All Notes (3)
Created by: kerfoot @ 2019-08-19 13:11:42Operations
bios_jack recovered early due to glider equipment issues.
Created by: kerfoot @ 2019-07-26 21:12:54Operations
Deployed 25-Jul-2019 by C. Goodrich and C.Flook off St. David’s Head using R/V Stommel
POC: Goodrich, Curry
Created by: kerfoot @ 2019-07-26 21:12:39Informational
Software release 8.3
Payload Bay #1230
FLBBCD #4783 factory cal 13-Jul-2017
CTD #9415 factory cal 13-Aug-2017
OPTODE #565 factory cal 22-Jun-2018; 2-pt cal in lab 24-Jul-2019
BSI PAR #50251