All Notes (31)
Recovered by Matthew Breece and Danielle Haulsee. Heavily fouled with fuzz/string.
Next surfacing will retask to 1 hour missions for remainder of night; recovery early tomorrow morning.
30 deg upcasts (water is getting light)
Glider aborted for low relative charge. This is based on TWR setting for lithium life:
f_coulomb_battery_capacity(amp-hrs) 720.0
We did not define in mission so it took 10% remaining = abort.
Changed upcast to 28 degrees to combat lighter waters.
Setting capacity to 750 AH and mission to 5% for abort. Downloaded MBD, voltages @ high load look OK.
Re-tasked back towards recovery location but we can change this for our last ~week.
Put note on wrong glider:
1 hour missions 6/8 PM EST, 1.5 hour midday 6/8
2 hour missions
Battery Duration:
(78/3) * 30 * .985 ~ 768 - 10 = 758 AH @ 12.5 deg C
De-rate 1.5% just in case for age of cells (1 year) and take off 10 AH for any pre-ballasting, etc
Switched back to upcast AP, so now both up and down are AP pitch.
initial.mi and lastgasp.mi we're correct, but added versions with overtime abort of 1 hour.
Fin dgain from -4 to 4
RE: Fin Abort
Multiple use +, and an exit reset did not put the fin back in service. Setting c_fin to 'stuck' m_fin did not help. Finally tried one last use + digifin and it worked. Similar symptoms seen in lab with 'stuck' digifin so could have been a single external incident. No problems since, will check oddities for fin since.
:OOD:digifin_mgr_ctrl:OUT OF DEADBAND: M_FIN:0.2897 C_FIN:-0.4500
:OOD:digifin_mgr_ctrl:OUT OF DEADBAND: M_FIN:0.2897 C_FIN:-0.4500
:OOD:digifin_mgr_ctrl:OUT OF DEADBAND: M_FIN:0.2897 C_FIN:-0.4500
1340920 DRIVER_WARNING:digifin:-1:digifin_v2_ctrl() Digifin movement warning.
Digifin busy too long!!!
:OOD:digifin_mgr_ctrl:OUT OF DEADBAND: M_FIN:0.2923 C_FIN:-0.4500
1340928 82 DRIVER_WARNING:digifin:-1:digifin_v2_ctrl() Digifin movement warning.
Digifin busy too long!!!
1340932 82 DRIVER_WARNING:digifin:-1:digifin_v2_ctrl() Digifin movement warning.
Digifin busy too long!!!
1340937 84 DRIVER_WARNING:digifin:-1:digifin_v2_ctrl() Digifin movement warning.
Digifin busy too long!!!
1340937 DRIVER_ERROR:digifin_ctrl():4:4:Too many warnings in last minute
1340937 call_and_queue_if_reqd(): device digifin TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE
1340944 84 ERROR behavior ?_-1: abort_the_mission(0): (16)MS_ABORT_DEVICE_ERROR
1340944 behavior ?_-1: abort_the_mission():
2000 sec missions
u_reqd_depth_at_surface = 1.5 m (GPS turning on)
u_max_altimeter 5.5
(Didn't reinstate these values after exit reset).
Loaded alt_f.mi; altimeter settings for shallow flight.
u_max_altimeter 5.5 (help with the shoals)
AP pitch on dives, still battpos on climbs.
Iridium outage 5/2 EST PM
Changed to battpos dives again
.3 in D, .1 in C
We were sampling bottom a bit, so trying to see if we can calm down the pitch response.
Back to AP pitch, see if it is more aggressive on the angles to speed up the glider a bit.
Battery Duration:
(78/3) * 27.5 * .975 ~ 700 AH @ 10 deg C
De-rate 1.5% just in case for age of cells (1 year) and take off 5 AH for any pre-ballasting, etc
Changed to battpos flying and lowered surface inflection to 4 m; .27D, .075C (in)
PID heading = 1, .015, 7.5
(still getting oscillations, dives and climbs are so short)
Lack of detections and some 0 size .vem files lead us to bring the glider deeper to get below u_reqd_depth_at_surface of 2 m. Incidentally (not sure if coincidence) we got our first tag hits.
Continuing to make sure glider is below u_reqd_depth_at_surface for VEMCO reasons:
u_reqd_depth_at_surface = 1.5 m
New waypoint list:
b_arg: list_when_wpt_dist(m) 1000
b_arg: initial_wpt(enum) 0 # 0 to n-1, -1 first after last, -2 closest
b_arg: num_waypoints(nodim) 4 # num of waypoints in list
-7507.2882 3800.7579
-7513.1350 3800.5919
-7516.1613 3756.3586
-7508.4944 3752.9445
Also, 2.5 to 3 m off surface
-1 wpt list x_last_wpt
2 to 2.5 off surface (breeching a bit)
2 hour missions overnight (onshore approach)
new goto sent to to_glider folder
-7456.5921 3816.5947
-7507.1004 3812.9139
-7456.0921 3807.6917
-7509.6312 3806.4939
-7456.7682 3758.8335
-7516.2579 3756.3805
-7500.0775 3751.2799
3 hour missions, advanced to next waypoint because of strong south currents.
1.5 hour missions.
Set u_hd_fin_ap_gain 1 from 1.25
Heading during the trouble segment last night was due to CC algorithm problem. Still not sure why the glider is calculating either currents or its speed wrong.
1 hour missions during the day.
Changed some heading gains
u_heading_deadband -1 (glider doesn't fall off course with integrated reset)
u_hd_fin_ap_dgain 5
Glider currents notroriously southward, and acting strange with its CC turned on c_heading. We are investigating.
New yo10 for 28.5 m.
Running 'extreme' altimeter test, 30 min, load_mission alt_f.mi:
#Baseline with filter on
sensor: u_reqd_depth_at_surface(m) 2
sensor: u_alt_min_post_inflection_time(sec) 4.0
sensor: u_alt_min_depth(m) 1.0
sensor: u_min_altimeter(m) 1.5
sensor: u_max_altimeter(m) 7.0
sensor: u_alt_reqd_good_in_a_row(nodim) 1
sensor: u_alt_filter_enabled(bool) 1
sensor: u_alt_reduced_usage_mode(bool) 0
sensor: m_altitude_rate(m/s) -1
sensor: u_sound_speed(m/s) 1474.0
sensor: u_max_water_depth_lifetime(yos) 2
sensor: u_max_bottom_slope(m/m) 3.0
sensor: u_min_water_depth(m) 0
sensor: u_max_water_depth(m) 2000
Switched Optode configuration to be wphase data.
Glider Deployed by Matt Breece
Ballasted for 1023 @ 7C
Decided we were a little light so after first shallow mission we pulled glider and add two wing rail weights. (13.125 grams each in water)
Second shallow proved success currently on 45 minute missions.
UDel "fishtracker" glider, 30 m pump
CTD #0099
FLBBCD #2427
Aanderaa 3835 optode #1414
Vemco VR2C #450007
Vemco VR2C #450008