Connection Event: Carrier Detect found. NO CARRIER ! RING CONNECT 4800/ARQ/V32/LAPM 2804 Iridium console active and ready... Vehicle Name: sbu02 Curr Time: Thu Aug 24 07:39:47 2023 MT: 2804 DR Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 853.933 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 3920.311 N -7410.217 E measured 907.352 secs ago GPS Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 857.015 secs ago sensor:c_autoballast_state(enum)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_climb_bpump(X)=275 263.548 secs ago sensor:c_dive_bpump(X)=-225 263.552 secs ago sensor:c_iridium_current_num(enum)=1 1484 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 2749.95 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 2749.95 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=13.1053287547702 35.718 secs ago sensor:m_bms_aft_current(amp)=0.1225 3.939 secs ago sensor:m_bms_ebay_current(amp)=-0.000625 3.97 secs ago sensor:m_bms_pitch_current(amp)=0.094062 4.001 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=191.890996000011 3.858 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=193.454732000006 3.863 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1023 4.088 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=1 43.732 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_signal_strength(nodim)=5 24.091 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.48632478632479 47.047 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.48605006105006 47.011 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=2.48922466422466 46.976 secs ago sensor:m_lithium_battery_relative_charge(%)=10.021054883718 3.893 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=15736 1672.8 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=9.21811555555556 35.727 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=-0.06027201725682 1656.78 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=-0.01289063488071 1656.78 secs ago sensor:u_alt_min_depth(m)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 780.072 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 1679.61 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 1679.62 secs ago ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 12 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_BEH_ERROR ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: layered_control(): Behavior surface_4 entered B_ERROR state ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2023-08-24T03:22:59 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: sbu02-2023-232-0-44 (0107.0044) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: 2023wind.mi 2804 No login script found for processing. :OOD:digifin_mgr_ctrl:OUT OF DEADBAND: M_FIN:0.0232 C_FIN:0.0000 Glider sbu02 at surface. Because:nothing commanded [behavior surface_2 start_when = 1.0] MissionName:2023wind.mi MissionNum:sbu02-2023-235-1-2 (0109.0002) Vehicle Name: sbu02 Curr Time: Thu Aug 24 07:40:03 2023 MT: 2820 DR Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 869.432 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 3920.311 N -7410.217 E measured 922.85 secs ago GPS Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 872.514 secs ago sensor:c_autoballast_state(enum)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_climb_bpump(X)=275 279.047 secs ago sensor:c_dive_bpump(X)=-225 279.051 secs ago sensor:c_iridium_current_num(enum)=1 1499.5 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 2765.44 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 2765.45 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=13.1053287547702 51.217 secs ago sensor:m_bms_aft_current(amp)=0.2325 3.301 secs ago sensor:m_bms_ebay_current(amp)=-0.000937 3.332 secs ago sensor:m_bms_pitch_current(amp)=0.221248 3.364 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=191.892217000011 3.221 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=193.455953000006 3.225 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1023 3.58 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=1 59.231 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_signal_strength(nodim)=5 39.59 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.48632478632479 62.545 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.48605006105006 62.51 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=2.48922466422466 62.475 secs ago sensor:m_lithium_battery_relative_charge(%)=10.0204869767412 3.256 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=15736 1688.3 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=9.21811555555556 51.225 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=-0.06027201725682 1672.28 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=-0.01289063488071 1672.28 secs ago sensor:u_alt_min_depth(m)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 795.57 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 1695.11 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 1695.12 secs ago devices:(t/m/s) errs: 0/ 0/ 0 warn: 123/ 0/ 0 odd: 630/ 16/ 0 ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 12 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_BEH_ERROR ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: layered_control(): Behavior surface_4 entered B_ERROR state ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2023-08-24T03:22:59 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: sbu02-2023-232-0-44 (0107.0044) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: 2023wind.mi Hit Control-R to RESUME the mission, i.e. dive! Hit Control-C to END the mission, i.e. GliderDos Hit Control-E to extend surface time by 5 minutes. Hit Control-W to get device warning reports. Hit Control-F to re-read yo, goto_l, surface, sample, drift_ mafiles. Hit H <0:1> to Hangup and call back in minutes at 0-primary 1-alternate number. Hit S [-f={rf}|{irid] [-num=] [-t=] [filespec ...] to send log files Hit ! to execute Hit Control-T to consci to science computer when comms ready: ... communications ready for consci. Water Velocity Calculations COMPLETE Waypoint: (3920.5000,-7410.0000) Range: 473m, Bearing: 49deg, Age: 0:46h:m Time until diving is: 796 secs :OOD:digifin_mgr_ctrl:OUT OF DEADBAND: M_FIN:0.0232 C_FIN:0.0000 d I heard a character ('d'), but not the right one Drained the following 