Deployment NameGliderProjectDeployedRecoveredDaysDistancePayload BayOSNotes
um_242-20210630T1916um_242NOAA OAP2021-06-30
21.2548.3 km96508.50

All Notes (16)

Created by: kerfoot @ 2021-07-21 20:42:28Operations

Wait blow for stuck at depth error on 2021-07-21.

The UM 242 was recovered by TowBoatUS.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2021-07-20 13:06:18Informational

17 science_super I u 3 20 5 0 [ 0 0 0] [ 1 1 1] [ 441 256 256]

um_242-2021-199-0-7 (0058.0007)

Created by: dkaragon @ 2021-07-20 13:04:17Informational

4-5 m offset between glider and ctd pressure. Glider reading shallower (G-S < 0).
Upon surfacing:
= 0.000000 m
= -0.330764 bar
= -0.027160 bar

See if it does any better. Was missing data at surface because glider thought it was shallower than it actually was? Or CTD pressure incorrect, but doubtful.

Lots of science oddities current surfacing segment.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2021-07-19 17:40:46Action Needed

At surface pumping oddity after abort:

1620992 11 sensor: m_pressure = 0.532549479130846 bar
1620992 sensor: m_depth = 5.32549479130846 m
1620996 13 DRIVER_ODDITY:de_pump:414:oil volume out of deadband
1620996 :OOD:de_pump_ctrl:OUT OF DEADBAND: M_su:239.8260 C_su:260.0000
1620996 :OOD: delta:20.1740 limit:20.0100 over:0.1640
1620996 DRIVER_ODDITY:de_pump:415:pump started because oil volume was out of deadband

Created by: dkaragon @ 2021-07-19 17:39:18Informational

same depth abort was perhaps from m_depth drifting to 5 m at surface. Plot over time at surface showed it drifting entire deployment.

Re-zero'ed and sent back down.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2021-07-07 13:44:00Informational

Several DE pump oddities, not sure why, but realized surfac10 and 30 didn't have lowered ballast drive in it, so changed that. See if oddities (OOD) decrease because of that.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2021-07-07 13:27:40Action Needed

Large drift in pressure at surface, should take a look to see if gps/irid related or temperature?

Created by: dkaragon @ 2021-07-03 11:48:03Alert

False hits shallow 50 m and at 150 m,

! U_MIN_WATER_DEPTH 100 ! may need to make 150 or 200 if it keeps up!

Created by: dkaragon @ 2021-07-02 14:38:19Informational

pH off at surface, think it was still causing oddities.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2021-07-01 16:53:28Informational

Power, extended bay Lithium Ion
About 200 AH nominal / 23 packs --> 8.7 AH * (23 + 10 (pitch)) = 286 AH

Created by: dkaragon @ 2021-07-01 01:35:02Informational

Another string of ph errors after sbd transfer and science turned back on. Turning surface pH for the night. Also coming close to surface dropping depth a bit.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2021-07-01 01:27:09Informational

TBD 12 sec, files a touch too large.

4 hour no_comms, doing a couple of yo's. Only first segment defined in gotolist.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2021-06-30 22:48:54Informational

Changed TBD to 8 sec all the yo's might be too large, may need to go to 10 sec once settled in. Every other was a pain. Climb to for deeps was 20 m that was causing deep inflections so lowered to 7 m.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2021-06-30 22:46:36Alert
Modified by: dkaragon @ 2021-06-30 22:51:39

CTD and pH on at surface, on 2nd or 3rd segment of mission lots of pH oddities and then warnings/errors at surface. Not sure if oddities were underwater:

4807 69 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800:sbe41n_ph_run, 800: Max error limit reached (1)
4807 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800:ERROR from PROGLET sbe41n_ph : 1003
4807 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800:PROGLET sbe41n_ph_run() recently generated an error: 1003
4807 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800: sbe41n_ph_run(): 1 error(s) in a row. (5 is fatal)
4808 DRIVER_ODDITY:science_super:1800: sbe41n_ph_run(): 12 error(s) since

Did not error right afterwards after taking it out of the mission, turned on just fine.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2021-06-30 22:44:35Informational

u_reqd_depth_at_surface 3.99

Created by: dkaragon @ 2021-06-30 22:44:24Informational

Deployed by Neal Pettigrew, Robert Prescott, and UMaine folks. Attempted CTD cast, but unsuccessful, but took water samples.