All Notes (19)
Pump: ru26d de_pump
Recovered for repositioning.
4.5hr hover 8.5 W thrust towards caldera
Up thrusts, some short segments in case boat recovers.
No thruster normal single yo's
Upcast thrusts all night long until 11:28 est switched to 4 hour at depth hover 6 W
Just completed 4 hour at depth thrust at 850 m, using these rough settings. Doing another for 3 hours at depth.
# Arguments for pitch depth controller (depth_ctrl = 2 )
b_arg: depth_pitch_limit(rad) 0.26 # 15 deg - something ~ 12 deg
b_arg: depth_gain_scale(bool) 0 # whether or not to use X_HOVER_DEPTH_P_GAIN = m * speed + b
b_arg: depth_p_gain(X) -0.0015 # proportional gain: should always be < 0, -.15 default
b_arg: depth_i_gain(X) -0.000005 #integral gain: should be < 0, default: -0.0001
b_arg: depth_d_gain(X) 0.1 #derivative gain: should be > 0
b_arg: depth_pitch_deadband(m/s) 0.005 #don't adjust bouyancy until depth rate is less than this, .0349 default
b_arg: depth_pitch_max_time(s) 2700 # Max time at maximum u_hover_depth_pitch_limit before we start to adjust ballast
b_arg: pressure_median(bool) 1 # If pressure median should be enabled
b_arg: battpos_db(nodim) 1 # How much to scale battpos deadband, f_battpos_db_frac_dz
Thruster turned on again, 7 watts upcast
Turned thruster off. Going to back up into ru36 station keeping location. Single yo's
Thruster being turned on again at next surfacing on climbs, 6W (approx. 2023-06-05 14:30 UTC)
Thruster turned off 2023-06-05 02:41:56 UTC
Waypoint changed to send glider to WHOI TR Transmitter
Followed by 700 m thrust mission for 1 hour @ 7 Watts.
5 Watt thruster hover mission @ 400 m for 1 hour.
Turning CC off
Waypoint changed to bail south off Caldera and loop back around.
Double yo's, climbing to 10m, thruster to 5 W.
8 Watt upcast, 15 degrees. CC on, figthing the current.
loadmission ru30.mi
load_mission(): Opening Mission file: RU30.MI
Setting SENSOR u_abort_min_burn_time(sec) value 600.000000
Setting SENSOR u_abort_max_burn_time(sec) value 36000.000000
Setting SENSOR u_reqd_depth_at_surface(m) value 2.000000
Setting SENSOR u_thruster_burst_freq(hours) value 36.000000
Setting SENSOR u_hd_fin_ap_run_time(secs) value 12.000000
Setting SENSOR u_hd_fin_ap_gain(1/rad) value 1.500000
Setting SENSOR u_hd_fin_ap_igain(1/rad-sec) value 0.015000
Setting SENSOR u_hd_fin_ap_dgain(sec/rad) value 6.000000
Setting SENSOR u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff(sec) value 30.000000
Setting SENSOR u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain(1/rad) value 0.500000
Setting SENSOR u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain(1/rad-sec) value 0.000100
Setting SENSOR u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain(sec/rad) value 0.000000
Setting SENSOR u_pitch_ap_gain(1/rad) value -1.000000
Setting SENSOR u_pitch_ap_dgain(s/rad) value -1.000000
Setting SENSOR u_pitch_ap_deadband(rad) value 0.079000
Setting SENSOR f_battpos_deadzone_width(inches) value 0.200000
Setting SENSOR f_battpos_db_frac_dz(nodim) value 0.625000
2023-05-26 14:07:35 Changed thruster method to 4, Command input power -- set to use 6 -- climbs
2023-05-26 14:05:39 900m thrusting on climbs at 40% overnight last night
2023-05-25 22:55:55 700m yo with thrusting on climbs at 40% current correction off
2023-05-25 22:35:23 200m yo then 450m yo FLBBCD on dives and climbs down to 200m only
2023-05-25 22:34:46 iridium issues during deployment.... coinciding with sync_time attempts - which also cycles iridium. putting it in a weird state? should investigate.
Deployed by Brian Buckingham with the PASSENGERS Science Team and Atlantic Explorer Crew aboard R/V Atlantic Explorer near the Atlantis II Seamount.
Operating System: 8.3
RBR Legato3 CTD
Loggerhead LS1 Hydrophone