All Notes (10)
OS 7.13
ru05 with SB 0080 configured for CONVERGE/LTER 2014/2015 had the wrong calibration coefficients in the autoexec.mi file. See note below:
# 2015/09/10 SB0080 was placed in glider for LTER(CONVERGE) 2014/2015 season. This payload has pucks BBFL2-337 and BB3-335
# The calibration coeffcients in the autoexec during those missions was for pucks BB3SLO-648 and BB2FLS-666
# 748, and 666 were associated with SB 0175 for California UCSB
# Changed coeffcients in autoexec.mi to the correct pucks, BBFL2-337 and BB3-335
# Changed ballast pump deadz width from 30 to 15 cc
Recovered by Palmer team out of Palmer.
Set dev limit for GPS, bump up the warnings/segment, should do that for next mission
Retasked towards uaf inshore point for recovery tomorrow.
Optics full on sampling.
Aborts are for GPS:
220384 36 DRIVER_WARNING:gps:904:gps_parse_and_publish() warning
220385 DRIVER_WARNING:gps:904:gps_parse_and_publish() warning
220387 37 DRIVER_WARNING:gps:904:gps_parse_and_publish() warning
220388 DRIVER_WARNING:gps:904:gps_parse_and_publish() warning
220389 DRIVER_WARNING:gps:904:gps_parse_and_publish() warning
220389 DRIVER_ERROR:gps_ctrl():4:4:Too many warnings in last minute
Recovering UD_134 original NW-SE line
Taking over ud_134 placeholding location.
Changed to just downcast optics on both pucks
Running ud_134's line (center of canyon, NW to SE)
Crossing UD's area to cross-calibrate.
Deployed by Josh Kohut out of Palmer Station.
Heading to UAF ru05 xroad and then heading east to avoid icebergs.