor: u_hd_fin_ap_igain(1/rad-sec) 0.015 # .02 def
sensor: u_hd_fin_ap_dgain(sec/rad) 5.00 # -4 default
sensor: u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff(sec) -1 # 120 sec
sensor: u_hd_fin_ap_pause_hardover(bool) 1 # 0 default
#sensor: u_heading_deadband(rad) -1
# Pitch params
sensor: u_pitch_ap_gain(1/rad) -1.0 # -3 default
sensor: u_pitch_ap_dgain(s/rad) -1 # 1 default
sensor: u_pitch_ap_deadband(rad) 0.079 # .079 = 4.5 deg
# Slowing the pitch down - 10/7/20 took a quick look at ru34 dbd and it looks like defaults do well, it runs hot until about 6 m down and then starts doubling
sensor: u_min_pitch_ap_period(sec) 10 # 2 def, runs no faster
sensor: u_max_pitch_ap_period(sec) 60 # 60 def, runs at least this often
# Random
sensor: u_thruster_burst_freq(hours) -1 # 12 hrs default
sensor: u_dvl_debug_level(nodim) 0 # Diagnostic level
Sudden change in roll towards port, -5 deg from +1, not sure why. Don't see much change in ballast.
Same as RU36; glider is being advected east. Moving waypoint south in an attempt to fly orthogonal to currents and make some progress west. Wpt hard coded to wpt 0 for now; will pick up on next surfacing.
# -6247.9127 3804.9891
-6247.9850 3804.6050
-6247.6224 3805.1596
-6247.3795 3804.9207
-6247.6566 3804.7553
Some early casts looks like ctd pump issue.
See if it clears up.
Deployed by Jeff Book, Karen Drager, Brian Buckingham, Jack Slater, Anthea Empson, and Annat Sonion aboard R/V Atlantic Explorer at the Atlantis II Seamount.
OS 8.3
Seabird CTD s/n 9104p cal'd 5/9/2021
Wetlabs FLBBCD-SLC s/n 4156 cal'd 8/16/2021
Loggerhead LS1 Hydrophone s/n 4371361 cal'd n/a - strap on instrument, no data flow through glider