RU-WRF Validation File Structure File structure: broader_timeline/buoy_location/type_of_plot/variable/date_and_time/figure.png Example: weekly/ASOSB4/time_series/windspeed/20220314/ws_ASOSB4_20220307_20220314.png Acronyms; ASOSB: Atlantic Shores Off Shore Wind Buoy, buoys are numbered 1, 4, 6 RUOYC: Rutgers Oyster Creek met tower NYNE05: NYSERDA’s Northern buoy, now moved and changed to NYSWE05 NYSE06: NYSERDA’s Southern buoy, hasn’t changed SODAR: Rutgers SODAR at Tuckerton near the Rutgers Field Station Variables: wind_speed Weekly Figures Include >Time Series Comparisons >Scatterplots >Error Histograms >Wind Shear Profiles Monthly Figures Include >Heat maps >Error Histograms Seasonally/Annually >QQ plots Wind Histograms Heat maps Error Histograms **Weekly Validation date folders are based on the last date and 7 days before. **more sub directories may exist for clarity but most files will follow this format.