Deployment NameGliderProjectDeployedRecoveredDaysDistancePayload BayOSNotes
334.37467.3 km00987.19

All Notes (62)

Created by: dkaragon @ 2019-04-12 09:50:23Informational

1.25 AH/day = SILBO
1.62 AH/day = RU29 when corrected to match silbo as best as possible (couldn't fly EXACTLY like Silbo due to density near surface)
Going to 4 series is about 77% the cost of 3 series or a savings of 23%. Close to the .75 nominal just from voltage. In other words there is barely any efficiency gains at lower voltage? I think that rumor may be dead now?
predicting 4 series EOL from 3 series means ~ 850 AH total, take off 60 for safety margin (drift, EOL) so lets just use 800 AH
4 series 800 AH is equivalent to ~ 1000 AH 3 series
391 day 3 series would become ~460 days. Additional 2 months

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-10-30 10:59:19Informational

Mirissa Raja and the whales recovery

pitch batt sounded fine post recovery. undervolts was fluke event

found this note under ru28s deployment by accident

2017-09-19 20:26 GMT
dkaragon deployment Battery appeared to move clean at surface, was stuck at -.24 on MLG moving forward
02600073.DBD 1,576,036 09-19-17 6:28a
02600073.MBD 273,938 09-19-17 6:28a
02600073.SBD 16,425 09-19-17 6:28a
02600073.MLG 42,045 09-19-17 6:28a

Wiggled at surface in 2 tests

Created by: waite @ 2017-09-30 00:00:29Informational

Recovered by Dave, Travis, and others off of Sri Lanka.

Created by: haldeman @ 2017-09-29 11:28:22Informational

no comms changed to 4 hours; pickup on next surfacing.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-09-20 19:11:54Informational

CC turned on

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-09-19 16:08:47Informational

Pitch motor abort last night 2am EST

pitch_motor I u 3 20 5 1 [ 1 0 0] [ 5 0 0] [ 31 11 11]

1st segment after mission resequenced automatically.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-09-05 16:54:43Informational

Shortening up SBD file to stay off surface.

Downcast only CTD, will shorten TBD and reduce power.

Back to 950 m dives. Glider voltage looked fine. Looked like a reset hiccup at 700m caused the undervolts. Back to 11 V nominal.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-09-05 10:11:23Informational

Couple pitch motor oddities and science_super worth looking into post-recovery.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-09-01 04:28:22Informational

GliderDos N -1 >loadmission ru29.mi

load_mission(): Opening Mission file: RU29.MI
Setting SENSOR u_reqd_depth_at_surface(m) = 5.000000
Setting SENSOR u_iridium_failover_retries(nodim) = 5.000000
Setting SENSOR u_abort_max_burn_time(sec) = 28800.000000
Setting SENSOR u_low_power_cycle_time(sec) = 30.000000
Setting SENSOR u_science_low_power(sec) = 0.000000
Setting SENSOR u_alt_min_depth(m) = 1050.000000
Setting SENSOR f_fin_deadzone_width(rad) = 0.040000
Setting SENSOR x_fin_deadband(rad) = 0.040000
Setting SENSOR u_pitch_ap_deadband(rad) = 0.052400
Setting SENSOR u_thruster_burst_freq(hours) = 24.000000
Setting SENSOR u_use_current_correction(nodim) = 0.000000
Setting SENSOR f_fin_offset(rad) = 0.052000
Setting SENSOR u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain(1/rad) = 0.500000
Setting SENSOR u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain(1/rad-sec) = 0.001000
Setting SENSOR u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain(sec/rad) = 0.000000
Setting SENSOR u_heading_deadband(rad) = 0.045000

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-09-01 04:27:50Informational

Underwater reset m_why_started = 32

2017-09-01T07:56:19 mission_end: ru29-2017-243-1-0 (0259.0000) lastgasp.mi
2017-09-01T07:53:55 mission_surface: (0259.0000): Hit a waypoint
2017-09-01T07:53:27 mission_start: ru29-2017-243-1-0 (0259.0000) lastgasp.mi
2017-09-01T07:49:42 mission_end: ru29-2017-243-0-0 (0258.0000) initial.mi
2017-09-01T07:15:46 abort_start: MS_ABORT_UNDERVOLTS
2017-09-01T07:15:35 mission_start: ru29-2017-243-0-0 (0258.0000) initial.mi
2017-09-01T07:12:10 APP_start 7.20
2017-09-01T01:58:29 mission_surface: (0257.0184): nothing commanded
2017-08-31T12:50:04 mission_surface: (0257.0182): nothing commanded

Undervolts triggered on initial.mi launch at depth, voltages were low at the mission launch. 9.6 V

9.6 not out of norm while flying.

