All Notes (17)
GPS aborts:
100029 97 sensor: m_gps_status = 2 enum
100029 sensor: m_gps_invalid_lat = 3931.241 lat
100029 sensor: m_gps_invalid_lon = -7309.1107 lon
100029 DRIVER_ODDITY:lithium_battery:13050:gdd_read_regs_and_publish() from gdd_ctrl_normal_cycle()
100029 DRIVER_ODDITY:lithium_battery:533:xxx_ctrl() ran too long
100039 0 DRIVER_ODDITY:lithium_battery:13050:gdd_read_regs_and_publish() from gdd_ctrl_readall_cycle()
100048 2 DRIVER_WARNING:gps:904:gps_parse_and_publish() warning
100050 DRIVER_WARNING:gps:904:gps_parse_and_publish() warning
100051 DRIVER_WARNING:gps:904:gps_parse_and_publish() warning
100053 3 DRIVER_WARNING:gps:904:gps_parse_and_publish() warning
100055 DRIVER_WARNING:gps:904:gps_parse_and_publish() warning
100055 DRIVER_ERROR:gps_ctrl():4:4:Too many warnings in last minute
100055 call_and_queue_if_reqd(): device gps TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE
Glanced at a DBD post deployment. What we thought was poor steering on downcasts was actually compass noise. Dives showed heading rates > 100 deg/min, climbs less so but still noisy.
u_min_altimeter back to 2 m (Masterdata default)
Bottom sampling, for some reason don't think its converging a depth, changing reqd num in a row to 1
u_min_altimeter 45 m to avoid false hits and early turnarounds. Will need to watch/adjust as glider comes back on the shelf.
3 hour missions
Glider too light still, trying 35 deg dives and +150 cc upcasts.
Strange steering segment:
Changed climb to from 7 to 5 m to get closer to surface, 7 was a setting when the glider was still light.
Recharged and redeployed by Haldeman aboard RV Fish n Chips. This was done 8/21
Also added about 60 g to vehicle.
set u_max_altimeter 10 m
Callback 0 0 recognized, but ru23 will not hang up on a callback 0, so script at Webb does not work on this glider. Callback 1 worked, so switched over manually. Forgot to set max altimeter to 10 m; still needs to be done.
sensor: u_heading_deadband = -1 rad
sensor: u_alt_filter_enabled = 0 bool
sensor: u_alt_reqd_good_in_a_row = 2 nodim
u_hd_fin_ap_dgain 5 (from -4)
Deployed by Chip Haldeman aboard RV Fish 'n Chips 2
Pitch Test performed 4/7/2014
ACTUAL ATT(rad) ATT(deg)
-30 -0.54 -30.93972094
-26 -0.49 -28.07493196
-21.5 -0.4 -22.91831181
0 -0.028 -1.604281826
21.5 0.344 19.70974815
26 0.426 24.40800207
30 0.465 26.64253747
Lithium Ion Mission
VMT 1168372 ID 26418
CTD SN 0076
FL3 481
BB3 277
this is for this glider only