Connection Event: Carrier Detect found.160.80 Iridium console active and ready... Vehicle Name: ru29 Curr Time: Fri May 20 03:39:03 2022 MT: 160 DR Location: 1810.521 N -6458.645 E measured 36.733 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 1810.651 N -6458.779 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Location: 1810.521 N -6458.645 E measured 41.803 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=1810.52039994332 29.268 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-6458.64230000313 29.317 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=16.4608221874106 28.319 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=0.115187503397465 5.046 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=3.24143750347383 5.066 secs ago sensor:m_depth(m)=0 5.048 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1022 0.642 secs ago sensor:m_gps_mag_var(rad)=0.23387411976724 42.31 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=6 33.933 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_call_num(nodim)=6519 0.703 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_dialed_num(nodim)=11520 10.368 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.5 33.835 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.4965811965812 33.855 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=-1 5.566 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=33398 1e+308 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=8.32362435897436 34.097 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_max_altimeter(m)=100 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_min_water_depth(m)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 1e+308 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=1810.52039994332 35.54 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-6458.64230000313 35.58 secs ago ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 1 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_OVERTIME ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2022-05-20T03:33:46 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: ru29-2022-139-4-0 (0619.0000) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: initial.mi 162.38 No login script found for processing. 162.42 DRIVER_ODDITY:iridium:1694:xxx_ctrl() ran too long Glider ru29 at surface. Because:Hit a waypoint [behavior surface_2 start_when = 8.0] MissionName:lastgasp.mi MissionNum:ru29-2022-139-5-0 (0620.0000) Vehicle Name: ru29 Curr Time: Fri May 20 03:39:07 2022 MT: 165 DR Location: 1810.521 N -6458.645 E measured 41.012 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 1810.651 N -6458.779 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Location: 1810.521 N -6458.645 E measured 46.083 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=1810.52039994332 33.532 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-6458.64230000313 33.566 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=16.4608221874106 32.556 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=0.116374999284744 2.935 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=3.24262499936111 2.947 secs ago sensor:m_depth(m)=0 2.874 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1022 4.811 secs ago sensor:m_gps_mag_var(rad)=0.23387411976724 46.47 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=6 38.076 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_call_num(nodim)=6519 4.828 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_dialed_num(nodim)=11520 14.482 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.5 37.935 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.4965811965812 37.948 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=-1 3.309 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=33398 1e+308 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=8.32362435897436 38.155 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_max_altimeter(m)=100 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_min_water_depth(m)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 1e+308 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=1810.52039994332 39.44 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-6458.64230000313 39.473 secs ago devices:(t/m/s) errs: 0/ 0/ 0 warn: 0/ 0/ 0 odd: 7/ 1/ 1 ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 1 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_OVERTIME ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2022-05-20T03:33:46 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: ru29-2022-139-4-0 (0619.0000) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: initial.mi Hit Control-R to RESUME the mission, i.e. dive! Hit Control-C to END the mission, i.e. GliderDos Hit Control-E to extend surface time by 5 minutes. Hit Control-W to get device warning reports. Hit Control-F to re-read yo, goto_l, surface, sample, drift_ mafiles. Hit H <0:1> to Hangup and call back in minutes at 0-primary 1-alternate number. Hit S [-f={rf}|{irid] [-num=] [-t=] [filespec ...] to send log files Hit ! to execute Hit Control-T to consci to science computer when comms ready: ... communications ready for consci. Water Velocity Calculations COMPLETE Waypoint: (1810.5204,-6458.6423) Range: 4m, Bearing: 124deg, Age: -1:-1h:m Drifting toward outer watch circle, centered on waypoint Now 4.3 meters from middle, will dive at 2000.0 meters Time until diving is: 29037 secs(estimated) 169.84 25 behavior goto_wpt_4: STATE Active -> UnInited 174.63 26 behavior goto_wpt_4: STATE UnInited -> Active 174.68 behavior goto_wpt_4: argument: start_when = 1.000000 enum 174.73 behavior goto_wpt_4: argument: stop_when = 7.000000 enum 174.79 behavior goto_wpt_4: argument: when_wpt_dist = 25.000000 m 174.84 behavior goto_wpt_4: argument: wpt_units = 0.000000 enum 174.90 behavior goto_wpt_4: argument: wpt_x = 0.000000 X 174.94 behavior goto_wpt_4: argument: wpt_y = 0.000000 X 174.99 behavior goto_wpt_4: argument: utm_zd = 19.000000 byte 175.04 behavior goto_wpt_4: argument: utm_zc = 19.000000 byte 175.10 behavior goto_wpt_4: argument: end_action = 2.000000 enum 175.15 behavior goto_wpt_4: SUBSTATE 0 UnInited->1 : Translating waypoint to LMC 175.27 Waypoint: lat lon lmc_x lmc_y 175.30 1810.520 -6458.642 0 0 175.38 behavior goto_wpt_4: SUBSTATE 1 ->2 : waiting an initial cycle 179.63 27 behavior goto_wpt_4: SUBSTATE 2 ->3 : Waiting until we get to waypoint ^C184.44 28 behavior surface_2: User Hit a Control-C, terminating the mission 184.50 behavior surface_2: STATE Active -> Mission Complete 184.57 behavior ?