All Notes (10)
Deployed with UCSB Aquadopp 'longer sampling interval'
Recovered by Ians Robbins out of San Luis Obispo
CTD 0080
BB3 335
BBFL2 337
AQDP # ???
Trying 100 m as the waypoint surfacing distance, surfac30 and goto
TBDlist had error for the bb3 sensor, fixed
TBDlist to 1 yo CTD, 1 yo optics
u_reqd_comms to 45 sec
Onward to 100 m station
Re-tasked to 26 m box:
-12039.804 3451.042
-12039.474 3451.042
-12039.474 3451.312
-12039.804 3451.312
Deployed by Ian Robbins out of San Luis Obispo.
Dimple appears to be from sand. Vacuumed and removed sand and seems to be fixed. High vacuum and storage placed for glider.
Wrinkle noticed in bpump middle right side (port for glider). It was easily rubbed out.
Dimple noticed on right upper side (port upper) that appears to be something behind the diaphragm.