All Notes (21)
Retasked to 1 hr surfacings for recovery in the morning
Still have the occasional breach. Caught last surfacing to adjust goto; ping-pong points set up for today; recovery tomorrow.
Lowering climb-to bpump from 140 to 115; still trying to prevent breaching. Also set next waypoint 5 km south of current waypoint; expecting recovery Saturday a.m.
Lowering climb-to bpump from 165 to 140; still trying to prevent breaching.
Trying 35 m; see how Blue responds. Also setting climb-to depth to 5 m to try and keep GPS from turning on near surface. Waypoint "satisfying radius" was 3 km; changed to 300 m.
Seeing lower densities; trying 30 m dives.
Added new goto list as per Wendell. Depending on glider speed, we could possibly cover more ground, but being a bit conservative due to light ballast remaining battery power.
-7100.2000 4120.3400
-7100.2000 4058.7780
-7111.0000 4058.7780
Added new waypoint 30 km south of deployment location: -7100.2020 4104.1280
2nd waypoint in goto list will need to be deleted after glider reaches current waypoint...or it can be changed and retasked at any surfacing.
Pynocline deepening; trying 25 m again.
Pycnocline is higher in the water column; changed dive-to to 20 m.
Dive to depth backed off to 25 m. u_pitch_max_delta_battpos left at .06
u_pitch_max_delta_battpos at .04 worked well, so changed to .06. 3 hour missions to 30 m.
Set u_pitch_max_delta_battpos to .04 to try and get on pitch angle quicker.
Adjusted goto, diving to 30 m with 1 hour surfacings. May consider backing off on sampling rate to lower tbd size.
Changed TBD to state 5 sampling, hopefully this lowers file size but there is a chance it might not since hover/dive/climb are vague.
Next step is to just do upcasts, perhaps every upcast sample.
Limiting depth to 30 m; surface to 3 m.
Limiting to 35 m trying to avoid "sliding" behavior. Glider is making little to no progress; .5 km in last 3+ hours of flight.
Limiting depth to 40 m as per Wendell Brown. Considering boat trip to add weight to glider.
Glider is light; flying poorly - having significant trouble maintaining heading. Changing dive angle to 30, climb angle to 20, and limiting bpump to 190 on climbs.
Initially pulled on board; weight added (washers, etc. zip tied to glider). Flying better; now off on 3 hour missions.
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