Connection Event: Carrier Detect found.224684 Iridium console active and ready... Vehicle Name: sbu02 Curr Time: Sun Aug 20 13:05:47 2023 MT: 224684 DR Location: 3919.745 N -7334.053 E measured 40.573 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 3918.046 N -7333.567 E measured 92.606 secs ago GPS Location: 3919.745 N -7334.053 E measured 42.593 not found>*.ma< [dockzr | dockszr] [?][-v N][-nosmartdir][-f rf | irid][-cd dir][-noremove] [-archive] [-d ] ... [[-d ... ] ... ] secs ago sensor:c_autoballast_state(enum)=2 566.589 secs ago sensor:c_climb_bpump(X)=200 116.58 secs ago sensor:c_dive_bpump(X)=-250 116.584 secs ago sensor:c_iridium_current_num(enum)=0 34957.3 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=3931.336 84068.5 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-7325.932 84068.5 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=14.1026795145119 19.694 secs ago sensor:m_bms_aft_current(amp)=0.193128 3.91 secs ago sensor:m_bms_ebay_current(amp)=-0.000937 3.941 secs ago sensor:m_bms_pitch_current(amp)=0.16 3.972 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=146.366352000008 3.829 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=147.930088000003 3.833 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1023 0.071 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=1 36.076 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_signal_strength(nodim)=5 24.09 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.48403540903541 51.68 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.48369963369963 51.644 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=2.48653846153846 51.609 secs ago sensor:m_lithium_battery_relative_charge(%)=31.1953079069753 3.864 secs ago sensor:m_tot not found>*.dat< not found>*.ini< not found>*.cfg< [dockzr | dockszr] [?][-v N][-nosmartdir][-f rf | irid][-cd dir][-noremove] [-archive] [-d ] ... [[-d ... ] ... ] _num_inflections(nodim)=14406 108.708 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=8.67333367521368 43.745 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=-0.091784583993034 60.684 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=0.062317357297238 60.687 secs ago sensor:u_alt_min_depth(m)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 11909 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=3913.64 84068.6 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-7334.579 84068.6 secs ago ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 10 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_BEH_ERROR ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: layered_control(): Behavior surface_3 entered B_ERROR state ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2023-08-17T22:36:39 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: sbu02-2023-228-4-2 (0105.0002) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: 2023wind.mi 224684 No login script found for processing. Glider sbu02 at surface. Because:no comms for a while [behavior surface_4 start_when = 12.0] MissionName:2023wind.mi MissionNum:sbu02-2023-228-5-36 (0106.0036) Vehicle Name: sbu02 Curr Time: Sun Aug 20 13:05:54 2023 MT: 224692 DR Location: 3919.745 N -7334.053 E measured 48.083 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 3918.046 N -7333.567 E measured 100.116 secs ago GPS Location: 3919.745 N -7334.053 E measured 50.103 secs ago sensor:c_autoballast_state(enum)=2 574.099 secs ago sensor:c_climb_bpump(X)=200 124.091 secs ago sensor:c_dive_bpump(X)=-250 124.094 secs ago sensor:c_iridium_current_num(enum)=0 34964.9 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=3931.336 84076 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-7325.932 84076 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=14.1026795145119 27.204 secs ago sensor:m_bms_aft_current(amp)=0.221248 3.414 secs ago sensor:m_bms_ebay_current(amp)=-0.000937 3.445 secs ago sensor:m_bms_pitch_current(amp)=0.272496 3.476 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=146.367328000008 3.333 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=147.931064000003 3.337 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1023 7.581 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=1 43.586 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_signal_strength(nodim)=5 31.6 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.48403540903541 59.19 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.48369963369963 59.154 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=2.48653846153846 59.119 secs ago sensor:m_lithium_battery_relative_charge(%)=31.1948539534869 3.368 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=14406 116.218 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=8.67333367521368 51.255 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=-0.091784583993034 68.193 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=0.062317357297238 68.197 secs ago sensor:u_alt_min_depth(m)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 11916.5 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=3913.64 84076.1 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-7334.579 84076.1 secs ago devices:(t/m/s) errs: 0/ 0/ 0 warn: 91/ 15/ 3 odd: 489/ 68/ 2 ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 10 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_BEH_ERROR ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: layered_control(): Behavior surface_3 entered B_ERROR state ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2023-08-17T22:36:39 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: sbu02-2023-228-4-2 (0105.0002) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: 2023wind.mi Hit Control-R to RESUME the mission, i.e. dive! Hit Control-C to END the mission, i.e. GliderDos Hit Control-E to extend surface time by 5 minutes. Hit Control-W to get device warning reports. Hit Control-F to re-read yo, goto_l, surface, sample, drift_ mafiles. Hit H <0:1> to Hangup and call back in minutes at 0-primary 1-alternate number. Hit S [-f={rf}|{irid] [-num=] [-t=] [filespec ...] to send log files Hit ! to execute Hit Control-T to consci to science computer when comms ready: ... communications ready for consci. Water Velocity Calculations waiting for final gps fix(ideally -24 secs) Waypoint: (3931.3360,-7325.9320) Range: 24405m, Bearing: 41deg, Age: 23:21h:m Time until diving is: 547 secs !put u_use_current_correction 1 -------------------------------- 224700 7 sensor: u_use_current_correction = 1 nodim -------------------------------- 224700 behavior surface_4: ! succeeded:put u_use_current_correction 1 224700 behavior surface_4: SUBSTATE 7 ->7 : After ! command, waiting for control-C to exit/resume s -num=5 *.sbd *.tbd *.tcd *.scd *.vem *.azf *.asc *.obs *.mrd -------------------------------- 224724 12 01060036.mcg LOG FILE CLOSED SCIENCE DATA LOGGING: science IS running :OOD:digifin_mgr_ctrl:OUT OF DEADBAND: M_FIN:0.0550 C_FIN:0.0000 CONSCI REQUESTED (using IRIDIUM as console) ASKING SCIENCE COMPUTER TO SWITCH TO COMMAND MODE via IRIDIUM SWITCHING TO SCIENCE COMMAND MODE over IRIDIUM Normal operation resumes when: SciDos> QUIT -or- Lose CD (unplug freewave/hangup iridium) -or- run longer than U_SCI_CMD_MAX_CONSCI_TIME(3600)s 224733 15 Neutering the Freewave Console SCI: Implicitly limiting total transfer to 1800 secs, representing 180 KB total size SCI: Enumerating and selecting files About to send 3 files Prechecking is not necessary for this invocation START **B00000000000000 Starting zModem transfer of 01060036.tcd to/from sbu02 size is 14657 Total Bytes sent/received: 1024 Total Bytes sent/received: 2049 Total Bytes sent/received: 2048