load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl" start_day = 27 end_day = 28 do dy = start_day,end_day if (dy .lt. 10) then dy2 = "0"+dy else dy2 = dy end if if (dy .eq. 27) then start_hr = 0 end_hr = 23 end if if (dy .eq. 28) then start_hr = 0 end_hr = 6 end if do hr = start_hr,end_hr if (hr .lt. 10) then hr2 = "0"+hr else hr2 = hr end if ;Change year/month here: print("Processing 04/"+dy2+" "+hr2+":00") ;Rename the below file directory and name to what your file directory and names are. ;You can run this on both d01 and d02 ;Note that "w" is used at end of addfile call so that we can write new dimensions and variables to the wrfout NetCDF a = addfile("/Volumes/ready-01-2015/Home/Rutgers/Project/Sea_Breeze/ruwrf/Case03/wrf/wrfout_d01_2013-04-"+dy2+"_"+hr2+":00:00_r2.nc","w") ur = a->Ur(0,:,:,:) ;Ur(time,z,y,x) vr = a->Vr(0,:,:,:) ;Vr(time,z,y,x) wr = a->Wr(0,:,:,:) ;Wr(time,z,y,x) time = -1 z = wrf_user_getvar(a,"z",time) ;z on mass points (ABOVE SEA LEVEL, ASL) z2 = z(0,:,:,:) ;z(time,z,y,x) u3d = new((/20,299,299/),float) ;initialize 3d u, v, and w matrices v3d = new((/20,299,299/),float) ;v3d(z,y,x) w3d = new((/20,299,299/),float) u3d!0 = "Vertical3d" ;name first dimension of u3d, v3d, and w3d as "Vertical3d" v3d!0 = "Vertical3d" w3d!0 = "Vertical3d" i = 0 do k = 100,2000,100 ;loop through all heights, from 100m to 2000m at 100m intervals u3d(i,:,:) = wrf_user_intrp3d(ur,z2,"h",k,0.,False) ;vertically interpolate u, v, and w winds at each height v3d(i,:,:) = wrf_user_intrp3d(vr,z2,"h",k,0.,False) w3d(i,:,:) = wrf_user_intrp3d(wr,z2,"h",k,0.,False) i = i + 1 end do dzdx = dimsizes(u3d) ;pull dimsizes of u3d so that we can define a new dimension called "Vertical3d" nvert = dzdx(0) ;first dimsize of u3d is number of vertical layers dim_names = (/ "Vertical3d" /) ;write new dimension called "Vertical3d" to wrfout NetCDF dim_sizes = (/ nvert /) dimUnlim = (/ False /) filedimdef(a, dim_names, dim_sizes, dimUnlim ) filevardef(a, "U3d_asl", typeof(u3d), getvardims(u3d)) ;write new variable called U3d to wrfout NetCDF a->U3d_asl = (/u3d/) U3d_asl = a->U3d_asl U3d_asl@description = "u wind rotated to earth coord. (m/s) at 100,200,300...2000m ABOVE SEA LEVEL (ASL)" U3d_asl@units = "m/s" a->U3d_asl = U3d_asl filevardef(a, "V3d_asl", typeof(v3d), getvardims(v3d)) ;write new variable called V3d to wrfout NetCDF a->V3d_asl = (/v3d/) V3d_asl = a->V3d_asl V3d_asl@description = "v wind rotated to earth coord. (m/s) at 100,200,300...2000m ABOVE SEA LEVEL (ASL)" V3d_asl@units = "m/s" a->V3d_asl = V3d_asl filevardef(a, "W3d_asl", typeof(w3d), getvardims(w3d)) ;write new variable called W3d to wrfout NetCDF a->W3d_asl = (/w3d/) W3d_asl = a->W3d_asl W3d_asl@description = "w wind rotated to earth coord. (m/s) at 100,200,300...2000m ABOVE SEA LEVEL (ASL)" W3d_asl@units = "m/s" a->W3d_asl = W3d_asl end do end do