3 pending chars from input buffer: 69 72 0d i r CR ir. Glider sbu02 at surface. Because:nothing commanded [behavior surface_2 start_when = 1.0] MissionName:2023wind.mi MissionNum:sbu02-2023-235-1-2 (0109.0002) Vehicle Name: sbu02 Curr Time: Thu Aug 24 07:40:50 2023 MT: 2867 DR Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 917.019 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 3920.311 N -7410.217 E measured 970.437 secs ago GPS Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 920.101 secs ago sensor:c_autoballast_state(enum)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_climb_bpump(X)=275 326.634 secs ago sensor:c_dive_bpump(X)=-225 326.638 secs ago sensor:c_iridium_current_num(enum)=1 1547.09 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 2813.03 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 2813.03 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=13.1069091882065 34.784 secs ago sensor:m_bms_aft_current(amp)=0.189684 3.419 secs ago sensor:m_bms_ebay_current(amp)=-0.000937 3.45 secs ago sensor:m_bms_pitch_current(amp)=0.17406 3.482 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=191.897344000011 3.339 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=193.461080000006 3.343 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1023 11.155 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=1 106.818 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_signal_strength(nodim)=5 87.177 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.48659951159951 46.557 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.48595848595849 46.522 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=2.48934676434676 46.487 secs ago sensor:m_lithium_battery_relative_charge(%)=10.0181023255784 3.374 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=15736 1735.89 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=9.21677948717949 34.792 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=-0.06027201725682 1719.86 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=-0.01289063488071 1719.87 secs ago sensor:u_alt_min_depth(m)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 843.157 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 1742.7 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 1742.7 secs ago devices:(t/m/s) errs: 0/ 0/ 0 warn: 123/ 0/ 0 odd: 630/ 16/ 0 ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 12 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_BEH_ERROR ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: layered_control(): Behavior surface_4 entered B_ERROR state ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2023-08-24T03:22:59 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: sbu02-2023-232-0-44 (0107.0044) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: 2023wind.mi Hit Control-R to RESUME the mission, i.e. dive! Hit Control-C to END the mission, i.e. GliderDos Hit Control-E to extend surface time by 5 minutes. Hit Control-W to get device warning reports. Hit Control-F to re-read yo, goto_l, surface, sample, drift_ mafiles. Hit H <0:1> to Hangup and call back in minutes at 0-primary 1-alternate number. Hit S [-f={rf}|{irid] [-num=] [-t=] [filespec ...] to send log files Hit ! to execute Hit Control-T to consci to science computer when comms ready: ... communications ready for consci. Water Velocity Calculations COMPLETE Waypoint: (3920.5000,-7410.0000) Range: 473m, Bearing: 49deg, Age: 0:46h:m !dir -------------------------------- Directory of c:/mafiles/ ./ ../ 7659 2022-04-21 13:46:00 1567 2023-08-24 07:34:18 486 2022-04-21 13:46:00 545 2023-08-02 16:16:26 9623 2023-01-19 22:55:26 9623 2023-01-19 22:55:24 1080 2022-04-21 13:46:00 964 2022-04-21 13:46:00 1112 2022-04-21 13:46:00 926 2022-04-21 13:46:00 843 2022-04-21 13:46:00 1022 2022-04-21 13:46:00 537 2023-07-25 15:51:22 1355 2022-04-21 13:46:00 1425 2022-04-21 13:46:00 1315 2022-04-21 13:46:00 1232 2022-04-21 13:46:00 1411 2022-04-21 13:46:00 1259 2023-01-19 22:55:18 1143 2023-01-19 22:55:16 1289 2023-01-19 22:55:16 1104 2023-01-19 22:55:16 1020 2023-01-19 22:55:30 1199 2023-01-19 22:55:20 1417 2023-08-17 17:14:52 3620 2023-01-19 22:55:30 2873 2022-04-21 13:46:00 3808 2022-04-21 13:46:00 9623 2023-01-19 22:55:30 322 2023-07-25 15:51:20 523 2023-08-02 16:16:24 499 2023-08-02 16:16:24 534 2023-08-02 16:16:24 565 2023-07-25 15:51:22 1487 2023-08-24 03:12:26 973 2023-07-25 15:51:22 38 files -------------------------------- 2867 55 behavior surface_2: ! succeeded:dir 2867 behavior surface_2: SUBSTATE 7 ->7 : After ! command, waiting for control-C to exit/resume Time until diving is: 900 secs Glider sbu02 at surface. Because:nothing commanded [behavior surface_2 start_when = 1.0] MissionName:2023wind.mi MissionNum:sbu02-2023-235-1-2 (0109.0002) Vehicle Name: sbu02 Curr Time: Thu Aug 24 07:41:39 2023 MT: 2915 DR Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 965.035 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 3920.311 N -7410.217 E measured 1018.45 secs ago GPS Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 968.116 secs ago sensor:c_autoballast_state(enum)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_climb_bpump(X)=275 374.65 secs ago sensor:c_dive_bpump(X)=-225 374.654 secs ago sensor:c_iridium_current_num(enum)=1 1595.11 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 2861.05 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 2861.05 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=13.1084175367851 19.201 secs ago sensor:m_bms_aft_current(amp)=0.139688 3.421 secs ago sensor:m_bms_ebay_current(amp)=-0.000937 3.452 secs ago sensor:m_bms_pitch_current(amp)=0.119062 3.484 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=191.902227000011 3.341 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=193.465963000006 3.345 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1023 7.581 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=0 47.893 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_signal_strength(nodim)=5 135.192 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.48641636141636 31.198 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.48617216117216 31.163 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=2.48879731379731 31.127 secs ago sensor:m_lithium_battery_relative_charge(%)=10.0158311627878 