Resuming at 700 m, may add more battery_inst to SBD

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-07-13 10:08:22Informational

Underwater reset #3

Occurred @ 700 m coming up on 3rd yo

m_why_started = 32 software watchdog

loadmission ru29.mi

lowered the fin limits from 20 to 18 manually but in longterm.sta as well

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-07-12 11:00:39Informational

CC turned back off again

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-07-08 08:15:17Informational

CC turned back off again

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-07-05 13:54:22Informational

Another large salinity shift (lower) 6/25 start of day.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-06-30 14:38:59Informational

Another large salinity shift (lower) 6/25 start of day.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-06-29 18:36:05Informational

Since Friday 6/23 PM been flying like Silbo

18 degrees D/U
-215/85 cc
2 yo's
1st downcast CTD

Switching back from here to 4 yo's, 26 but same pump for right now, may increase later.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-06-27 21:11:55Informational

Since Friday 6/23 PM been flying like Silbo

18 degrees D/U
-215/85 cc
2 yo's
1st downcast CTD

Switching back from here to 4 yo's, 26 but same pump for right now, may increase later.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-06-01 16:18:02Informational

u_science_low_power 0
4 yo's

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-05-29 07:40:15Informational

u_science_low_power 0
4 yo's

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-05-28 18:04:53Informational

Done with 500 m sampling, onward due west CC on double yo's

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-05-27 12:31:12Informational

Begin station keeping 2 500 m closer to RAMA

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-05-27 12:30:31Informational

Approaching 24 hours station keeping at 0N90E RAMA

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-05-26 16:43:04Informational

Pressure sensors between glider and science look constant, max offset 8 m at depth
p_g > p_s
p_g = p_s + p_s * .007

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-05-26 16:38:47Informational

Finished up 4 km box
8950.5 -0002.75
8950.85 -0002.75
8950.85 -0003.125
8950.5 -0003.125
with about 1.5 km radius, moving to 600 m + 1.5/2 away for box 2 and 500 m dive/climbs

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-05-26 08:33:39Informational

Approaching 24 hours station keeping at 0N90E RAMA

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-05-25 08:55:57Informational

Turned off science low power (-1). Surfaced with sci logging bug just now.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-05-24 15:54:25Informational

Changed SBD to smaller for single yo profiling.
3 yo's to get us close to RAMA
Switching to single yo's for AM surfacing.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-05-19 08:35:39Informational

Changed SBD back to a little smaller for time being (no time to analyze it).

Changed surface pitch angle to 30 degrees.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-05-18 15:48:57Informational

Tested waypoints near, across, on equator, no apparent issues. Tried quadrants around 0N90E

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-05-14 21:53:26Informational

Changed surface thrust limit from 10 cm/s to 7.5 cm/s to better see how its climbing.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-05-09 09:13:31Informational

Changed SBD again. More thruster data to better learn the final ascent.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-05-08 17:38:04Informational

Turned off 'thrust until air bladder inflated'

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-05-03 09:46:49Informational

Turned off 'thrust until air bladder inflated'

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-04-25 22:01:02Informational

Upcast sampling turned back on, NOT surface yet.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-04-18 08:13:40Informational

Since the last note we have been sampling just downcasts and no surface.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-04-11 09:31:02Informational

Downcast only sampling starting last night. Testing to see if sci logging bug eases up.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-04-10 08:05:30Informational

Science turned off for the night.

No logging bug on this last surfacing.

Will try just downcasts tomorrow morning.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-04-08 22:26:48Informational

Science turned off for the night.

