Explanation of plots created for each instrument (where applicable): method_compare_plots: Timeseries plots of data from two different methods for each science variable plotted on top of each other, by deployment. Folders are organized by which methods are compared. Plots exclude data that are fill values and outside of 5 standard deviations. Python script: https://github.com/data-edu-ooi/data-review-tools/blob/master/plotting/scripts/plot_compare_timeseries.py timeseries_panel_plots: Timeseries plots of all science variables on one plot for the preferred stream, by deployment. Plots exclude data that are fill values and outside of 5 standard deviations. Python script: https://github.com/data-edu-ooi/data-review-tools/blob/master/plotting/scripts/plot_timeseries_panel.py timeseries_plots: Timeseries plots of science and raw data variables for the preferred stream, by deployment. Two plots for each variable: 1) all data (excluding fill values), and 2) excluding fill values and data outside of 5 standard deviations. Python script: https://github.com/data-edu-ooi/data-review-tools/blob/master/plotting/scripts/plot_timeseries.py timeseries_plots_all: Timeseries plots of science variables with all deployments on one plot, by delivery method. Two plots for each variable: 1) all data (excluding fill values), and 2) excluding fill values and data outside of 5 standard deviations. Python script: https://github.com/data-edu-ooi/data-review-tools/blob/master/plotting/scripts/plot_timeseries_all.py timeseries_plots_preferred_all: Timeseries plots of science variables with all deployments on one plot from the preferred stream (plots may contain data from different delivery methods). Two plots for each variable: 1) all data (excluding fill values), and 2) excluding fill values and data outside of 5 standard deviations. Python script: https://github.com/data-edu-ooi/data-review-tools/blob/master/plotting/scripts/plot_timeseries_pm_all.py timeseries_reviewed_datarange: Timeseries plots of science variables with all deployments on one plot containing cleaned-up datasets after the data review (e.g. after excluding unreasonable data). Python script: https://github.com/data-edu-ooi/data-review-tools/blob/master/data_review/scripts/final_ds_stats.py ts_plots: Temperature-salinity plots with density contours colored by time. Cooler colors are earlier times in the deployment. Python script: https://github.com/ooi-data-lab/data-review-tools/blob/master/plotting/scripts/plot_ts.py