3.375 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=15736 1783.9 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=9.21611145299146 19.21 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=-0.06027201725682 1767.88 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=-0.01289063488071 1767.88 secs ago sensor:u_alt_min_depth(m)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 891.173 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 1790.71 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 1790.72 secs ago devices:(t/m/s) errs: 0/ 0/ 0 warn: 123/ 0/ 0 odd: 630/ 16/ 0 ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 12 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_BEH_ERROR ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: layered_control(): Behavior surface_4 entered B_ERROR state ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2023-08-24T03:22:59 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: sbu02-2023-232-0-44 (0107.0044) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: 2023wind.mi Hit Control-R to RESUME the mission, i.e. dive! Hit Control-C to END the mission, i.e. GliderDos Hit Control-E to extend surface time by 5 minutes. Hit Control-W to get device warning reports. Hit Control-F to re-read yo, goto_l, surface, sample, drift_ mafiles. Hit H <0:1> to Hangup and call back in minutes at 0-primary 1-alternate number. Hit S [-f={rf}|{irid] [-num=] [-t=] [filespec ...] to send log files Hit ! to execute Hit Control-T to consci to science computer when comms ready: ... communications ready for consci. Water Velocity Calculations COMPLETE Waypoint: (3920.5000,-7410.0000) Range: 473m, Bearing: 49deg, Age: 0:47h:m Time until diving is: 852 secs !type -------------------------------- # File auto-generated at: Mon Aug 12 14:06:39 2019 # Original KML File: /home/coolgroup/gliderData/kml_routes/ru30/ru30.kml # Name: Path Measure behavior_name=goto_list # GOTO_L## TEMPLATE file # 1 km RADIUS b_arg: num_legs_to_run(nodim) -2 # -1 loop, -2 run once, > 0 = this many waypoints b_arg: start_when(enum) 0 # 0 baw_immediately b_arg: list_stop_when(enum) 7 # 7 baw_when_wpt_dist # SATISFYING RADIUS b_arg: list_when_wpt_dist(m) 500 # LIST PARAMETERS b_arg: initial_wpt(enum) 0 # 0 to n-1, -1 first after last, -2 closest # b_arg: num_waypoints(nodim) 10 # NUM OF WAYPOINTS IN LIST, -1 LOOP FOREVER b_arg: num_waypoints(nodim) 6 # NUM OF WAYPOINTS IN LIST, -1 LOOP FOREVER # NYSERDA Track # Lon Lat # Start -7314.197 4031.532 #-7309.873 4010.992 #-7240.021 4000.249 #-7250.109 3957.247 #-7239.815 3951.559 #-7314.403 3946.345 #-7305.344 3938.604 #-7317.697 3929.282 #-7326.755 3913.798 #-7334.579 3913.640 #-7334.990 3929.914 #-7405.872 3928.176 #-7410.000 3921.500 # Tuckerton #-7408.136 3931.934 # Holding pattern off Manasquan #-7356.767 4004.3 #-7356.767 4004.1 # Holding pattern in separation zone #-7347.109 4006.576 #-7347.109 4004.187 # Holding pattern off Atlantic City -7410.000 3921.500 -7410.000 3920.500 -7410.000 3921.500 -7410.000 3920.500 -7410.000 3921.500 -7410.000 3920.500 # !put x_last_wpt_lon -7305.344 # !put x_last_wpt_lat 3938.604 -------------------------------- 2944 74 behavior surface_2: ! succeeded:type 2944 behavior surface_2: SUBSTATE 7 ->7 : After ! command, waiting for control-C to exit/resume Glider sbu02 at surface. Because:nothing commanded [behavior surface_2 start_when = 1.0] MissionName:2023wind.mi MissionNum:sbu02-2023-235-1-2 (0109.0002) Vehicle Name: sbu02 Curr Time: Thu Aug 24 07:42:24 2023 MT: 2961 DR Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 1010.73 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 3920.311 N -7410.217 E measured 1064.15 secs ago GPS Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 1013.81 secs ago sensor:c_autoballast_state(enum)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_climb_bpump(X)=275 420.347 secs ago sensor:c_dive_bpump(X)=-225 420.351 secs ago sensor:c_iridium_current_num(enum)=1 1640.8 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 2906.74 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 2906.75 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=13.1098395193703 3.2 secs ago sensor:m_bms_aft_current(amp)=0.23656 3.427 secs ago sensor:m_bms_ebay_current(amp)=-0.000937 3.458 secs ago sensor:m_bms_pitch_current(amp)=0.224684 3.49 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=191.907354000011 3.347 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=193.471090000006 3.351 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1023 3.577 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=0 93.59 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_signal_strength(nodim)=5 180.89 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.48647741147741 15.543 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.48629426129426 15.508 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=2.48937728937729 15.473 secs ago sensor:m_lithium_battery_relative_charge(%)=10.013446511625 3.381 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=15736 1829.6 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=9.21544341880342 3.208 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=-0.06027201725682 1813.58 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=-0.01289063488071 1813.58 secs ago sensor:u_alt_min_depth(m)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 936.87 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 1836.41 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 1836.41 secs ago devices:(t/m/s) errs: 0/ 0/ 0 warn: 123/ 0/ 0 odd: 630/ 16/ 0 ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 12 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_BEH_ERROR ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: layered_control(): Behavior surface_4 entered B_ERROR state ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2023-08-24T03:22:59 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: sbu02-2023-232-0-44 (0107.0044) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: 2023wind.mi Hit Control-R to RESUME the mission, i.e. dive! Hit Control-C to END the mission, i.e. GliderDos Hit Control-E to extend surface time by 5 minutes. Hit Control-W to get device warning reports. Hit Control-F to re-read yo, goto_l, surface, sample, drift_ mafiles. Hit H <0:1> to