Connection Event: Carrier Detect found. 1757 Iridium console active and ready... Vehicle Name: ru40 Curr Time: Wed Oct 18 14:49:07 2023 MT: 1757 DR Location: 4014.071 N -7351.863 E measured 44.38 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 4014.186 N -7351.718 E measured 1072.02 secs ago GPS Location: 4014.071 N -7351.863 E measured 51.535 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=4010.2277 1715.61 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-7351.542 1715.61 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=16.4437776323808 3.713 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=0.462498 3.809 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=0.638748000000002 3.813 secs ago sensor:m_depth(m)=0 3.626 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1020 0.047 secs ago sensor:m_gps_mag_var(rad)=0.225147473507269 51.582 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=1 43.927 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_call_num(nodim)=965 0.058 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_dialed_num(nodim)=1486 16.159 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.5 3.609 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.49297924297924 3.573 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=2.4956043956044 3.538 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=23265 1099.05 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=8.52028388278388 3.716 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=-0.111427109642773 1014.07 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=-0.013956575757354 1014.07 secs ago sensor:u_max_altimeter(m)=200 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_min_water_depth(m)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 1e+308 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=4014.1906 1e+308 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-7351.6579 1e+308 secs ago ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 1 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_OVERDEPTH ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2023-10-18T14:16:21 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: ru40-2023-290-1-0 (0097.0000) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: od.mi GliderDos N -1 > 1757 No login script found for processing. GliderDos N -1 >send *.sbd *.tbd *.vem *.asc SCIENCE DATA LOGGING: science IS running CONSCI REQUESTED (using IRIDIUM as console) ASKING SCIENCE COMPUTER TO SWITCH TO COMMAND MODE via IRIDIUM SWITCHING TO SCIENCE COMMAND MODE over IRIDIUM Normal operation resumes when: SciDos> QUIT -or- Lose CD (unplug freewave/hangup iridium) -or- run longer than U_SCI_CMD_MAX_CONSCI_TIME(3600)s 1792 89 Neutering the Freewave Console SCI: Implicitly limiting total transfer to 1800 secs, representing 180 KB total size SCI: Enumerating and selecting files About to send 5 files Prechecking is not necessary for this invocation START **B00000000000000 Starting zModem transfer of 00980000.tbd to/from ru40 size is 2723 Total Bytes sent/received: 1024 Total Bytes sent/received: 2048 Total Bytes sent/received: 2723 zModem transfer DONE for file 00980000.tbd Starting zModem transfer of 00970000.tbd to/from ru40 size is 496 Total Bytes sent/received: 496 zModem transfer DONE for file 00970000.tbd Starting zModem transfer of wj181421.vem to/from ru40 size is 250 Total Bytes sent/received: 250 zModem transfer DONE for file wj181421.vem Starting zModem transfer of wj181421.asc to/from ru40 size is 1523 Total Bytes sent/received: 1024 Total Bytes sent/received: 1523 zModem transfer DONE for file wj181421.asc Starting zModem transfer of wj181419.asc to/from ru40 size is 520 Total Bytes sent/received: 520 zModem transfer