Deployment NameGliderProjectDeployedRecoveredDaysDistancePayload BayOSNotes
51.3973.5 km00007.17

All Notes (23)

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-02-02 10:00:05Informational

VER 7.18
CTD 9263P
DVL 669711
OXY4 SN 408
(confirmed 2/2/2017)

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-02-02 09:41:22Informational

VER 7.18
CTD 9263P
DVL 669711
OXY4 SN 408
(confirmed 2/2/2017)

Created by: dkaragon @ 2015-11-10 07:54:27Informational

Recovered by Bruce and Dillan aboard small craft out of BIOS. Recovered 11/7 3:43 pm est

Created by: dkaragon @ 2015-11-06 11:24:03Informational

+-170 cc @ 400 m

Bringing in for recovery

Created by: dkaragon @ 2015-11-05 13:54:14Informational

Turned altimeter on at surface, we need to test altimeter:

++ m_altimeter_voltage

GliderDos N -1 >446513 10 sensor: m_altimeter_voltage = 0.0334859584859585 volts
446513 sensor: m_raw_altitude = 1.33943833943834 m
446520 11 sensor: m_altimeter_voltage = 0.0322954822954823 volts
446520 sensor: m_raw_altitude = 1.29181929181929 m
446525 12 sensor: m_altimeter_voltage = 0.0328754578754579 volts
446525 sensor: m_raw_altitude = 1.31501831501832 m
446532 13 sensor: m_altimeter_voltage = 0.0332417582417582 volts
446532 sensor: m_raw_altitude = 1.32967032967033 m
446536 14 sensor: m_altimeter_voltage = 0.0334554334554334 volts
446536 sensor: m_raw_altitude = 1.33821733821734 m
446541 15 sensor: m_altimeter_voltage = 0.0333943833943834 volts
446541 sensor: m_raw_altitude = 1.33577533577534 m

Created by: dkaragon @ 2015-11-05 07:58:06Informational

Altimeter may be acting funny. Need to test it.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2015-11-04 10:01:18Informational

Altimeter on, standing by offshore.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2015-10-31 20:14:55Informational

ADCP off and returning back to BIOS

Created by: dkaragon @ 2015-10-31 20:14:42Informational

ADCP started throwing error:

the8x3_filename: 00400346
full_filename: bios_jack-2015-278-1-346
2136280 00400346.nlg LOG FILE OPENED
2136281 report_heap_size(): SCI_M_FREE_HEAP=617.0K, SCI_M_SPARE_HEAP=617.0K
2136390 90 PROGLET dvl start() called
2136390 Opening port 4:SBMB:J4
2136390 9600 baud, N81, line buf: 80, no input data timeout(secs): disabled
in queue size: 11264, out queue size: 2048
2136390 sci_uart_drain_input(4):
sci_uart_drain_input:Drained 0 chars
2136390 Opening Bit(1) for output
2136390 Bit(1) use count is now 1.
2136390 Bit(1) raise count is now 0.
2136390 bit_shared_raise(): Raising bit(1).
2136391 Opened DVL data flash file: C:\logs\OJ311028.pd0
2136391 Entering dvl_run() state: initializing
2136391 dvl_run(): 0 error(s) in a row. (5 is fatal)
2136391 dvl_run(): 0 error(s) since dvl_begin(). (50 is fatal)
2136415 dvl_initialize Firmware FAILED
2136415 dvl_run():error from dvl_initialize(): 1007
2136415 Entering dvl_run() state: handling_error
2136416 97 PROGLET ctd41cp start() called
2136416 Opening port 0:SBMB:J0
2136416 9600 baud, N81, line buf: 50, no input data timeout(secs): 15
in queue size: 2048, out queue size: 0
2136416 sci_uart_drain_input(0):

Created by: dkaragon @ 2015-10-07 09:08:16Informational

Pitch angles have been low, not sure if Jack got Minnie's yo20 or the 4 deg deadband had a strange effect. Will have to look more into it. Deadband back to 3 degrees.

Created by: rcurry @ 2015-10-06 10:30:57Informational

u_iridium_failover_retries 10
no_comms after 8 hours
keystroke wait time 599

Created by: rcurry @ 2015-10-06 07:11:09Informational

mission to 1k_n2
single yos
begin sending tbd sbd back

Created by: dkaragon @ 2015-10-04 10:40:22Informational

backup number to TWR phone_num_alt 17818711051
pitch deadband from 3 to 4 degrees
failover retries 3

Ran 1k_nu mission for 30 hour overtime, 24 hour nocomms, 240 sec nothing commanded surfacing and 13:00 UTC each day