Hangup and call back in minutes at 0-primary 1-alternate number. Hit S [-f={rf}|{irid] [-num=] [-t=] [filespec ...] to send log files Hit ! to execute Hit Control-T to consci to science computer when comms ready: ... communications ready for consci. Water Velocity Calculations COMPLETE Waypoint: (3920.5000,-7410.0000) Range: 473m, Bearing: 49deg, Age: 0:48h:m Time until diving is: 883 secs Glider sbu02 at surface. Because:nothing commanded [behavior surface_2 start_when = 1.0] MissionName:2023wind.mi MissionNum:sbu02-2023-235-1-2 (0109.0002) Vehicle Name: sbu02 Curr Time: Thu Aug 24 07:43:12 2023 MT: 3009 DR Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 1058.74 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 3920.311 N -7410.217 E measured 1112.16 secs ago GPS Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 1061.83 secs ago sensor:c_autoballast_state(enum)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_climb_bpump(X)=275 468.36 secs ago sensor:c_dive_bpump(X)=-225 468.364 secs ago sensor:c_iridium_current_num(enum)=1 1688.82 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 2954.76 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 2954.76 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=13.1098395193703 51.212 secs ago sensor:m_bms_aft_current(amp)=0.13906 3.433 secs ago sensor:m_bms_ebay_current(amp)=-0.000937 3.464 secs ago sensor:m_bms_pitch_current(amp)=0.11875 3.496 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=191.912237000011 3.353 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=193.475973000006 3.357 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1023 3.581 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=0 141.603 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_signal_strength(nodim)=5 228.902 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.48647741147741 63.556 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.48629426129426 63.521 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=2.48937728937729 63.485 secs ago sensor:m_lithium_battery_relative_charge(%)=10.0111753488343 3.387 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=15736 1877.62 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=9.21544341880342 51.221 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=-0.06027201725682 1861.59 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=-0.01289063488071 1861.59 secs ago sensor:u_alt_min_depth(m)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 984.883 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 1884.42 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 1884.43 secs ago devices:(t/m/s) errs: 0/ 0/ 0 warn: 123/ 0/ 0 odd: 630/ 16/ 0 ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 12 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_BEH_ERROR ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: layered_control(): Behavior surface_4 entered B_ERROR state ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2023-08-24T03:22:59 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: sbu02-2023-232-0-44 (0107.0044) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: 2023wind.mi Hit Control-R to RESUME the mission, i.e. dive! Hit Control-C to END the mission, i.e. GliderDos Hit Control-E to extend surface time by 5 minutes. Hit Control-W to get device warning reports. Hit Control-F to re-read yo, goto_l, surface, sample, drift_ mafiles. Hit H <0:1> to Hangup and call back in minutes at 0-primary 1-alternate number. Hit S [-f={rf}|{irid] [-num=] [-t=] [filespec ...] to send log files Hit ! to execute Hit Control-T to consci to science computer when comms ready: ... communications ready for consci. Water Velocity Calculations COMPLETE Waypoint: (3920.5000,-7410.0000) Range: 473m, Bearing: 49deg, Age: 0:49h:m Time until diving is: 835 secs Glider sbu02 at surface. Because:nothing commanded [behavior surface_2 start_when = 1.0] MissionName:2023wind.mi MissionNum:sbu02-2023-235-1-2 (0109.0002) Vehicle Name: sbu02 Curr Time: Thu Aug 24 07:44:00 2023 MT: 3056 DR Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 1106.29 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 3920.311 N -7410.217 E measured 1159.71 secs ago GPS Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 1109.37 secs ago sensor:c_autoballast_state(enum)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_climb_bpump(X)=275 515.905 secs ago sensor:c_dive_bpump(X)=-225 515.909 secs ago sensor:c_iridium_current_num(enum)=1 1736.36 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 3002.3 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 3002.31 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=13.1101307811085 34.742 secs ago sensor:m_bms_aft_current(amp)=0.178748 3.419 secs ago sensor:m_bms_ebay_current(amp)=-0.000937 3.45 secs ago sensor:m_bms_pitch_current(amp)=0.16656 3.482 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=191.917364000011 3.339 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=193.481100000006 3.343 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1023 11.114 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=0 189.148 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_signal_strength(nodim)=5 276.448 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.48650793650794 46.515 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.48605006105006 46.48 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=2.48928571428571 46.445 secs ago sensor:m_lithium_battery_relative_charge(%)=10.0087906976716 3.374 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=15736 1925.16 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=9.2131052991453 34.75 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=-0.06027201725682 1909.13 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=-0.01289063488071 1909.14 secs ago sensor:u_alt_min_depth(m)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 1032.43 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 1931.97 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 1931.97 secs ago devices:(t/m/s) errs: 0/ 0/ 0 warn: 123/ 0/ 0 odd: 630/ 16/ 0 ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 12 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_BEH_ERROR ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: layered_control(): Behavior