RU-COOL Satellite Imagery API

API end points for retreiving satellite imagery information. Response type is JSON.

Type Description End Point
Regions All registered imagery regions
Region yearly imaage counts (i.e.: capehat) Count of images, grouped by year, for the specified region
Sensors All registered satellite sensors
Categories All registered satellite imagery categories
Products All registered satellite imagery products
Satellites All registered satellites
Latest Region Imagery Select the most recent imagery for the specified region (i.e.: bigbight)
Region Imagery by Date Select time-constrained imagery for the specified region (i.e.: bigbight, 2019-01-01 to 2019-01-07)
Imagery by Region Count of the number of images grouped by region
Imagery by Year Count of the number of images grouped by year
Imagery by Product Count of the number of images grouped by product
Earliest and Latest Pass Times Select the earliest and latest pass times across all imagery
Region Earliest and Latest Pass Times Select the earliest and latest pass times for the specified region (i.e.: bigbight)