All Notes (5)
After pump diaphragm leak in Antarctica fore steam was sent to Webb on 4/30/2010 for repair.
Upon recovery:
Found water throughout the entire glider. Aft leak appeared dry and no signs of water or salt in the aft cap.
No signs of water or salt on the upper inside of FIRe sensor. 2 small puddles in the bottom of the FIRe sensor.
Leak appears to be from the fore section. Approximately 1/2 cup of water drained out. Fore leak detect sensor soaked.
Diagnosis: pump diaphragm failure.
Second deployment of RU06 this time with the FIRe sensor. Deployed at Station E and sent to sample the canyon.
Deployed by Haskins, Kahl and Gaas in Palmer boating zone.
Initial Payload:
Initial payload replaced with ru24 payload:
Due to bad digifin on ru24