All Notes (14)
Pitch Test performed 4/7/2014
ACTUAL ATT(rad) ATT(deg)
-30 -0.54 -30.93972094
-26 -0.49 -28.07493196
-21.5 -0.4 -22.91831181
0 -0.028 -1.604281826
21.5 0.344 19.70974815
26 0.426 24.40800207
30 0.465 26.64253747
VMT 1168372 ID 26418 Deployed with glider
***No Aquadopp on this glider; leftover notes from earlier missions
Lithium Ion Mission
Lithium Ion Deployment
SB 0076
FL3 481
BB3 277
AQD 9709 (PS3237) (Travis loaner Aquadopp with Travis loaner head)
Ian Robbins note (not sure which is correct) (will confirm 11/6/12)
AQD Head 5490
AQD SN 6787
Recovered by Travis Miles, Kaycee Coleman, off Finominal charter.
Glider moved back to RU dockserver. All modem logs and tbd,sbd combos moved as well.
New waypoint NNW outside shipping lanes and 2 hour missions.
IMCS powerless during Sandy. Glider called and transferred data to TWR during the outage.
Accidently set GPS surfacing to 600 seconds. Will change next surfacing.
100_t2nw.mi mission, 3600 s GPS only timeout, 10800 s iridium surfacing to transfer files. Testing the mission out.
3 m off bottom
4 off bottom, 4.5 off surface
3 hour missions
this is for this glider only