Connection Event: Carrier Detect found.1570651 Iridium console active and ready... Vehicle Name: ru29 Curr Time: Mon Jun 26 17:01:44 2023 MT: 1570650 DR Location: 1432.895 N -6106.755 E measured 531.317 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 1432.886 N -6106.891 E measured 589.694 secs ago GPS Location: 1432.895 N -6106.756 E measured 533.483 secs ago sensor:c_thruster_surface_secs(s)=0 390.532 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=1432.94 15.122 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-6106.77 15.19 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=12.3399690561654 42.929 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=126.277565002441 5.186 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=128.513629002518 5.207 secs ago sensor:m_depth(m)=0.0608142795087895 5.149 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1022 0.703 secs ago sensor:m_gps_mag_var(rad)=0.258308729295161 534.052 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=1 48.296 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_call_num(nodim)=7253 0.758 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_dialed_num(nodim)=12667 19.753 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.49810744810745 43.264 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.49484126984127 43.288 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=-1 5.66 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=34447 616.246 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=8.55864435286935 43.556 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=-0.0663746590234266 561.075 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=-0.0959926417556589 561.117 secs ago sensor:u_max_altimeter(m)=100 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_min_water_depth(m)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 1e+308 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=1432.94 16.446 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-6106.77 16.503 secs ago ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 1 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_OVERDEPTH ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2023-05-30T18:34:34 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: ru29-2023-149-1-0 (0671.0000) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: OD5.MI 1570653 No login script found for processing. 1570653 DRIVER_ODDITY:iridium:1699:xxx_ctrl() ran too long Glider ru29 at surface. Because:nothing commanded [behavior surface_2 start_when = 1.0] MissionName:1K_N.MI MissionNum:ru29-2023-158-0-258 (0675.0258) Vehicle Name: ru29 Curr Time: Mon Jun 26 17:02:11 2023 MT: 1570678 DR Location: 1432.895 N -6106.755 E measured 558.529 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 1432.886 N -6106.891 E measured 616.905 secs ago GPS Location: 1432.895 N -6106.756 E measured 560.696 secs ago sensor:c_thruster_surface_secs(s)=0 417.724 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=1432.94 42.284 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-6106.77 42.323 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=12.3394119551887 7.88 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=126.279937744141 8.063 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=128.516001744217 8.078 secs ago sensor:m_depth(m)=0.199028551119578 7.945 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1022 8.209 secs ago sensor:m_gps_mag_var(rad)=0.258308729295161 561.127 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=1 75.354 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_call_num(nodim)=7253 27.798 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_dialed_num(nodim)=12667 46.78 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.49783272283272 8.124 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.49465811965812 8.14 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=-1 8.171 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=34447 643.24 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=8.55240488400488 8.372 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=-0.0663746590234266 588.046 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=-0.0959926417556589 588.079 secs ago sensor:u_max_altimeter(m)=100 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_min_water_depth(m)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 