All Notes (9)
Reminder, pressure sensor for the glider is off, needs recalibration.
Strange segment:224-2-137
Stuck going up and down in 100 m of water
Tightened SBDlist.dat, try to make it smaller
PID = 1.25, .01, 5
Steering changes:
fin_ hardover_holdoff 60 sec
u_hd_fin_ap_dgain 5
f_fin_offset 2 deg
u_hd_fin_ap_gain 1.25
Turned off heading deadband and trying dgain 4 from -4
Optics to every other yo sampling
Yo : dive to cc (-160 cc), climb to (max) (+206 cc)
dive speed = 18 cm/s, climb speed = 11.5 cm/s ==> glider ~ 40 g heavy
Adjusted pressure sensor:
f_ocean_pressure_full_scale 21.956
This fits a curve of approx:
m = 14.48, b = -4.88
This was taken from MBD/NBD combination during this deployment. Glider pressure sensor corrected to CTD pressure sensor (adjusted for position difference).
Deployed by Ian Robbins out of Calpoly
7.14 Software OS
SB 0148
AQD 8836
Entire glider sent to Webb on 4/30/10 to be retrofitted with rechargeable lithium batteries.