Created by: rcurry @ 2015-09-28 07:40:26Informational

Turned altimeter off

Created by: dkaragon @ 2015-09-27 20:11:50Informational

BIOS internet went down, failover was Rutgers and phone lines to modems were still connnected. Disconnected at around 5 EST

Created by: dkaragon @ 2015-09-26 10:31:20Informational

Changed u_reqd_depth_at_surface to 4 m

Created by: rcurry @ 2015-09-23 02:44:04Informational

Set to double yos, pump throw +/- 200 cc

Created by: dkaragon @ 2015-09-21 20:13:31Informational

Optode is disabled in proglets (and in mission)

Output from u4stalk:

To exit this program:
Drop Carrier Detect for 3 seconds (i.e. unpower freewave)
--or--Type Ctrl-C and hit NO keys for 1 secs.
�S�����J���J���r���J��r�ʂJ��rª�J�r���J$�r���J4�r���J�r���JDʚr�J���r�JԲ�r�jR����31 408 200.365 99.441 27.852 29.267 29.267 38.333 9.066 493.3 556.5 -66.8

���31 408 200.316 99.414 27.851 29.270 29.270 38.335 9.066 493.0 555.8 -66.8

���31 408 200.317 99.421 27.855 29.268 29.268 38.336 9.067 493.4 555.4 -66.9

���31 408 200.285 99.407 27.856 29.270 29.270 38.338 9.069 493.4 555.2 -67.0

���݊J���J���r���J��r���J��rª�J$�r���J$�r���J4�r���J�r���JDʚr�J���r�JԲ�r�jR����͊J���J���r���J��r���J��rª�J$�r���J$�r���J4�r���J�r���JDʚr�J���r�JԲ�r�jR����݊J���J���r�ʺJ��r���J$�rª�J$�r���J��r���J��r���J�r���JDʚr�J��r�JԲ�r�j����݊J���J���r���J��r�ŠJ$�rª�J$�r���J��r���J��r���J�r���JDʚr�J��r�JԲ�r�j����ߊJ���J���r�ŠJ��r���J$�rª�J$�r���J$�r���J��r���J�r���JDʚr�J��r�JԲ�r�j������J���J���r���J��r�‚J$�rª�J$�r���J��r���J��r���J�r�ŠJDʚr�J��r�JԲ�r�j��� �]N��BM\�B&.Li��J��r���J$�rª�J$�r���J��r���J��r���J�r�’JDʒr�JT��r�JԲ�r�j$������J���J���r�ʚJ��r���J$�rª�J$�r���J��r���J��r���J�r�¢JDʒr�JT��r�JԲ�r�j$���]^��BM�� 200.301 99.414 27.855 29.269 29.269 38.356 9.088 493.1 553.7 -66.9

��]^��BM�� 200.190 99.357 27.854 29.275 29.275 38.363 9.087 493.1 553.4 -66.9

�����J���J���r���J��r���J$�rª�J$�r���J��r���J�r���J�r�ʊJ�ʚr�JT��r�Jj��r�j���:OOD:digifin_mgr_ctrl:OUT OF DEADBAND: M_FIN:0.0507 C_FIN:0.0000
��݊J���J���r���J��r���J��rª�J��r���J$�r���J4�r���J�r�ʚJʚr�JT��r�JD��r�j�����݊J���J���r���J��r���J��rª�J��r���J$�r���J4�r���J�r�ʢJDʚr�JT��r�JT��r�j����]ަ�!M\�B&LL)��J��r���J��rª�J��r���J$�r���J4�r���J�r�ʪJDʚr�JT��r�JԲ�r�j����]^��BM�� 200.333 99.429 27.854 29.267 29.267 38.365 9.098 492.5 552.8 -66.9

��]^��BM�� 200.279 99.400 27.853 29.271 29.271 38.370 9.100 492.9 552.6 -66.9

��]N��BM��B&LLO��5 99.376 27.855 29.273 29.273 38.374 9.101 493.0 552.5 -67.0

Created by: rcurry @ 2015-09-20 07:06:55Informational

proglet oxy4_run generating error -> mission abort
Turned off optode for now

all sensor sampling rates reduced to 4 seconds

Created by: dkaragon @ 2015-09-18 14:54:49Informational

VER 7.18
CTD 9263P
DVL 669711
OXY4 SN 408

Created by: dkaragon @ 2015-09-18 14:47:13Informational

Since near deployment fin deadband set to .04 radians vs .02. Numerous OOD oddities at surface.

Created by: dkaragon @ 2015-09-18 14:45:03Informational

Changed TBD from 12 sec sampling to 45 second
Changed SBD to less diagnostics on pump
Tried to check ADCP time but not sure if able to.
pd0 files are being created at 1MB/3 hours

Created by: rcurry @ 2015-09-18 09:02:57Informational

Waypts set to BATS box