1e+308 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=1432.94 43.311 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-6106.77 43.349 secs ago devices:(t/m/s) errs: 0/ 0/ 0 warn: 14/ 11/ 0 odd: 922/ 609/ 5 ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 1 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_OVERDEPTH ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2023-05-30T18:34:34 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: ru29-2023-149-1-0 (0671.0000) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: OD5.MI Hit Control-R to RESUME the mission, i.e. dive! Hit Control-C to END the mission, i.e. GliderDos Hit Control-E to extend surface time by 5 minutes. Hit Control-W to get device warning reports. Hit Control-F to re-read yo, goto_l, surface, sample, drift_ mafiles. Hit H <0:1> to Hangup and call back in minutes at 0-primary 1-alternate number. Hit S [-f={rf}|{irid] [-num=] [-t=] [filespec ...] to send log files Hit ! to execute Hit Control-T to consci to science computer when comms ready: ... communications ready for consci. Water Velocity Calculations waiting for final gps fix(ideally -535 secs) Waypoint: (1432.9400,-6106.7700) Range: 87m, Bearing: 357deg, Age: 5:57h:m Time until diving is: 463 secs 1570683 59 behavior goto_wpt_501: STATE Active -> Complete 1570683 behavior goto_wpt_501: STATE UnInited -> Active 1570683 behavior goto_wpt_501: argument: start_when = 0.000000 enum 1570683 behavior goto_wpt_501: argument: stop_when = 7.000000 enum 1570683 behavior goto_wpt_501: argument: when_wpt_dist = 500.000000 m 1570683 behavior goto_wpt_501: argument: wpt_units = 2.000000 enum 1570683 behavior goto_wpt_501: argument: wpt_x = -6106.770000 X 1570683 behavior goto_wpt_501: argument: wpt_y = 1432.940000 X 1570683 behavior goto_wpt_501: argument: utm_zd = 19.000000 byte 1570683 behavior goto_wpt_501: argument: utm_zc = 19.000000 byte 1570683 behavior goto_wpt_501: argument: end_action = 0.000000 enum 1570683 behavior goto_wpt_501: SUBSTATE 0 UnInited->1 : Translating waypoint to LMC 1570684 Waypoint: lat lon lmc_x lmc_y 1570684 1432.940 -6106.770 -6011 34010 1570684 behavior goto_wpt_501: SUBSTATE 1 ->2 : waiting an initial cycle 1570688 59 behavior goto_wpt_501: SUBSTATE 2 ->3 : Waiting until we get to waypoint ^R1570702 63 behavior surface_2: User typed Control-R, resuming I heard a Control-R RESUMING MISSION Megabytes used on CF file system = 1007.406250 Megabytes available on CF file system = 993.531250 1570708 06750258.mlg LOG FILE CLOSED Doing system wide housekeeping....... report_heap_size(): M_FREE_HEAP=91.0K, M_SPARE_HEAP=72.0K Running algorithm to free disk space if required Not necessary to delete any files at this time Writing longterm state disk file: c:/state/longterm.sta f_coulomb_battery_capacity(amp-hrs) 143.000000 f_ocean_pressure_min(volts) 0.109029 m_avg_climb_rate(m/s) -0.124965 m_avg_speed(m/s) 0.333642 m_avg_upward_inflection_time(sec) 45.574825 m_battery(volts) 12.339412 m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs) 128.520747 m_iridium_call_num(nodim) 7253.000000 m_iridium_dialed_num(nodim) 12667.000000 m_lat(lat) 1432.894900 m_lon(lon) -6106.755500 m_pump_effective_num_cycles(nodim) 1880.000000 m_tot_ballast_pumped_energy(kjoules) 0.370002 m_tot_horz_dist(km) 34231.233757 m_tot_num_inflections(nodim) 34447.000000 m_tot_num_thermal_valve_cmd(nodim) 5815.000000 m_weight_drop(bool) 0.000000 s_ini_lat(deg) 1805.000000 s_ini_lon(deg) -6445.000000 s_water_depth_avg(m) 200.000000 s_water_depth_delta(m) 0.000000 s_water_depth_wavelength(m) 100.000000 u_science_send_time_limit_adjustment_factor(nodim) 1.000000 u_sci_cmd_max_consci_time(s) 28800.000000 x_hover_ballast_deep(cc) 0.000000 x_hover_ballast_shallow(cc) 0.000000 x_hover_depth_deep(m) 0.000000 x_hover_depth_shallow(m) 0.000000 x_last_wpt_lat(lat) 1432.940000 x_last_wpt_lon(lon) -6106.770000 timestamp: Mon Jun 26 17:02:48 2023 The instantaneous lag time between the system and gps clock is -11.0 seconds. The average lag time between the system and gps clock is -10.8 seconds. Housekeeping is done 1570788 67 06750259.mlg LOG FILE OPENED Megabytes used on CF file system = 1007.531250 Megabytes available on CF file system = 993.406250 1570792 init_gps_input() 1570792 behavior surface_2: SUBSTATE 7 ->10 : Waiting for final gps fix surface_2: Waiting for final GPS fix. 1570794 disabling Iridium console...