surface_4 entered B_ERROR state ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2023-08-24T03:22:59 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: sbu02-2023-232-0-44 (0107.0044) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: 2023wind.mi Hit Control-R to RESUME the mission, i.e. dive! Hit Control-C to END the mission, i.e. GliderDos Hit Control-E to extend surface time by 5 minutes. Hit Control-W to get device warning reports. Hit Control-F to re-read yo, goto_l, surface, sample, drift_ mafiles. Hit H <0:1> to Hangup and call back in minutes at 0-primary 1-alternate number. Hit S [-f={rf}|{irid] [-num=] [-t=] [filespec ...] to send log files Hit ! to execute Hit Control-T to consci to science computer when comms ready: ... communications ready for consci. Water Velocity Calculations COMPLETE Waypoint: (3920.5000,-7410.0000) Range: 473m, Bearing: 49deg, Age: 0:50h:m Time until diving is: 788 secs :OOD:digifin_mgr_ctrl:OUT OF DEADBAND: M_FIN:0.0261 C_FIN:0.0000 Glider sbu02 at surface. Because:nothing commanded [behavior surface_2 start_when = 1.0] MissionName:2023wind.mi MissionNum:sbu02-2023-235-1-2 (0109.0002) Vehicle Name: sbu02 Curr Time: Thu Aug 24 07:44:48 2023 MT: 3104 DR Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 1154.31 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 3920.311 N -7410.217 E measured 1207.72 secs ago GPS Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 1157.39 secs ago sensor:c_autoballast_state(enum)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_climb_bpump(X)=275 563.92 secs ago sensor:c_dive_bpump(X)=-225 563.924 secs ago sensor:c_iridium_current_num(enum)=1 1784.38 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 3050.32 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 3050.32 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=13.1113169703969 19.202 secs ago sensor:m_bms_aft_current(amp)=0.138128 3.422 secs ago sensor:m_bms_ebay_current(amp)=-0.000937 3.453 secs ago sensor:m_bms_pitch_current(amp)=0.116562 3.485 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=191.921026000011 3.342 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=193.484762000006 3.346 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1023 7.581 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=0 237.163 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_signal_strength(nodim)=5 324.462 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.48641636141636 31.196 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.48635531135531 31.161 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=2.48913308913309 31.125 secs ago sensor:m_lithium_battery_relative_charge(%)=10.0070874418576 3.376 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=15736 1973.17 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=9.21377333333334 19.211 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=-0.06027201725682 1957.15 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=-0.01289063488071 1957.15 secs ago sensor:u_alt_min_depth(m)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 1080.44 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 1979.98 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 1979.99 secs ago devices:(t/m/s) errs: 0/ 0/ 0 warn: 123/ 0/ 0 odd: 630/ 16/ 0 ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 12 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_BEH_ERROR ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: layered_control(): Behavior surface_4 entered B_ERROR state ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2023-08-24T03:22:59 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: sbu02-2023-232-0-44 (0107.0044) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: 2023wind.mi Hit Control-R to RESUME the mission, i.e. dive! Hit Control-C to END the mission, i.e. GliderDos Hit Control-E to extend surface time by 5 minutes. Hit Control-W to get device warning reports. Hit Control-F to re-read yo, goto_l, surface, sample, drift_ mafiles. Hit H <0:1> to Hangup and call back in minutes at 0-primary 1-alternate number. Hit S [-f={rf}|{irid] [-num=] [-t=] [filespec ...] to send log files Hit ! to execute Hit Control-T to consci to science computer when comms ready: ... communications ready for consci. Water Velocity Calculations COMPLETE Waypoint: (3920.5000,-7410.0000) Range: 473m, Bearing: 49deg, Age: 0:50h:m Time until diving is: 740 secs :OOD:digifin_mgr_ctrl:OUT OF DEADBAND: M_FIN:0.0261 C_FIN:0.0000 !zr -------------------------------- Choosing console...using IRIDIUM 3148 23 save_and_change_sensors().... Changed u_use_ctd_depth_for_flying from 0 to 0 Changed c_science_on from 1 to 0 3148 save_and_change_sensors().... Changed c_science_printout from 0 to 0 Waiting for motors idle START **B0100000027fed4 Starting zModem transfer of to/from sbu02 size is 1549 Total Bytes sent/received: 1024 Total Bytes sent/received: 1549 zModem transfer DONE for file sending >< Sent archiving >/var/opt/sfmc-dockserver/stations/stonybrook/gliders/sbu02/to-glider/< as >/var/opt/sfmc-dockserver/stations/stonybrook/gliders/sbu02/archive/< Successful deleting >/var/opt/sfmc-dockserver/stations/stonybrook/gliders/sbu02/to-glider/< Successful 3171 restore_sensors().... Restored u_use_ctd_depth_for_flying from 0 to 0 Restored c_science_on from 0 to 1 3171 restore_sensors().... 3171 restore_sensors().... Restored c_science_printout from 0 to 0 Done! -------------------------------- 3171 behavior surface_2: ! succeeded:zr 3171 behavior surface_2: SUBSTATE 7 ->7 : After ! command, waiting for control-C to exit/resume Glider-Science software version match: 10.080000 Science hardware version is 3.000000 Glider sbu02 at surface. Because:nothing commanded [behavior surface_2 start_when = 1.0] MissionName:2023wind.mi MissionNum:sbu02-2023-235-1-2 (0109.0002) Vehicle Name: sbu02 Curr Time: Thu Aug 24 07:45:56 2023 MT: 3172 DR Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 1221.97 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 3920.311 N -7410.217 E measured 1275.39 secs ago GPS Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 1225.05 secs ago sensor:c_autoballast_state(enum)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_climb_bpump(X)=275 631.584 secs ago sensor:c_dive_bpump(X)=-225 631.588 secs ago sensor:c_iridium_current_num(enum)=1 