All Notes (9)
putting Blue on longer callbacks - 2hrs
put u_max_time_in_gliderdos 10800
put u_iridium_max_time_til_callback 10800
Just in case gliderdos timer expires and Blue runs a mission, set up the .ma files for shallow flight:
yo - dive to 20m
surfac40 - 1.5hr
goto - inshore waypoint so if we fly, we fly in a helpful direction
surfac42 - 6hr - mission end
2hr callback, GPS cycle script on
Aft leak:
ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2021-05-17T11:54:02
ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: blue-2021-135-0-9 (0086.0009)
MBD from both 0086.0008 and 0086.0009 downloaded. Leak triggered while on surface (surface segment 0086.0009) - but leak detect values started dropping to 2.3 at the end of the last underwater segment (0086.0008).
This is the 3rd deployment in a row with an Aft leak.
Blue is drifting, callback script running for now.
Made it out of the Sound - onwards to the normal triangle. Slowly catching up on data transfers now.
At next surfacing, will get:
Goto with -1 wpt and surfac40 for 3hr segments
Should switch mission to 100_nw.mi at some point.
Optode output was configured incorrectly. It was set as oxy3835 instead of oxy3835_wphase. TBDlist and NBDlist had wphase sensors in them. NO optode data from shallow.mi test mission.
-u4stalk to optode and change output to 101.
-update proglets to be oxy3835_wphase
verified that optode reported reasonable values/worked at the surface. Confirmed optode data in the tbd after the 1st segment.
Blue got sucked into Vineyard Sound on first 1-hr segment after Shallow.mi - strong tides... Deployment was about 6 miles NE of where Blue is typically deployed. DO NOT deploy this close to Vineyard Sound in the future!!!
Several hours of short (45min-1.5hr) segments and waypoint adjustments with Current Correction off to try to avoid getting to the shoals....Altimeter settings adjusted for shallow flight.
GliderDos N -1 >srf_display + u_min_altimeter u_max_altimeter
GliderDos N -1 >put u_max_altimeter 8
GliderDos N -1 >loadmission blue.mi
load_mission(): Opening Mission file: BLUE.MI
Setting SENSOR u_alt_reduced_usage_mode(bool) value 0.000000
Setting SENSOR u_alt_reqd_good_in_a_row(nodim) value 2.000000
Setting SENSOR m_altitude_rate(m/s) value -1.000000
Setting SENSOR u_hd_fin_ap_gain(1/rad) value 2.000000
Setting SENSOR u_hd_fin_ap_igain(1/rad-sec) value 0.010000
Setting SENSOR u_hd_fin_ap_dgain(sec/rad) value 5.000000
Setting SENSOR u_heading_deadband(rad) value 0.087000
Setting SENSOR u_heading_rate_deadband(rad/s) value 0.008700
Setting SENSOR u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset(bool) value 0.000000
Setting SENSOR u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff(sec) value 60.000000
GliderDos N -1 >put u_alt_filter_enabled 0
Tide switched a few hours after deployment, and have helped to get Blue back out - but still currently fighting our way out.
No data transfers yet - will resume when we are in a safe location.
m_couloumb_amphr_total was 22.344 ... reset to 0.14 (m_coulomb_amphr)
!! need to verify if batteries were fully re-charged prior to deployment -- and re-adjust m_coulomb_amphr_total if batteries were not fully charged !!
**Update - confirmed that batteries were fully charged and amphr_total was not reset after charging. So, resetting this morning was appropriate and m_coulomb_amphr_total is now correct.
OS 8.3
CTD-9699p cal'd: 2021-02-26
FLBBCDSLC-4474 2019-06-06
Optode-1273 (oxy3835) 2021-04-09
Boat: R/V Roundabout, Capt Dave Demski
Deployment Team: Rich Arena, Michelle Agonsi