All Notes (13)
2 hour missions
Re-tasked to place hold
Adding offshore wpt for the weekend; recovery planned for Monday.
-71 00.000 41 05.00
Switching to 3 hour missions at next surfacing to try and make more progress north towards waypoint
Flying successfully to 30 m for 30 min; heading back north. Switching to 2 hour missions now.
Leak abort; incident occurred during attempted dive (approx. 1 m). Drifting through night; may attempt shallow flight north in a.m.
Changed TBD to 6 sec optode and optics, we can discuss next week. TBD file size is quite large.
Added more heading data to SBD file
Changed waypoint to Pioneer Array
Flying to 97 m or 5 off bottom
Science Payload:
Switching to 3 hour missions and infinite yos
u_pitch_max_delta_battpos .04
Blue deployed for N. Maracoos line. Dives look good; sending to full depth.