All Notes (12)
Switching to 15 min missions. Didn't make progress I had hoped for over night...
Retasking for recovery early Monday A.M.
-7421.285 3921.954
-7421.401 3921.179
Turning science off now as per W. Brown. Glider is battery limited, and there is currently no recovery window due to rough seas (hurricanes).
Coming inshore, so changing u_alt_min_depth back to 2 (via script, masterdata default)
09Sep2017 New waypoint toward inshore; as recommended by W. Brown
Setting a new intermediate waypoint ~25 km @ 330 to stop flying into headwind. Will pick up at next surfacing. tbdlist @ every 3rd yo ready to go to see if we like that data resolution vs. tbd size; will change when possible.
u_alt_min_depth 40 to avoid turning around due to false hits. Need to change prior to coming in shallow.
Next surfacing will be out of shipping lanes; changing climb-to back to 4.5 m (full depth) and switching to sbd/tbd x 3 script to catch up file transfers.
Limiting climb-to to 20 m and turning off file transfers until past shipping lanes.
Switching to 3 hr segments at next surfacing (from 1 hr)
Deployed 31Aug2017 by Tremblay, Arena, Brown, and crew off MA for MARACOOS north run. Shore crew Waite, Haldeman.
Flight dynamics acceptable; 1 hour missions.
Listed in configuration as:
Science Payload:
New puck as of Aug 2017:
Science Payload:
Was not able to select this under configuration, so selected fflbbcd 2258