DONE for file wj181419.asc 1859 4 Freewave console restored REVERTING FROM SCIENCE COMMAND MODE SCIENCE COMMAND MODE TERMINATED because: Science Program QUIT (cts lowered) 1860 GLD: Enumerating and selecting files About to send 2 files Prechecking is not necessary for this invocation selected IRIDIUM 1860 save_and_change_sensors().... Changed u_use_ctd_depth_for_flying from 0 to 0 Changed c_science_on from 1 to 0 1860 save_and_change_sensors().... Changed c_science_printout from 0 to 0 Waiting for motors idle START **B00000000000000 **B Starting zModem transfer of 00980000.sbd to/from ru40 size is 4473 Total Bytes sent/received: 1024 Total Bytes sent/received: 2048 Total Bytes sent/received: 3072 Total Bytes sent/received: 4096 Total Bytes sent/received: 4473 zModem transfer DONE for file 00980000.sbd Starting zModem transfer of 00970000.sbd to/from ru40 size is 1548 Total Bytes sent/received: 1024 Total Bytes sent/received: 1548 zModem transfer DONE for file 00970000.sbd 1916 restore_sensors().... Restored u_use_ctd_depth_for_flying from 0 to 0 Restored c_science_on from 0 to 1 1916 restore_sensors().... 1916 restore_sensors().... Restored c_science_printout from 0 to 0 SHUFFLING FILES .. 1916 GLD: Sent 2 file(s): 00980000.sbd 00970000.sbd GLD: SUCCESS Glider-Science software version match: 10.080000 Science hardware version is 3.000000 1919 5 SCI:PROGLET house_elf begin() called 1919 SCI: house_elf: Version 1.2 1919 SCI:PROGLET ctd41cp begin() called 1919 SCI: ctd41cp: Version 0.2 1919 SCI: ctd41cp: Will be sending the following data to glider: 1919 SCI: sci_water_cond(s/m) 1919 SCI: sci_water_temp(degc) 1919 SCI: sci_water_pressure(bar) 1919 SCI: sci_ctd41cp_timestamp(timestamp) 1919 SCI:PROGLET flbbcd begin() called 1919 SCI: flbbcd: Version 0.0 1919 SCI: flbbcd: Will be sending following data to glider: 1919 SCI: sci_flbbcd_chlor_units(ug/l) 1919 SCI: sci_flbbcd_bb_units(nodim) 1919 SCI: sci_flbbcd_cdom_units(ppb) 1919 SCI: sci_flbbcd_chlor_sig(nodim) 1919 SCI: sci_flbbcd_bb_sig(nodim) 1919 SCI: sci_flbbcd_cdom_sig(nodim) 1919 SCI: sci_flbbcd_chlor_ref(nodim) 1919 SCI: sci_flbbcd_bb_ref(nodim) 1919 SCI: sci_flbbcd_cdom_ref(nodim) 1919 SCI: sci_flbbcd_therm(nodim) 1919 SCI: sci_flbbcd_timestamp(timestamp) 1919 SCI:Bit(0) raise count is now 0. 1919 SCI:Bit(0) raise count is now 0. 1919 SCI:PROGLET oxy4 begin() called 1919 SCI: oxy4: Version 0.0 1919 SCI: oxy4: Will be sending following data to glider: 1919 SCI: sci_oxy4_oxygen(um) 1919 SCI: sci_oxy4_saturation(%) 1919 SCI: sci_oxy4_temp(degc) 1919 SCI: sci_oxy4_calphase(deg) 1919 SCI: sci_oxy4_tcphase(deg) 1919 SCI: sci_oxy4_c1rph(deg) 1919 SCI: sci_oxy4_c2rph(deg) 1919 SCI: sci_oxy4_c1amp(mv) 1919 SCI: sci_oxy4_c2amp(mv) 1919 SCI: sci_oxy4_rawtemp(mv) 1919 SCI: sci_oxy4_timestamp(timestamp) 1919 SCI:Bit(2) raise count is now 0. 1919 SCI:Bit(2) raise count is now 0. 1919 SCI:PROGLET vr2c begin() called 1919 SCI:PROGLET dmon begin() called 1919 SCI: dmon: Version 0.0 1919 SCI: dmon: Will be sending following data to glider: 1919 SCI: sci_dmon_msg_byte_count(nodim) 1919 SCI:PROGLET house_elf start() called 1919 SCI: house_elf_run(): 0 error(s) in a row. (5 is fatal) 1920 SCI: house_elf_run(): 0 error(s) since house_elf_begin(). (50 is fatal) 1920 SCI:PROGLET vr2c start() called 1920 SCI: vr2c_run(): 0 error(s) in a row. (5 is fatal) 1920 SCI: vr2c_run(): 0 error(s) since vr2c_begin(). (50 is fatal) GliderDos N -1 > Vehicle Name: ru40 1966 17 GliderDos: No keystroke heard for 0 seconds 3600 seconds to go before running:SEQUENCE -resume_next GliderDos N -1 > GliderDos N -1 >callback 2 I am going to hangup the Iridium! I will call you back in 2 minutes at the primary number ( 88160000592 ) GliderDos N -1 > 2024 33 disabling Iridium console...