All Notes (17)
BATTERY Pack for this mission: pH
Coulomb counter reset to 0 before deployment.
It looks like it was checked the day of deployment for a total of 225 AH (by battery). This charge attempt didn't appear to work (assuming it was charged). Some of the cells were at 95%. Some of the low cells were part of the disconnected charge cable register, but not all of them.
The previous charge attempt a week prior had it to a total of 231 AH
The glider reported 167 AH used at recovery.
Avg power usage was about 6 AH/day
Voltage curve hard to read, it fell quickly in beginning, had an early knee, and then straightened out at the end. If I had to guess 35 days at nominal drain.
Recovered at 28/35 = 80%
167/225 = 74%
To match 74% total deployment would have to be 38 days. Don't think that would happen.
241 AH total by battery at first pH mission 2019, this one said 231, so if you belive that we are down about 4%
Aft battery 2-pin grey connector on the aft port side of the pack was not connected at glider check-in. It has been pulled out despite the tape, and the clip appears broken.
All cells queried and percent charge and volts were similar for all cells.
Battery Query post deployment:
Cell Serial Volts Charge_AH Capacity_AH Percent_Charge Percent_Mean_Capacity
1 501 13.636 1.334 9.832 14 99
2 530 13.633 1.343 9.902 14 99
3 545 13.783 1.322 9.827 13 99
4 553 13.631 1.345 9.84 14 99
5 556 13.637 1.35 9.89 14 99
6 574 13.788 1.582 10.115 16 102
7 581 13.63 1.405 9.904 14 99
8 585 13.779 1.357 9.78 14 98
9 599 13.793 1.353 9.853 14 99
10 602 13.791 1.556 10.156 15 102
11 605 13.791 1.549 10.215 15 103
12 611 13.775 1.361 9.922 14 100
13 614 13.774 1.3 9.836 13 99
14 616 13.634 1.317 9.901 13 99
15 625 13.775 1.461 9.987 15 100
16 628 13.79 1.362 9.904 14 99
17 637 13.776 1.333 9.866 14 99
18 640 13.791 1.625 10.047 16 101
19 641 13.793 1.398 9.968 14 100
20 642 13.78 1.36 9.958 14 100
21 643 13.793 1.574 10.234 15 103
22 654 13.786 1.573 10.125 16 102
23 655 13.792 1.609 10.202 16 102
24 2997 13.779 1.318 9.827 13 99
Recovered by Nicole, Brian, Kaycee on small SeaTow boat out of Atlantic City with Captain Dave.
Comparison CTD cast done with SB19 s/n 1581 and ballast tank laptop.
pH surface samples collected with Niskan bottle, glider logging data at surface.
Science back on for approach to AC recovery.
Science off completely since 5/11/22 ~ 10pm Eastern time.
end of transect line near Tuckerton. Station keeping.
Power savings until we know recovery day.
sampling all sensors 1st yo only. tbdlist adjusted to send all yo's.
maracoos_02 100 m pump (deployment 1) (since servicing 3/2022)
sampling ph/ctd every yo; sampling optics/oxy every 3rd yo
current correction on
Sampling double yo's in middle of segment CTD and pH for 2 oxy and flbb for 1
Tried to sample just 2 yo's but didn't work, probably just messed up the settings. May be some missing data, will try again tomorrow.
Every 3rd yo science saved 6.3 -> 5.6 AH/day, every 1st yo saved 5.6-> 5.0 AH/day
Total savings about 1.3 AH/day which isn't much.
Battery curve says 16 days left, AH tank says 24 days left. So about 33% less power realized? If we apply that to coulomb amphr of 200 we get about 134 AH.
Flying strangely? overdoing CC? turning off CC restarted mission. Near canyon it flew north... why?
All sensors to every 3rd yo as of last night.
TBD to 'everything'
# Low density abort stuff
sensor: u_abort_min_burn_time(sec) 600 # Never drop the weight before this time
sensor: u_abort_max_burn_time(sec) 28800 # 8 hrs, at least a tidal cycle, Always drop the weight after this time
sensor: u_reqd_depth_at_surface(m) 2.5
sensor: u_thruster_burst_freq(hours) 24 # 12 hrs default
# Altimeter settings:
sensor: u_min_altimeter(m) 3.7 # in, altimeter reading must be between these(inclusive)
sensor: u_max_altimeter(m) 12.0 # the maximum range of the altimeter
sensor: u_alt_min_depth(m) 2
sensor: u_alt_reduced_usage_mode(bool) 1
sensor: u_alt_reqd_good_in_a_row(nodim) 2
sensor: u_alt_filter_enabled(bool) 0
sensor: m_altitude_rate(m/s) -1 # negative avoid the bug
# Pitch params
sensor: u_pitch_ap_gain(1/rad) -1.0 # -3 default
sensor: u_pitch_ap_dgain(s/rad) -1 # 1 default
sensor: u_pitch_ap_deadband(rad) 0.079 # .079 = 4.5 deg
# sensor: f_battpos_deadzone_width(inches) 0.2 # .2 default
# sensor: f_battpos_db_frac_dz(nodim) 0.625 # .5 default
# Steering params
sensor: u_hd_fin_ap_run_time(secs) -1
sensor: u_hd_fin_ap_gain(1/rad) 1.50
sensor: u_hd_fin_ap_igain(1/rad-sec) 0.015
sensor: u_hd_fin_ap_dgain(sec/rad) 6.00
sensor: u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff(sec) 30.0
6hr segment, climb to 8m for crossing shipping lanes.
Optics to every 3rd yo
OS 10.05
Seabird CTD sn 9700 cal 3/16/2021
Seabird pH sn 10688 cal 4/20/2021
Wetlabs FLBBCD-SLC sn 6980 cal 8/2/2021
Aanderaa Optode Oxy4 sn 893 cal 6/21/2020 In-house check 3/28/2022
Deployed by Nicole Waite, Casey Jones and Claudia Tholen with captain Chip Haldeman aboard the R/V Rutgers out of Morgan Marina, Sayerville, NJ.
Comparison CTD cast done with first shallow.mi using SB19 s/n 1645 and ballast tank laptop.
Many rosette attempts that didn't work. Ended up getting 3 bottom depths from one rosette cast, and then did 2 surface niskan samples after. Rosette cast used was at 21:22:32 GMT (17:22:32 local). Glider segment: maracoos_02-2022-109-7-0 (0104.0000)