All Notes (3)
Created by: dkaragon @ 2011-01-14 15:42:41Informational
Buoyancy Pump top bearing fail, glider sank to bottom, saved by weight.
Talked to Peter Collins. Apparently a wiggle or something prior to the problem segment could have caused this. Its just a mechanical failure of the lead screw and bearings. Usually happens during over-extensions or jams. Sometimes reducing pump throw a bit could prevent.
Created by: dkaragon @ 2011-01-14 15:41:35Informational
Talked to Peter Collins. Apparently a wiggle or something prior to the problem segment could have caused this. Its just a mechanical failure of the lead screw and bearings. Usually happens during over-extensions or jams. Sometimes reducing pump throw a bit could prevent.
Created by: dkaragon @ 2010-12-06 14:38:54Informational
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