1852.04 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 3117.98 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 3117.98 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=13.1114819766539 0.207 secs ago sensor:m_bms_aft_current(amp)=0.151876 0.435 secs ago sensor:m_bms_ebay_current(amp)=-0.000937 0.466 secs ago sensor:m_bms_pitch_current(amp)=0.115312 0.498 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=191.927374000011 0.355 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=193.491110000006 0.359 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1021 23.63 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=0 304.827 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_signal_strength(nodim)=5 392.126 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.48635531135531 34.839 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.48647741147741 34.804 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=2.48913308913309 34.769 secs ago sensor:m_lithium_battery_relative_charge(%)=10.0041348837181 0.389 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=15736 2040.84 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=9.2111011965812 0.216 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=-0.06027201725682 2024.81 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=-0.01289063488071 2024.82 secs ago sensor:u_alt_min_depth(m)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 1148.11 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 2047.65 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 2047.65 secs ago devices:(t/m/s) errs: 0/ 0/ 0 warn: 123/ 0/ 0 odd: 630/ 16/ 0 ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 12 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_BEH_ERROR ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: layered_control(): Behavior surface_4 entered B_ERROR state ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2023-08-24T03:22:59 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: sbu02-2023-232-0-44 (0107.0044) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: 2023wind.mi Hit Control-R to RESUME the mission, i.e. dive! Hit Control-C to END the mission, i.e. GliderDos Hit Control-E to extend surface time by 5 minutes. Hit Control-W to get device warning reports. Hit Control-F to re-read yo, goto_l, surface, sample, drift_ mafiles. Hit H <0:1> to Hangup and call back in minutes at 0-primary 1-alternate number. Hit S [-f={rf}|{irid] [-num=] [-t=] [filespec ...] to send log files Hit ! to execute Hit Control-T to consci to science computer when comms ready: ... communications NOT ready for consci. ... because: sci_m_science_on = 0 Water Velocity Calculations COMPLETE Waypoint: (3920.5000,-7410.0000) Range: 473m, Bearing: 49deg, Age: 0:51h:m Time until diving is: 899 secs 3173 24 SCI:PROGLET house_elf begin() called 3173 SCI: house_elf: Version 1.2 3173 SCI:PROGLET ctd41cp begin() called 3173 SCI: ctd41cp: Version 0.2 3173 SCI: ctd41cp: Will be sending the following data to glider: 3173 SCI: sci_water_cond(s/m) 3173 SCI: sci_water_temp(degc) 3173 SCI: sci_water_pressure(bar) 3173 SCI: sci_ctd41cp_timestamp(timestamp) 3173 SCI:PROGLET sbe41n_ph begin() called 3173 SCI:PROGLET flbbcd begin() called 3173 SCI: flbbcd: Version 0.0 3173 SCI: flbbcd: Will be sending following data to glider: 3173 SCI: sci_flbbcd_chlor_units(ug/l) 3173 SCI: sci_flbbcd_bb_units(nodim) 3173 SCI: sci_flbbcd_cdom_units(ppb) 3173 SCI: sci_flbbcd_chlor_sig(nodim) 3173 SCI: sci_flbbcd_bb_sig(nodim) 3173 SCI: sci_flbbcd_cdom_sig(nodim) 3173 SCI: sci_flbbcd_chlor_ref(nodim) 3173 SCI: sci_flbbcd_bb_ref(nodim) 3173 SCI: sci_flbbcd_cdom_ref(nodim) 3173 SCI: sci_flbbcd_therm(nodim) 3173 SCI: sci_flbbcd_timestamp(timestamp) 3173 SCI:Bit(0) raise count is now 0. 3173 SCI:Bit(0) raise count is now 0. 3173 SCI:PROGLET oxy4 begin() called 3173 SCI: oxy4: Version 0.0 3173 SCI: oxy4: Will be sending following data to glider: 3173 SCI: sci_oxy4_oxygen(um) 3173 SCI: sci_oxy4_saturation(%) 3173 SCI: sci_oxy4_temp(degc) 3173 SCI: sci_oxy4_calphase(deg) 3173 SCI: sci_oxy4_tcphase(deg) 3173 SCI: sci_oxy4_c1rph(deg) 3173 SCI: sci_oxy4_c2rph(deg) 3173 SCI: sci_oxy4_c1amp(mv) 3173 SCI: sci_oxy4_c2amp(mv) 3173 SCI: sci_oxy4_rawtemp(mv) 3173 SCI: sci_oxy4_timestamp(timestamp) 3173 SCI:Bit(2) raise count is now 0. 3173 SCI:Bit(2) raise count is now 0. 3173 SCI:PROGLET dmon begin() called 3173 SCI: dmon: Version 0.0 3173 SCI: dmon: Will be sending following data to glider: 3173 SCI: sci_dmon_msg_byte_count(nodim) 3173 SCI:PROGLET house_elf start() called 3173 SCI: house_elf_run(): 0 error(s) in a row. (5 is fatal) 3173 SCI: house_elf_run(): 0 error(s) since house_elf_begin(). (50 is fatal) Glider sbu02 at surface. Because:nothing commanded [behavior surface_2 start_when = 1.0] MissionName:2023wind.mi MissionNum:sbu02-2023-235-1-2 (0109.0002) Vehicle Name: sbu02 Curr Time: Thu Aug 24 07:46:44 2023 MT: 3220 DR Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 1270.05 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 3920.311 N -7410.217 E measured 1323.47 secs ago GPS Location: 3920.297 N -7410.200 E measured 1273.13 secs ago sensor:c_autoballast_state(enum)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_climb_bpump(X)=275 679.664 secs ago sensor:c_dive_bpump(X)=-225 679.668 secs ago sensor:c_iridium_current_num(enum)=1 1900.12 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 3166.06 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 3166.07 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=13.1114819766539 48.287 secs ago sensor:m_bms_aft_current(amp)=0.2325 3.423 secs ago sensor:m_bms_ebay_current(amp)=-0.000937 3.454 secs ago sensor:m_bms_pitch_current(amp)=0.204064 3.486 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=191.932256000011 3.343 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=193.495992000006 3.347 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1023 7.581 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=0 352.907 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_signal_strength(nodim)=5 440.206 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.48690476190476 19.18 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.48577533577534 19.145 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=2.48952991452991 19.11 