All Notes (29)
CTD 0156
Glider gets lost and initial.mi missions begin with segment 01120000
Aandera oxygen optode - SN 1024
400 meter single dives through the night, retasked off the bank for recovery
sat phone I
re-tasked back to St Thomas along similar line. Restarted glider to set sbd list. This will be smaller sbd list.
set pitch deadband to 5 deg again
set to call 12 failover retries so it stays on rudics
Note from 4/5/2010 but modified today:
Adjusted pitch (deg) deadzone to 5 degrees from 3 degrees. First segment with it looks good, if it holds we can fly without doing pitch battery flying and inform Webb of one of the G2 issues: default pitch gains cause it to pitch cycle the battery changing pitch from 5+ deg.
Set to retask to N S line but N point more towards recovery point for possible recovery this week.
back to double dives, unfortunately got hit with hard coded waypoint list and the glider turned around...
new goto with correct waypoint
Glider never saw ground, altimeter voltage return never changed...
single 1000 meter dives, check in am
Retasked near Isla de Mona, AIS hazard induced waypoints in 900 meters of water, will try for bottom once again.
Changed SBD list to lower file size
Caused Iridium abort with idle for 10 min.
Maintaining north/south time series.
changed failover retries to 12 for iridium
abort was iridium
Changed to N/S line of ru25d of last year
changed back to 1000 meter double yo\'s
Changed pitch deadband back to 5 degrees. It was reset back on an SBDlist exit reset
retasking to south side EW leg for another run perhaps at 500 meters
Running back to 1000 meters with altimeter data in the SBD. Neither John or I actually plot these so its going to take a plotting change or what be it to monitor. I don\\\'t think any shallow water any time soon though.
Next surfacing will switch to double 1 km dives and waypoint should likely last through the weekend. However, no waypoints commanded after the current so we\\\'ll need to decide where to send it come Monday.
Shallow tests resulted in no bottom detections, however at surface tests showed the altimeter may indeed be hooked up.
Aborted for device error; appears to be GPS. Called iridium again; set back to rudics. Tx\'ed .mlg and .cac for new sbd list; resequenced.
Retasked to the \'Science Reef\'
3 waypoints, at 2nd waypoint we begin to be concerned about bottom sampling
messed up this morning the return to 1000 meters
trying again for tonight, should take
ru26d bottom sampled 2-24
plotting is strange on GE not sure whats going on
moved glider on to next waypoint for the morning to get away from island and limited depth to 600 meters... too late to troubleshoot but apparently altimeter didn\\\'t work that dive...
GPS reliability issues upon deployment, exit reset and confirmation of it in the water seemed to help. This coupled with it switching to analog iridium consistently may force investigation into G2 tail signal quality as well as RUDICS reliability vs analog iridium.
Re-deployed by Captian Ron after successful hostage negotiations.
First generation G2 glider.
1000m depth rating.
COP Tickle issues. Email from John Dingess with workaround:
> It appears that the G-2 board is not reading the board revision junmpers,
> therefore is defaulting to the no cop tickle timeout, which is 6300 secs
> in masterdata.
> you need to include in your mission:
> behavior: abend
> b_arg: no_cop_tickle_percent(%) -1 #this will disable the
> reading of the board jumpers, just in case
> b_arg: no_cop_tickle_for(sec) 50400 # 14 hrs
> you can cbhange the device warning limits for the attitude sensor, also in
> your mission:
> at the head of the mission file (before behavior_abend)
> use attitude_rev 1 -1 20 10
> this will change the defaults as follows:
> attitude_rev 1 means use the device
> -1 means the glider will always attempt to put the device back into
> service (the default is 3 times)
> 20 is the allowable warnings per segment before an error is generated
> and the device is taken out of service (default is also 20)
> 10 is the allowable warnings per minute befor and error is generated
> and the device is taken out of service (default is 5)
> attached is a writeup on aborts and device limits....good reading when you
> have time
Configuraton as delivered from TWRC.
Glider was shipped directory to St. Thomas, USVI for checkout deployments.