No logging bug on this last surfacing.

Will try just downcasts tomorrow morning.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-04-08 17:23:09Informational

Science logging error prevalent now. Not sure if related to surface settings (sampling at surface, reduced u_reqd_depth_at_surface etc. Modified script on the fly has been failing, glider has had several long 30+ min surfacings.

Had trouble shutting down science:

put c_Science_on 0

184536 sensor: c_science_on = 0 bool

GliderDos N -1 >get sci_m_science_on
= 1.000000 bool

GliderDos N -1 >get m_science_on
= 0.000000 bool

GliderDos N -1 >put sci_m_science_on 0

184566 90 sensor: sci_m_science_on = 0 bool

GliderDos N -1 >report ++ sci_m_science_on m_science_on

GliderDos N -1 >put c_Science_on 3

184594 0 sensor: c_science_on = 3 bool

GliderDos N -1 >184594 1 sensor: m_science_on = 1 bool
Glider-Science software version match: 7.200000
Science hardware version is 1.000000
184595 science wrote:sci_sbmb_hw_ver(enum) 1
184595 Sent science:sensor_num:sci_sbmb_hw_ver(enum) 1320-
184595 science wrote:sci_software_ver(nodim) 7.2
184595 Sent science:sensor_num:sci_software_ver(nodim) 1329-

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-04-05 14:06:43Informational

Changed surfac10 (nothing commanded) from 420 sec surfacing to 540. Sci logging bug was being triggered and there wasn't enough time to correct it. We had 2nd sci logging bug error just happen.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-04-01 20:30:18Informational

876088 50 sensor: u_abort_max_burn_time = 72000 sec
876036 41 sensor: u_abort_min_burn_time = 1800 sec
sensor: u_reqd_depth_at_surface = 3.5 m

!!!!!!!! should change those back when out of the plume !!!!!!!!!!!

zeroed ocean pressure

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-03-30 16:10:20Informational

Looked at DBD from previous mission: 125 m oil flow rate is roughly 6.9 cc/s

SA to ascension it was roughly 6.4 cc/s at 125 m

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-03-22 21:01:31Informational

Glider aborted for sci logging --> beh abort, sat in gliderdos, total surfacing around 25 min. Script didn't catch it, likely because of disconnect, need to look into why script didn't catch.

Created by: haldeman @ 2017-03-22 18:39:27Informational

Post-RU29 meeting; changing waypoint to 7 S, 96 E. Also changing top inflection depth to 200 m.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-03-09 20:56:52Informational

175 m top inflection, from 150 m

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-03-08 13:37:38Informational

Strange GPS hiccup 2 surfacings ago. DR location looked right, reported currents right, but wrong based on accepted GPS position, see below. Wasn't able to come up with what happened, emailed TWR to alert.

(argos shows glider is 'on track', red square in GE image)
DR Location: -1209.371 N 9857.802 E measured 367.649 secs ago
(this one is right, glider DR was working OK)

GPS TooFar: -1216.096 N 9859.563 E measured 43.688 secs ago
GPS Invalid : -1216.096 N 9859.563 E measured 68.913 secs ago
GPS Location: -1216.096 N 9859.563 E measured 64.124 secs ago
(need to check what our max water speed is but according to masterdata
about 11 km/hr is rough speed so at 13 hours were looking at over 100 km radius
for gps too far, certainly not seeing that there, distances are less than 15 km)

Created by: haldeman @ 2017-02-24 00:54:25Informational

Reset underwater. Missed early call in; caught it 1 a.m. Loadmission ru29.mi; sequence 1k_n.mi(5) Will monitor tomorrow.

Created by: haldeman @ 2017-02-22 18:23:17Informational

Changing top inflection depth to 150 m from 100 m as of next surfacing

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-02-20 15:01:40Informational

1st thruster climb segment:
Result- thruster working
40% thruster = 25 - 30 cm/s climb
power increase - near negligible

Will try another segment to confirm the power result

Created by: haldeman @ 2017-01-31 19:36:32Informational ready to go to turn thruster back off at next surfacing (NOT copied to as of yet)

Created by: haldeman @ 2017-01-31 18:10:55Informational

Thruster test commencing tonight; 40% power for top 100 m when surfacing. Will add original surfac after this one has transferred.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-01-31 07:51:45Informational

Back into low power mode and *almost back to first down last up sampling.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-01-30 10:20:52Informational

Sampled 1st and 4th yo full yo, low power mode off for the passing tropical storm. Ran this way for about 48 hours.

