All Notes (23)
CTD 9104
OPTODE oxy4 sn 242
AZFP 59006
(confirmed 1/2018)
Found some notes on AZFP test segment "00760002 has just downcast AZFP to test the above"
D = 252 mA
U = 154 mA
Azfp = 91 mA
Optode = ~ 24 mA
Deck test AZFP = 70 mA = 1.7 AH/day
Glider had no VACUUM upon recovery (1 in). Turning bladder off lead to 0 in. On went to 1 in Hg. Leakdetects were also off for some reason, turned back on and no leaks detected. Will have to diagnose this today and figure out a way to make sure no water inside the glider.
Last 3 segments for glider would be best to cross compare with NBD ctd and net tows:
ru32-2018-029-0-0 (0085.0000)
ru32-2018-029-0-1 (0085.0001)
ru32-2018-028-0-18 (0084.0018)
It is 0225 GMT Just starting the CTD. Depth 596m. posit 74 48.060 S x 164 29.626 E.
2 net tows and 2 IKMT complete.
Glider recovered by NBP with Rachel Young aboard. Zodiac recovery, calm seas, 'easy pickins'
u_reqd_depth_at_surface 4
Glider missed 2 call ins i the last 36 hours or so. Surfaced near bergs. Sent due north to clear it went NW and bergs went N. Surfaced clear of ice.
Increased u_reqd_depth_at_surface should return to lower value if we continue sampling properly.
Missed 1 surfacing from ice, changed altimeter to 350 m I think (should verify).
Double yo due north to clear ice.
This glider has a high h moment, should analyze its performance. Also rush ballasted (check trim)
60 mA AZFP current draw from previous MBD
Did at surface AZFP check with current 00800072
Tried to get .azf with flash card space left but couldn't get it to be in the azf file.
AZF files look good, one for each segment:
00730000.AZF 24,703 01-09-18 6:10a
00750002.AZF 115,086 01-09-18 12:18p
00740000.AZF 20,869 01-09-18 6:51a
00750000.AZF 183,592 01-09-18 10:24a
00750004.AZF 175,933 01-09-18 3:12p
00750007.AZF 176,760 01-09-18 6:15p
00750010.AZF 213,792 01-09-18 9:50p
00750013.AZF 204,448 01-10-18 5:13a
00750015.AZF 233,356 01-10-18 9:25a
00750017.AZF 250,949 01-10-18 1:38p
00750019.AZF 249,708 01-10-18 5:57p
00750021.AZF 242,335 01-10-18 10:05p
00760000.AZF 21,875 01-11-18 2:57a
00760004.AZF 21,948 01-11-18 12:00p
00790000.AZF 11,510 01-11-18 11:54p
00760005.AZF 21,437 01-11-18 4:20p
00780000.AZF 20,999 01-11-18 8:48p
00790002.AZF 5,759 01-12-18 1:26a
00800000.AZF 19,320 01-12-18 5:28a
00800002.AZF 21,364 01-12-18 9:55a
00800004.AZF 21,729 01-12-18 2:27p
00800010.AZF 21,948 01-13-18 8:15a
00800012.AZF 21,729 01-13-18 12:48p
00800016.AZF 21,875 01-13-18 9:05p
00800018.AZF 22,021 01-14-18 1:45a
00800022.AZF 21,802 01-14-18 10:53a
00800024.AZF 19,101 01-14-18 2:56p
00800028.AZF 14,940 01-14-18 9:31p
00800030.AZF 18,809 01-15-18 1:28a
00800032.AZF 17,860 01-15-18 5:10a
00800034.AZF 17,641 01-15-18 8:55a
00800038.AZF 22,167 01-15-18 6:08p
00800040.AZF 22,094 01-15-18 10:46p
00800044.AZF 21,948 01-16-18 7:59a
00800046.AZF 22,094 01-16-18 12:40p
00800050.AZF 21,948 01-16-18 9:51p
00800054.AZF 22,021 01-17-18 7:01a
00800056.AZF 22,021 01-17-18 11:40a
00800058.AZF 21,948 01-17-18 4:15p
00800062.AZF 22,386 01-18-18 1:30a
00800065.AZF 22,094 01-18-18 6:10a
00800067.AZF 21,875 01-18-18 10:44a
00800072.AZF 5,055 01-18-18 8:36p
00800071.AZF 22,021 01-18-18 7:57p
!!!!!!! !put u_abort_max_burn_time 43200 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Navigating around bergs.
2nd spin test performed, not too bad. Some problem areas. Spin test was ru32_2018_010_2_2
avoid interference with AZFP
AZF files much more consistent when not running at surface:
00730000.AZF 24,703 01-09-18 6:10a
00750002.AZF 115,086 01-09-18 12:18p
00740000.AZF 20,869 01-09-18 6:51a
00750000.AZF 183,592 01-09-18 10:24a
00750004.AZF 175,933 01-09-18 3:12p
00750007.AZF 176,760 01-09-18 6:15p
00750010.AZF 213,792 01-09-18 9:50p
00750013.AZF 204,448 01-10-18 5:13a
00750015.AZF 233,356 01-10-18 9:25a
00750017.AZF 250,949 01-10-18 1:38p
00750019.AZF 249,708 01-10-18 5:57p
00750021.AZF 242,335 01-10-18 10:05p
00760000.AZF 21,875 01-11-18 2:57a
00760002.AZF 10,658 01-11-18 5:19a
00760004.AZF 21,948 01-11-18 12:00p
00760005.AZF 21,437 01-11-18 4:20p
Although I suspect duty cylcling their logging cuts off the first line.
Added coulomb current and more amphr into SBD to see if AZFP drawing power.
segment 00760002 has just downcast AZFP to test the above.
changed azfp.ini to log every 50th message but ithink that is causing it to miss the MB left message at top
also previous surfacing I checked AZF files. Need to look more into that tomorrow.
Changed pitch deadband from 3 to 2 degrees, also lowered battery deadband to .075
put u_pitch_ap_deadband .034
put f_battpos_db_frac_dz .375
AZF logs:
00730000.AZF 24,703 01-09-18 6:10a
00750002.AZF 115,086 01-09-18 12:18p
00740000.AZF 20,869 01-09-18 6:51a
00750000.AZF 183,592 01-09-18 10:24a
00750004.AZF 175,933 01-09-18 3:12p
00750006.AZF 1,368 01-09-18 3:21p
Seems like it might be skipping some.
Changed AZFP to be off at the surface, maybe less power cycling will be better for it. Maybe NLG are small we can correlate these files to them.
u_min_water_depth 150
Did 2 deep.mi's
second one: ru32-2018-008-3-0-mbd(00740000)
was finoffset 3 rad test. It spun a little over 1 circle. First spin showed some issue at 45 to 70 deg MAG but the 2nd time around (on the climb) it was ok at that area
Going to send to 200, 450, then 800
200 will try to go due west to clear boat and then the 450 and 800 will station keep running north and south overnight
Software 8.1? Beta COONEY compass cal 8.0 with compass algorithm