All Notes (7)
suna proglet throwing errors (thousands)
suna_run, 688: state 'SUNA_RUN_COLLECT_FRAMES' timed out
Increasing the parameter max_all_frames_wait_secs in suna.ini did nothing
Turned suna off. Minnie will be recovered by AE on Monday.
Turned SUNA off, and CTD off on climbs to preserve battery.
Set new waypoint at SS#2 for rendezvous with Anna and AE in 7 days
Set SUNA max sample depth to 700m (save some battery, lamp time)
Abort for attitude_rev out of service, but fixed itself and sequenced the mission.
Using FastScript TBDSBDx4 to catch up on file transfer after heavy gales yesterday.
Dives to 950m, double yos, climb to 4m, altimeter off
pump -180/+180
Deployed @ Hydrostation āSā by R/V Atlantic Explorer
(re-deployed from last deployment with new SUNA)
OS 8.0
CTD 9423
SUNA 0708