Deployment NameGliderProjectDeployedRecoveredDaysDistancePayload BayOSNotes
36.0842.5 km01567.17

All Notes (27)

Created by: dkaragon @ 2018-01-17 16:49:17Informational

ru26d-470 STORY
26 degree upslope did this glider in 11 rise, 23 run

glider hit bottom, got stuck surface behavior kicked in. won't retry yo's. yo behavior looks like its trying to take control but cant/doesnt. So it continues to climb. Eventually aborts and weight drop

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-03-08 11:43:29Informational

Recovered outside of boating limits by Mike Brown and Palmer crew after drifting overnight w/ blown ejection weight.

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-03-08 11:42:35Informational

m_why_started: 16
# 16 -> Dbl Bus Fault

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-03-08 06:44:56Informational

Glider failed to call in throughout the day yesterday; surfaced ~12 hours later w/ blown weight. Was already on the way up when the wire started burning, but was too late. Glider aborted from initial.mi; meaning we reset underwater again. Drifted overnight; rescue mission currently underway.

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-03-03 18:35:10Informational

Switching back to along canyon. Will set min alt later via script to 80 m.

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-03-03 11:20:30Informational

Science super abort again today; fatal error from science_reopen_log_files. Also seeing de_pump OSL and pitch_motor warnings.

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-03-02 12:35:35Informational

u_alt_min_depth 2 for cross canyon transect

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-02-27 17:50:02Informational

!!! u_alt_min_depth 80 !!!

at next surfacing.

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-02-27 12:17:23Informational

Retasking back to along canyon line. Will use set sensor script later to change u_alt_min_depth back to 80 m.

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-02-26 09:42:26Informational

u_alt_min_depth 2 (default)

Retasked for cross canyon transect.

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-02-25 10:49:23Informational

!!! u_alt_min_depth 80 !!!

Turning around at 70 m for false hits; so trying to go deeper, but will need to keep close eye on this.

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-02-23 14:41:37Informational

u_alt_min_depth 40 to account for false hits. Saw a couple of early turnarounds today. Will need to adjust for cross-canyon transect.

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-02-23 11:48:45Informational

Noticing a lot of pitch motor oddities and warnings; will need to keep an eye on this and investigate back in the lab.

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-02-22 11:21:02Informational

Switched to cross-canyon transect again on Sunday; back to along canyon on Monday. Awaiting input from Mike Brown as to when best recovery date is.

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-02-22 11:20:07Informational

app reset again Friday night. Grabbed and resequenced.


# 128 -> External (the reset button)

Created by: dkaragon @ 2016-02-17 13:23:41Informational

science_super abort

604184 1 SCI_ERROR:1802:FATAL ERROR from science_reopen_log_files()(): 20000
604184 DRIVER_ERROR:science_super_ctrl():6:1802:Deferred error from clothesline, See prior oddity
604184 call_and_queue_if_reqd(): device science_super TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE
604189 2 ERROR behavior ?_-1: abort_the_mission(0): (16)MS_ABORT_DEVICE_ERROR
604189 behavior ?_-1: abort_the_mission(): Changing U_CYCLE_TIME from 4.000000 to 15.000000
604189 save_and_change_sensors()....
Changed u_depth_rate_filter_factor from 4 to -1

also strange error when trying logging on

GliderDos A 16 >logging on

WARNING veh_pick_mission_number(): in RESUMING a mission, file didn't match memory
I'm using what's in the disk file
608548 14 04010205.mlg LOG FILE OPENED
Logging during GliderDos initiated:ru26d-2016-040-3-205 (0401.0205)

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-02-14 11:33:54Informational

Retasked for cross canyon transects

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-02-10 13:34:10Informational

APP reset 3 times today; not sure what this is about. Possible bad plug or something messing w/ the glider's tail end.

2016-02-10T03:32:40 mission_surface: (0400.0000): Hit a waypoint
2016-02-10T03:31:49 mission_start: ru26d-2016-040-2-0 (0400.0000) initial.mi
2016-02-10T03:28:30 APP_start 7.18
2016-02-10T03:24:22 mission_surface: (0399.0000): Hit a waypoint
2016-02-10T03:23:25 mission_start: ru26d-2016-040-1-0 (0399.0000) initial.mi
2016-02-10T03:20:06 APP_start 7.18
2016-02-10T03:17:05 APP_start 7.18
2016-02-10T03:12:52 mission_surface: (0397.0014): nothing commanded

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-02-10 10:06:17Informational

Underwater reset last night; hung around SE side of cross channel section for the last few hours. Resequencing 1k_n2 and will send off down UAF line later today.

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-02-09 11:05:19Informational

RU26d was about to be retasked from cross canyon section to UAF line, but last segment had aborts for science super being taken out of service. Difficult to troubleshoot, as no .nlg created for these errors. Science super back in service, RU26d repeating cross canyon transect.

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-02-04 14:38:17Informational

Retasked to station keep near midpoint. Flying a small box, 25 m satisfying distance, single yo.

Created by: haldeman @ 2016-02-01 15:25:40Informational

samedepth_for abort - appears glider was stuck either under an iceberg or a ledge approximately 12 m above inflection depth. Appears zcancel may have resulted in odd "emergency" state requiring Ctrl-C and a system reset to fix. Glider currently in relatively shallow water w/ south waypoint.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2016-02-01 10:50:09Informational

185.52 28 sensor: f_crush_depth = 1150 m
5392 67 sensor: f_max_working_depth = 1050 m

Created by: dkaragon @ 2016-02-01 10:41:18Informational

OD and UNREASONABLE abort were due to crush and working depth being set to 300 m in longterm. This was likely left over from previous mission (LTER leak) to prevent glider from going too deep.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2016-02-01 10:20:48Informational

Deployed by Mike Brown out of Palmer

Created by: dkaragon @ 2016-02-01 10:20:13Informational

CTD 0156

Created by: dkaragon @ 2016-02-01 10:19:54Informational

OS Ver 7.18

NOTE: original CTD 0194 was cracked last LTER season on ru26. ru25's original CTD 0156 was installed in place of. CTD 0194 was recalibrated at SB and installed in ru25 prior to KOPRI Amundsen 12/2015