All Notes (14)
No rendezvous, will run across shelf transects between shoals looking for sharks. Changed climb angle to 30 degrees to see if we can speed the glider up. Back to 2 hour surfacings.
Turned CC off to get closer to shore.
Repeating overdepth aborts. Glider too heavy combined with wave action.
Ran out of sequence and ran lastgasp last night.
Trying f_fin_safety_max .3
Changed the SBDlist to have more heading error and fin data including c_fin
Some digifin problems. Aborts for fin. Unreliable behavior, commanded to 0, reaches 0, then all the sudden is measured at .2 radians.
Also seemed reliable at .1 safety limit. .2 seemed OK too.
Changing target altitude from 2.5 to 3 m; trying to avoid overdepth abort
Trying - 150 cc dives to slow the glider down a bit
(used ru26d 2012/2013 LTER pack)
40% used LTER
6 % used self-discharge
5 % OTIS factor (voltage drop occurs about 5% before rated end of life)
~ 51% used
This deployment has potential for 728 AH, but at 51% used that only leaves 357 ah available.
m_coulomb_amphr was not reset, but started at about 112 AH, therefore this deployment EOL = 112 + 357 = 469 AH.
Glider a bit heavy, so dive to pump -180 cc to try to slow the dives down a bit, overshooting m_water_depth which is working so far (but we should figure out why). Might help with O2 data too.
u_reqd_depth_at_surface 1.5; climb=to to 3 m.
Lithium batteries; RU26d LTER pack.
NOTE: Alkaline batteries cannot be reinstalled until optode voltage regulator board is replaced and science bay is reconfigured, otherwise voltage may destroy optode.
Manually transferred files. Web processing should catch up. Switched to 2 hour surfacings.
Software version 7.13 CTD 0057P FLBBCD 2797 Optode sn 1504
Software version 7.13 CTD 0057P FLBBCD 2797 Optode sn 1504 Externally mounted Vemco receiver
Deployed by Travis Miles out of Shark River on DEP vessel