secs ago sensor:m_lithium_battery_relative_charge(%)=10.0018641860437 3.377 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=15736 2088.92 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=9.2111011965812 48.296 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=-0.06027201725682 2072.89 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=-0.01289063488071 2072.9 secs ago sensor:u_alt_min_depth(m)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 1196.19 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=3920.5 2095.73 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-7410 2095.73 secs ago devices:(t/m/s) errs: 0/ 0/ 0 warn: 123/ 0/ 0 odd: 630/ 16/ 0 ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 12 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_BEH_ERROR ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: layered_control(): Behavior surface_4 entered B_ERROR state ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2023-08-24T03:22:59 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: sbu02-2023-232-0-44 (0107.0044) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: 2023wind.mi Hit Control-R to RESUME the mission, i.e. dive! Hit Control-C to END the mission, i.e. GliderDos Hit Control-E to extend surface time by 5 minutes. Hit Control-W to get device warning reports. Hit Control-F to re-read yo, goto_l, surface, sample, drift_ mafiles. Hit H <0:1> to Hangup and call back in minutes at 0-primary 1-alternate number. Hit S [-f={rf}|{irid] [-num=] [-t=] [filespec ...] to send log files Hit ! to execute Hit Control-T to consci to science computer when comms ready: ... communications ready for consci. Water Velocity Calculations COMPLETE Waypoint: (3920.5000,-7410.0000) Range: 473m, Bearing: 49deg, Age: 0:52h:m Time until diving is: 851 secs ^F MAFILES will be re-read. Extending surface time by 5 minutes just in case user might want to verify quality of MAFILE(s). 3228 38 behavior sample_12: SUBSTATE 4 ->0 UnInited: Unitialized 3228 behavior sample_12: STATE Active -> UnInited 3228 behavior sample_11: SUBSTATE 4 ->0 UnInited: Unitialized 3228 behavior sample_11: STATE Active -> UnInited 3228 behavior sample_10: SUBSTATE 4 ->0 UnInited: Unitialized 3228 behavior sample_10: STATE Active -> UnInited 3228 behavior sample_9: SUBSTATE 4 ->0 UnInited: Unitialized 3228 behavior sample_9: STATE Active -> UnInited 3228 behavior sample_8: SUBSTATE 4 ->0 UnInited: Unitialized 3228 behavior sample_8: STATE Active -> UnInited 3228 behavior yo_7: STATE Active -> UnInited 3228 behavior surface_5: SUBSTATE 0 UnInited->0 UnInited: rereading .ma file 3228 behavior surface_5: STATE Waiting for Activation -> UnInited 3228 behavior surface_4: SUBSTATE 0 UnInited->0 UnInited: rereading .ma file 3228 behavior surface_4: STATE Waiting for Activation -> UnInited 3228 behavior surface_3: SUBSTATE 0 UnInited->0 UnInited: rereading .ma file 3228 behavior surface_3: STATE Waiting for Activation -> UnInited I heard a character ('CR'), but not the right one There were no pending chars in input buffer to drain. 3232 39 behavior sample_12: sample(): reading bargs 3232 behavior sample_12: Reading b_args from 3232 behavior sample_12: sensor_type(enum)=49.000000 3232 behavior sample_12: intersample_time(s)=0.000000 3232 behavior sample_12: state_to_sample(enum)=7.000000 3232 behavior sample_12: nth_yo_to_sample(nodim)=1.000000 3232 behavior sample_12: STATE UnInited -> Active 3232 behavior sample_12: SUBSTATE 0 UnInited->4 : On Surface 3232 behavior sample_11: sample(): reading bargs 3232 behavior sample_11: Reading b_args from 3232 behavior sample_11: sensor_type(enum)=54.000000 3232 behavior sample_11: sample_time_after_state_change(s)=0.000000 3232 behavior sample_11: intersample_time(sec)=1.000000 3232 behavior sample_11: state_to_sample(enum)=7.000000 3232 behavior sample_11: nth_yo_to_sample(nodim)=5.000000 3232 behavior sample_11: STATE UnInited -> Active 3232 behavior sample_11: SUBSTATE 0 UnInited->4 : On Surface 3232 behavior sample_10: sample(): reading bargs 3232 behavior sample_10: Reading b_args from 3232 behavior sample_10: sensor_type(enum)=48.000000 3232 behavior sample_10: sample_time_after_state_change(s)=0.000000 3232 behavior sample_10: intersample_time(sec)=1.000000 3232 behavior sample_10: state_to_sample(enum)=7.000000 3232 behavior sample_10: nth_yo_to_sample(nodim)=5.000000 3232 behavior sample_10: STATE UnInited -> Active 3232 behavior sample_10: SUBSTATE 0 UnInited->4 : On Surface 3232 behavior sample_9: sample(): reading bargs 3232 behavior sample_9: Reading b_args from 3232 behavior sample_9: sensor_type(enum)=75.000000 3232 behavior sample_9: sample_time_after_state_change(s)=0.000000 3232 behavior sample_9: intersample_time(sec)=1.000000 3232 behavior sample_9: state_to_sample(enum)=7.000000 3232 behavior sample_9: nth_yo_to_sample(nodim)=5.000000 3232 behavior sample_9: STATE UnInited -> Active 3232 behavior sample_9: SUBSTATE 0 UnInited->4 : On Surface 3232 behavior sample_8: sample(): reading bargs 3232 behavior sample_8: Reading b_args from 3232 behavior sample_8: sensor_type(enum)=1.000000 3232 behavior sample_8: state_to_sample(enum)=7.000000 3232 behavior sample_8: intersample_time(s)=1.000000 3232 behavior sample_8: intersample_depth(m)=-1.000000 3232 behavior sample_8: nth_yo_to_sample(nodim)=5.000000 3232 behavior sample_8: min_depth(m)=-2.000000 3232 behavior sample_8: max_depth(m)=380.000000 3232 behavior sample_8: STATE UnInited -> Active 3232 behavior sample_8: SUBSTATE 0 UnInited->4 : On Surface 3232 behavior yo_7: Reading b_args from 3232 behavior yo_7: start_when(enum)=2.000000 3232 behavior yo_7: num_half_cycles_to_do(nodim)=-1.000000 3232 behavior yo_7: d_target_depth(m)=180.000000 3232 behavior yo_7: d_target_altitude(m)=4.500000 3232 behavior yo_7: d_use_pitch(enum)=3.000000 3232 behavior yo_7: d_pitch_value(X)=-0.453800 3232 behavior yo_7: d_use_bpump(enum)=0.000000 3232 behavior yo_7: d_bpump_value(X)=450.000000 3232 behavior yo_7: d_speed_min(m/s)=0.100000 3232 behavior yo_7: c_target_depth(m)=3.500000 3232 behavior yo_7: c_target_altitude(m)=-1.000000 3232 behavior yo_7: c_use_pitch(enum)=3.000000 3232 behavior yo_7: c_pitch_value(X)=0.453800 3232 behavior yo_7: c_use_bpump(enum)=0.000000 3232 behavior yo_7: c_speed_min(m/s)=-0.100000 3232 behavior yo_7: