All Notes (15)
Science payload:
aquadopp-P 24336 ; Head ID: AQP 4965; Hardware ID: AQD 9709
aquadopp logging internally.
So there are a few different numbers on the instrument, which may or may not be a specific serial number. P 24336 is one, Head ID: AQP 4965 and Hardware ID: AQD 9709. Those are the only numbers printed on the label.
Recovered by Travis Miles out of Palmer Station.
1 hour missions, re-tasked to station E
use - science_super
1 hour missions, re-tasked to station E
use - science_super
put u_min_water_depth to 50m
u_pitch_max_delta_battpos .05
.065 was too much
2 hour missions, catch up script turned on.
Been toggling mission duration often, 1 hr, 2hr, so on. Going to 3 hour as we\'re losing progress, turning off TBD transfers too until we get back to location.
u_pitch_max_delta_battpos .065
Script was off; not tx\'ing files. Tx\'ed all .tbd\'s and .sbd\'s, re-enabled zero pressure script
Abort appears to be glider just clicked over 102 m. SBD and TBD showed data around 100.8 m, but sparse. If it happens again backing off dive to depth and MBD might be worthwhile.
Re-tasking to \'Bismark Biscoe Bay Station\'
Changed SBD to GSI 8.0 version to get x_cycle_overrun
Changed TBD to ups and downs at 6 sec
Changed script to zero_ocean_pressure each surfacing. Strange drift issue still present from last deployment. Not exactly sure what\'s going on. There is certainly lag on when the TBD starts logging, but pressure sensor shows an issue. Best bet would be to look at DBD\'s from the previous deployment.
u_pitch_max_delta_battpos .05
After pump diaphragm leak in Antarctica fore steam was sent to Webb on 4/30/2010 for repair.