Transferred no header initial and lastgasp.mi missions.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-01-30 10:19:07Informational

Sampled 1st and 4th yo full yo, low power mode off for the passing tropical storm. Ran this way for about 48 hours.

Transferred no header initial and lastgasp.mi missions.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-01-05 13:35:51Informational

Glider reset underwater (60 days at sea):
loaded ru29.mi

** INITIAL and LASTGASP need to be changed **
a) added no header
b) change initial to swim mission

2017-01-05T10:09:51 mission_end: ru29-2017-004-1-1 (0247.0001) lastgasp.mi
2017-01-05T10:09:16 abort_start: MS_ABORT_USER_INTERRUPT
2017-01-05T09:59:51 mission_surface: (0247.0000): Hit a waypoint
2017-01-05T09:58:53 mission_start: ru29-2017-004-1-0 (0247.0000) lastgasp.mi
2017-01-05T09:55:13 mission_end: ru29-2017-004-0-0 (0246.0000) initial.mi
2017-01-05T09:41:15 abort_start: MS_ABORT_OVERTIME
2017-01-05T08:54:37 mission_surface: (0246.0000): Hit a waypoint
2017-01-05T08:42:26 mission_start: ru29-2017-004-0-0 (0246.0000) initial.mi
2017-01-05T08:39:09 APP_start 7.20
2017-01-05T06:26:11 mission_surface: (0245.0184): nothing commanded

Created by: dkaragon @ 2016-11-15 16:01:27Informational

Thruster 30% @ 20 deg using same pump for 1 segment, took 13 hours
ru29-2016-316-0-12 (0244.0012)
Power was roughly 3 x normal segment

Created by: dkaragon @ 2016-11-15 16:00:44Informational

4 yo's @ 26 using -230 / 130 cc

# 2015/6/24 dkaragon initial
# 2015/7/22 dkaragon iridium problems, set failover to 5
# 2016/01/14 dkaragon updated, fin offset to 0; pitch db back to 3; steering params; fin deadband

# Critical Settings
sensor: u_reqd_depth_at_surface(m) 5 # from 7
sensor: u_iridium_failover_retries(nodim) 5
sensor: u_abort_max_burn_time(sec) 28800 # drop weight after 8 hours in abort mode, up from 4

# Low Power
sensor: u_low_power_cycle_time(sec) 30
sensor: u_science_low_power(sec) 0
sensor: u_alt_min_depth(m) 1050

# Flight Parameters
sensor: f_fin_deadzone_width(rad) 0.040 # .04 vs .02
sensor: x_fin_deadband(rad) 0.04 # vs .02
sensor: u_pitch_ap_deadband(rad) 0.0524 # 3
sensor: u_thruster_burst_freq(hours) 24
sensor: u_use_current_correction(nodim) 0

# Steering
sensor: f_fin_offset(rad) 0.052
sensor: u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain(1/rad) 0.5
sensor: u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain(1/rad-sec) 0.001
sensor: u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain(sec/rad) 0.0
sensor: u_heading_deadband(rad) 0.045 # 2.6 deg

Created by: dkaragon @ 2016-11-09 09:29:29Informational

7.20 software version

Created by: dkaragon @ 2016-11-09 09:29:15Informational

u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain .5 from .6 (steering too twitchy)
f_fin_offset +3 degrees

-230 / +130 pumping

ru29.mi loaded

Created by: dkaragon @ 2016-11-05 00:00:00Informational

Deployed by Glenn and Haldeman out of Fremantle, WA

Created by: dkaragon @ 2016-11-04 23:59:24Informational

7.20 software version

Created by: dkaragon @ 2015-06-23 07:24:59Informational

Ver 7.16 software