end_action(enum)=2.000000 3232 behavior yo_7: STATE UnInited -> Waiting for Activation 3232 behavior yo_7: STATE Waiting for Activation -> Active 3232 behavior dive_to_701: STATE UnInited -> Active 3232 behavior dive_to_701: SUBSTATE 0 UnInited->1 : waiting for initial depth reading 3232 behavior surface_5: Reading b_args from 3232 behavior surface_5: when_secs(sec)=43200.000000 3232 behavior surface_5: c_use_bpump(enum)=2.000000 3232 behavior surface_5: c_bpump_value(X)=1000.000000 3232 behavior surface_5: c_use_pitch(enum)=3.000000 3232 behavior surface_5: c_pitch_value(X)=0.520000 3232 behavior surface_5: report_all(bool)=0.000000 3232 behavior surface_5: end_action(enum)=0.000000 3232 behavior surface_5: gps_wait_time(sec)=300.000000 3232 behavior surface_5: gps_postfix_wait_time(sec)=16.000000 3232 behavior surface_5: keystroke_wait_time(sec)=599.000000 3232 behavior surface_5: printout_cycle_time(sec)=40.000000 3232 behavior surface_5: force_iridium_use(nodim)=1.000000 3232 behavior surface_5: STATE UnInited -> Waiting for Activation 3232 behavior surface_4: Reading b_args from 3232 behavior surface_4: when_secs(sec)=4500.000000 3232 behavior surface_4: c_use_bpump(enum)=2.000000 3232 behavior surface_4: c_bpump_value(X)=400.000000 3232 behavior surface_4: c_use_pitch(enum)=3.000000 3232 behavior surface_4: c_pitch_value(X)=0.452800 3232 behavior surface_4: report_all(bool)=0.000000 3232 behavior surface_4: end_action(enum)=1.000000 3232 behavior surface_4: gps_wait_time(sec)=300.000000 3232 behavior surface_4: gps_postfix_wait_time(sec)=16.000000 3232 behavior surface_4: keystroke_wait_time(sec)=599.000000 3232 behavior surface_4: printout_cycle_time(sec)=45.000000 3232 behavior surface_4: force_iridium_use(nodim)=1.000000 3232 behavior surface_4: STATE UnInited -> Waiting for Activation 3232 behavior surface_3: Reading b_args from 3232 behavior surface_3: when_wpt_dist(m)=200.000000 3232 behavior surface_3: start_when(enum)=8.000000 3232 behavior surface_3: end_action(enum)=1.000000 3232 behavior surface_3: gps_wait_time(sec)=300.000000 3232 behavior surface_3: keystroke_wait_time(sec)=300.000000 3232 behavior surface_3: c_use_pitch(enum)=3.000000 3232 behavior surface_3: c_pitch_value(X)=0.452800 3232 behavior surface_3: printout_cycle_time(sec)=45.000000 3232 behavior surface_3: STATE UnInited -> Waiting for Activation 3236 40 behavior dive_to_701: SUBSTATE 1 ->4 : diving 3257 43 ERROR behavior ?_-1: abort_the_mission(0): (32)MS_ABORT_LOW_REL_CHARGE 3258 behavior ?_-1: abort_the_mission(): Changing U_CYCLE_TIME from 4.000000 to 15.000000 3258 save_and_change_sensors().... Changed u_depth_rate_filter_factor from 4 to -1 3258 Attempting to put only critical devices back into service 3258 behavior ?_-1: Vehicle Name: sbu02 3258 behavior ?_-1: abort_the_mission(): (32)MS_ABORT_LOW_REL_CHARGE 3258 behavior ?_-1: secs since abort started: 0 try num: 0 3258 behavior ?_-1: depths ini: 0 working: 360 at risk: 396 crush: 400 3258 behavior ?_-1: expected time/tries to surface: 303 20 3258 behavior ?_-1: max time/tries to go up: 300 20 3258 behavior ?_-1: too long: 0, not going up: 0, depth sensor busted:0 3258 behavior ?_-1: abort burn time/tries min: 600 40 3258 behavior ?_-1: abort burn time/tries max: 14400 960 3258 behavior ?_-1: ABOVE WORKING DEPTH 3258 behavior ?_-1: drop_the_weight = 0 3258 Not recommended, but if in infinite loop, hit Control-C 3259 sensor: m_depth = 0 m 3267 44 Attempting to put only critical devices back into service 3267 behavior ?_-1: Vehicle Name: sbu02 3267 behavior ?_-1: abort_the_mission(): (32)MS_ABORT_LOW_REL_CHARGE 3267 behavior ?_-1: secs since abort started: 10 try num: 1 3267 behavior ?_-1: depths ini: 0 working: 360 at risk: 396 crush: 400 3267 behavior ?_-1: expected time/tries to surface: 303 20 3267 behavior ?_-1: max time/tries to go up: 300 20 3267 behavior ?_-1: too long: 0, not going up: 0, depth sensor busted:0 3267 behavior ?_-1: abort burn time/tries min: 600 40 3267 behavior ?_-1: abort burn time/tries max: 14400 960 3267 behavior ?_-1: ABOVE WORKING DEPTH 3267 behavior ?_-1: drop_the_weight = 0 3267 Not recommended, but if in infinite loop, hit Control-C ^@ I heard a character, but wrong one! 3268 sensor: m_depth = 0 m 3282 45 Attempting to put only critical devices back into service 3282 behavior ?_-1: Vehicle Name: sbu02 3282 behavior ?_-1: abort_the_mission(): (32)MS_ABORT_LOW_REL_CHARGE 3282 behavior ?_-1: secs since abort started: 25 try num: 2 3282 behavior ?_-1: depths ini: 0 working: 360 at risk: 396 crush: 400 3282 behavior ?_-1: expected time/tries to surface: 303 20 3282 behavior ?_-1: max time/tries to go up: 300 20 3282 behavior ?_-1: too long: 0, not going up: 0, depth sensor busted:0 3282 behavior ?_-1: abort burn time/tries min: 600 40 3282 behavior ?_-1: abort burn time/tries max: 14400 960 3282 ERROR behavior ?_-1: we_are_done(): At the surface, return (-2)MS_COMPLETED_ABNORMALLY 3282 behavior ?_-1: we_are_done(): Restoring U_CYCLE_TIME from 15.000000 to 4.000000 3282 restore_sensors().... Restored u_depth_rate_filter_factor from -1 to 4 3282 behavior ?_-1: ABOVE WORKING DEPTH 3282 behavior ?_-1: drop_the_weight = 0 3282 Not recommended, but if in infinite loop, hit Control-C 3283 behavior ?_-1: run_mission(): Mission completed: MS_COMPLETED_ABNORMALLY(-2) Vehicle Name: sbu02 Mission Name: 2023wind.mi Mission Number: sbu02-2023-235-1-2 (0109.0002) post_mission_cleanup(): End of Mission timestamp: Thu Aug 24 07:47:53 2023 3289 01090002.mcg LOG FILE CLOSED timestamp: Thu Aug 24 07:47:57 2023 Mission completed ABNORMALLY, ret = -3 Mission end: grun_mission() 2023wind.mi sbu02-2023-235-1-2 (0109.0002) SEQUENCE: 2023wind.mi sbu02-2023-235-1-2 (0109.0002) aborted on try 0 SEQUENCE: Forcing use of critical devices Returning to GliderDos to let iridium report in. Setting U_MAX_TIME_IN_GLIDERDOS(s) to 900 Command error: SEQUENCE: suspended GliderDos A 32 > GliderDos A 32 > GliderDos A 32 > GliderDos A 32 >get m_battery = 13.103570 volts GliderDos A 32 > GliderDos A 32 > Vehicle Name: sbu02 3631 29 NOTE:GPS fix is getting stale: 1684 secs old GliderDos A 32 >^C Parse error: Command not found GliderDos A 32 > Vehicle Name: sbu02 3745 57 GliderDos: No keystroke heard for 60 seconds 840 seconds to go before running:SEQUENCE -resume_next GliderDos A 32 > GliderDos A 32 > GliderDos A 32 >