All Notes (22)
Steering heavy to port, I think. Trying u_hd_fin_ap_pause_hardover 1 to help integrated error a bit.
u_reqd_depth_at_surface 1.75 (forgot I took it out of ru28.mi) should have set it day of deployment.
No science oddities since yesterday the 1 segment.
FLBBCD -3 sampling, every 3rd yo.
Upon investigation in lab into optode and ctd pump:
optode cable culprit. Unflexed it wasn't working, flexed it worked intermittently. A bit better not being torqued by the rope backwards. Problem seemed to be closer to the bulky end where it plugs into glider.
CTD pump: No obstructions visually. The pump seemed to be spinning but sounded weak and looked like it was spinning very slowly. No water introduced into the pump yet. Emailing SB before doing anything further.
Power looks good, turning lisst back on.
3 hr mission CC off to see if we can get back by ... Saturday?
New GoTo to head back to Atlantic City through the Orsted Lease Area once we get to last offshore waypoint
LISST off saving power
Multiple aborts; science_super and behavior errors; all related. Behavior errors on surfacing, likely from science_super being out of service while I was on the road. Science_super aborts likely caused by low power mode; reset by script. Eventually, new script on, low power set to -1, science_super put back in service (along w/ attitude_rev, as it kicked out too), and sequence resumed after file transfers. Hopefully this gets us through the night.
Looks like low power mode may have been causing science_super aborts. Turning optode back on for now, even w/ gibberish.
RU32 optode is spitting out some gibberish on occasion, causing science_super aborts.
Currently have it turned off via (on in proglets); figure we'll discuss on ops call tomorrow.
sample of optode u4stalk:
3835 971 258.20 99.58 14.86 33.17 31.44 0.00 365.29 3835 971 258.15 99.56 14.86 33.17 31.44 0.00 365.43 123.00 0.00 218.83
123.00 0.00 218.87
3835 971 258.00 99.50 14n86 33.18 31.45 0.00 365.62 123.00 0.00 218.87
$HHMNLS!$$HHNNWMBH 14.86 33S$$L!HH5J 0.00 JJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJjJrJ&)J$$L S&S JB&NS!$$HNSS!$HHMLBH 99.55 14.86 33.17 31.44
u_science_low_power 0
ALl sensors nth yo 6
TBD to all
Still optode intermittent errors. Seems like it could be building.
CTD back to state 7, all yo's. Don't think pump is working but very well mixed.
Tried jump-starting ctd pump again
Set MinCondFreq = 0 on CTD
GliderDos N -1 >loadmission ru28.mi
load_mission(): Opening Mission file: RU28.MI
Setting SENSOR u_abort_min_burn_time(sec) value 600.000000
Setting SENSOR u_abort_max_burn_time(sec) value 28800.000000
Setting SENSOR u_alt_reduced_usage_mode(bool) value 0.000000
Setting SENSOR u_alt_reqd_good_in_a_row(nodim) value 1.000000
Setting SENSOR u_alt_filter_enabled(bool) value 0.000000
Setting SENSOR u_min_altimeter(m) value 3.000000
Setting SENSOR u_max_altimeter(m) value 8.500000
Setting SENSOR u_alt_min_depth(m) value 1.000000
Setting SENSOR m_altitude_rate(m/s) value -1.000000
Setting SENSOR u_hd_fin_ap_gain(1/rad) value 1.500000
Setting SENSOR u_hd_fin_ap_igain(1/rad-sec) value 0.020000
Setting SENSOR u_hd_fin_ap_dgain(sec/rad) value 5.000000
Setting SENSOR u_heading_deadband(rad) value 0.087000
Setting SENSOR u_heading_rate_deadband(rad/s) value 0.008700
Setting SENSOR u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset(bool) value 0.000000
Setting SENSOR u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff(sec) value 45.000000
67026 31 sensor: u_reqd_depth_at_surface = 1.75 m
Optics to every -3 downcast, trying CTD every -3 to power cycle it more see if it comes back to life.
tried to unstick CTD pump
u4stalk to CTD
*Update - this did not work. Tried twice - CTD pump still not working
For this deployment:
RU32 tail, main board
RU28 pump, science bay, lisst, optode
Last couple profiles, CTD pump hasn't been working.
Switched state to sample from 15 to 7.
FLBBCD is on only downcasts for this mission.
LISST is on only for the first yo for this mission.
Deployed by Nicole Waite and Sam Coakley out of Belmar aboard NJDEP with Capt Ken and 2 NJDEP techs.
Optode had some uart put errors on first mission. Tried to see if it was lisst verbose mode causing it, may not have been. No optode put errors since.
Comparison CTD cast done at deployment with SB19 s/n 1645 and ballast tank laptop
OS 8.3
Seabird CTD sn 103p cal date 5/11/2021
FLBBCD-SLC sn 3326 cal date 5/4/2021
Optode Oxy3835 sn 971 cal date 6/29/2021 In-house check: 10/14/2021
LISST sn 7003 zscat 10/29/2021
Deployed by Nicole Waite, Sam Coakley, and Captain Ken Hayek aboard NJDEP vessel out of Shark River, NJ