All Notes (11)
Recovered Saturday morning, Nov 9, 2019 @ 11:00, ~5 nm off Tuckerton by Travis and Capt. Ken Roma aboard the R/V Arabella.
Seabird 1581 for CTD cast
CTD, BBFL2S to every 10 yo's
u_science_low_power 10
tbd to 6 state 7 no duty cycling
Optics off to save power.
!!!!!!!!! u_max_lag_before_syncing_time 946100000 !!!!!!!!!!!
only with put, if it flies well through weekend then change to longterm_put
GPS could still rollover due to 'gps battery'. Don't sync time.
-175/175 cc
TURNERC3 & BBFL2S has been running at -4 sample interval.
Put Turner to -8 and turned CTD off at surface to make sure we can make long run back to Tuckerton.
22 deg climbs to slow upcast
Optics running every every -4 yo since deployment.
Lowered TBD from 4 sec every other to 6 sec every other. Water mostly mixed and saves some iridium/surface time.
Deployed with CTD cast from unpumped glider lab SB19 1581
Deployed on the RV Arabella with Nicole Waite, Captain Ken Roma and Katie Liming (MARACOOS office)
OS 7.21
CTD 0101 (cal'd 2019-07-18) unpumped
Turner C3 fluorometer (unknown S/N and cal date)
BBFL2S S/N 600 (cal'd 2015-06-02)