Deployment NameGliderProjectDeployedRecoveredDaysDistancePayload BayOSNotes
20.2483.0 km91048.30

All Notes (11)

Created by: waite @ 2022-01-24 18:38:09Operations

Recovered by David Aragon, Nicole Waite, and Capt. Rodney on NJDEP vessel out of Atlantic City.

Comparison CTD cast done with SB19 s/n 1645 and ballast tank laptop.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2022-01-20 14:58:56Informational

Seems like optode fixes didn't work. Logging interrupted? Results in values of 0 for oxygen

u_science_low_power 10 and only first yo sampling in case we miss weather window on Monday for recovery.

Created by: waite @ 2022-01-15 15:31:36Informational

Optode interval set to 4sec
intersample_time in set to 12
nth_yo_to_sample set to -18

Getting lots of oddities/warnings, but no aborts. Attempting to get a couple oxygen profiles per segment.

Created by: waite @ 2022-01-14 18:17:00Informational
Modified by: waite @ 2022-01-14 18:23:47

in put nth yo to sample to -18 for optode and intersample_time to 1.... Optode interval on optode itself still set to 30sec.

Essentially running 1 optode profile per segment

Segment: ru32-2022-011-2-42 (0069.0042)

No aborts, but there were science_super oddities and warnings:
17 science_super I u 3 20 5 5 [ 3 0 0] [ 56 2 2] [2725 77 77]

TBD shows some data drop-outs in CTD data on the optode-on yo. No optode data in TBD though...

Created by: waite @ 2022-01-12 19:13:00Informational

The strange characters didn't seem to happen every line, so wondered if changing sampling rate would help.

put c_oxy3835_wphase_on 30
-- still produced errors

set optode interval to 30 (was set to 2), and then put c_oxy3835_wphase_on 30
-- still produced errors

going back to 2hr segments, optode still off.

Created by: waite @ 2022-01-12 15:38:30Alert

Science_super abort at 4am. Science_super taken out of service.

Optode errors caused abort. Attempted to run Optode at surface:
GliderDos N -1 > 21135 17 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800:oxy3835_wphase_parse_line(): Received a bad output line (non numeric).
21135 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800:
21135 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800:oxy3835_wphase_run(): Error(1004) parsing:
21135 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800:ERROR from PROGLET oxy3835_wphase : 1004
21136 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800:PROGLET oxy3835_wphase_run() recently generated an error: 1004
21136 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800: oxy3835_wphase_run(): 1 error(s) in a row. (5 is fatal)
21136 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800: oxy3835_wphase_run(): 1 error(s) since oxy3835_wphase_begin(). (50 is fatal)
21136 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800:oxy3835_wphase_parse_line(): Received a bad output line (non numeric).
21136 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800:
21136 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800:oxy3835_wphase_run(): Error(1004) parsing:
21136 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800:ERROR from PROGLET oxy3835_wphase : 1004
21136 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800:PROGLET oxy3835_wphase_run() recently generated an error: 1004
21137 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800: oxy3835_wphase_run(): 2 error(s) in a row. (5 is fatal)
21137 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800: oxy3835_wphase_run(): 2 error(s) since oxy3835_wphase_begin(). (50 is fatal)
21137 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800:oxy3835_wphase_parse_line(): Received a bad output line (non numeric).

u4stalk to Optode, and it is working. But, it gives a few random characters every couple of lines:
3835 970 305.41 100.85 7.64 34.59 32.17 0.00 229.68 26.00 0.00 507.38

3835 970 305.34 100.83 7.64 34.59 32.17 0.00 229.75 26.00 0.00 507.38

3835 970 305.32 100.82 7.64 34.59 32.17 0.00 229.82 26.00 0.00 507.38

3835 970 305.40 100.85 7.64 34.59 32.17 0.00 229.89 26.00 0.00 507.36

}P| #^]fc @ 3835 970 305.25 100.80 7.64 34.59 32.17 0.00 229.96 26.00 0.00 507.35

3835 970 305.23 100.79 7.64 34.59 32.17 0.00 230.02 26.00 0.00 507.31

`?? 3835 970 305.18 100.78 7.64 34.59 32.18 0.00 230.09 26.00 0.00 507.30

3835 970 305.24 100.80 7.64 34.59 32.17 0.00 230.09 26.00 0.00 507.26

Also, got a few 'Timeout Errors'. Should try to figure out what that means.
3835 970 303.64 100.34 7.67 34.65 32.22 0.00 232.31 26.00 0.00 506.34



3835 970 303.47 100.29 7.68 34.66 32.23 0.00 232.44 26.00 0.00 506.20

Optode off via for now.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2022-01-09 19:36:43Informational

All sensors every 3rd yo, optics downcast only, may change back to up and down. Battery curve looked steep but has leveled off it seems, a little bump.

Created by: waite @ 2022-01-05 15:03:15Operations

Deployed by Nicole Waite, Joe Gradone, and Quintin Diou-Cass with Captain Rich Rand on NJDEP vessel out of Shark River, NJ.

Comparison CTD cast done prior to deployment with SB19 s/n 1645 and Ballast Tank laptop. (*Comms issues with SB19 and comms lost at 8m depth on downcast*)

Created by: waite @ 2022-01-05 15:01:41Informational

Seabird CTD: s/n 9104p, cal date: 5/9/2021
Wetlabds FLBBCD-SLC: s/n 4156, cal date: 8/16/2021
Aanderaa Optode 3835: s/n 970, cal date: 8/12/2020, in-house cal: 11/8/2021

Glider O.S.: 8.3

Created by: dkaragon @ 2022-01-04 20:32:29Informational

sci_ctd41cp_timestamp not included in initial TBD's, fixed.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2022-01-04 20:32:07Action Needed


Might be similar to last but error seems a bit different.

Note: can no longer use old optode cables and bulkheads?