_-1: layered_control(): Mission completed normally 184.62 behavior ?_-1: run_mission(): Mission completed: MS_COMPLETED_NORMALLY(-1) Vehicle Name: ru29 Mission Name: lastgasp.mi Mission Number: ru29-2022-139-5-0 (0620.0000) post_mission_cleanup(): End of Mission timestamp: Fri May 20 03:39:29 2022 186.90 06200000.mlg LOG FILE CLOSED timestamp: Fri May 20 03:39:33 2022 Mission completed normally Mission end: grun_mission() lastgasp.mi ru29-2022-139-5-0 (0620.0000) SEQUENCE: lastgasp.mi ru29-2022-139-5-0 (0620.0000) completed normally SEQUENCE: lastgasp mission finished normally SEQUENCE: Going to re-execute lastgasp mission ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 1 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_OVERTIME ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2022-05-20T03:33:46 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: ru29-2022-139-4-0 (0619.0000) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: initial.mi SEQUENCE: About to run lastgasp.mi on try 1 You have 120 seconds to type a control-C to terminate the sequence. The control-P character immediately starts the mission. All other characters are ignored. ^@ I heard a keystroke ('NUL'), but not the right one! There were no pending chars in input buffer to drain. ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 1 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_OVERTIME ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2022-05-20T03:33:46 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: ru29-2022-139-4-0 (0619.0000) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: initial.mi SEQUENCE: About to run lastgasp.mi on try 1 You have 120 seconds to type a control-C to terminate the sequence. The control-P character immediately starts the mission. All other characters are ignored. s I heard a keystroke ('s'), but not the right one! There were no pending chars in input buffer to drain. ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 1 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_OVERTIME ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2022-05-20T03:33:46 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: ru29-2022-139-4-0 (0619.0000) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: initial.mi SEQUENCE: About to run lastgasp.mi on try 1 You have 120 seconds to type a control-C to terminate the sequence. The control-P character immediately starts the mission. All other characters are ignored. m I heard a keystroke ('m'), but not the right one! Drained the following 4 pending chars from input buffer: 20 2d 6e 75 SP - n u -nu ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 1 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_OVERTIME ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2022-05-20T03:33:46 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: ru29-2022-139-4-0 (0619.0000) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: initial.mi SEQUENCE: About to run lastgasp.mi on try 1 You have 120 seconds to type a control-C to terminate the sequence. The control-P character immediately starts the mission. All other characters are ignored. b I heard a keystroke ('b'), but not the right one! Drained the following 12 pending chars from input buffer: 3d 33 20 2a 2e 73 62 64 = 3 SP * . s b d =3 *.sbd 20 2a 2e 74 SP * . t *.t ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 1 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_OVERTIME ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2022-05-20T03:33:46 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: ru29-2022-139-4-0 (0619.0000) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: initial.mi SEQUENCE: About to run lastgasp.mi on try 1 You have 120 seconds to type a control-C to terminate the sequence. The control-P character immediately starts the mission. All other characters are ignored. ^C Heard a Control-C, terminating the sequence GliderDos N -1 > Vehicle Name: ru29 198.45 34 GliderDos: No keystroke heard for 0 seconds 900 seconds to go before running:SEQUENCE -resume_next GliderDos N -1 >^C GliderDos N -1 >zr 247.01 47 save_and_change_sensors().... Changed u_use_ctd_depth_for_flying from 0 to 0 Changed c_science_on from 1 to 0 247.07 save_and_change_sensors().... Changed c_science_printout from 0 to 0 Waiting for motors idle START **B01000 Starting zModem transfer of to/from ru29 size is 2010 Total Bytes sent/received: 1024 Total Bytes sent/received: 2010 zModem transfer DONE for file sending >< Sent archiving >/var/opt/sfmc-dockserver/stations/default/gliders/ru29/to-glider/< as >/var/opt/sfmc-dockserver/stations/default/gliders/ru29/archive/< Successful deleting >/var/opt/sfmc-dockserver/stations/default/gliders/ru29/to-glider/< Successful 269.05 restore_sensors().... Restored u_use_ctd_depth_for_flying from 0 to 0 Restored c_science_on from 0 to 1 269.11 restore_sensors().... 269.12 restore_sensors().... Restored c_science_printout from 0 to 0 Done! GliderDos N -1 >Glider-Science software version match: 8.300000 Science hardware version is 2.000000 275.44 49 SCI:PROGLET house_elf begin() called 275.52 SCI: house_elf: Version 1.2 275.81 SCI:PROGLET ctd41cp begin() called 275.88 SCI: ctd41cp: Version 0.2 276.01 SCI: ctd41cp: Will be sending the following data to glider: 276.12 SCI: sci_water_cond(s/m) 276.19 SCI: sci_water_temp(degc) 276.28 SCI: sci_water_pressure(bar) 276.36 SCI: sci_ctd41cp_timestamp(timestamp) 276.45 SCI:PROGLET ad2cp begin() called 276.57 SCI:PROGLET oxy4 begin() called 276.63 SCI: oxy4: Version 0.0 276.71 SCI: oxy4: Will be sending following data to glider: 276.82 SCI: sci_oxy4_oxygen(um) 276.89 SCI: sci_oxy4_saturation(%) 276.97 SCI: sci_oxy4_temp(degc) 277.05 SCI: sci_oxy4_calphase(deg) 277.12 SCI: sci_oxy4_tcphase(deg) 277.20 SCI: sci_oxy4_c1rph(deg) 277.33 SCI: sci_oxy4_c2rph(deg) 277.40 SCI: sci_oxy4_c1amp(mv) 277.47 SCI: sci_oxy4_c2amp(mv) 277.67 50 SCI: sci_oxy4_rawtemp(mv) 277.75 SCI: sci_oxy4_timestamp(timestamp) 277.84 SCI: Opening Bit(2) for output 278.79 SCI:Bit(2) use count is now 1. 278.85 SCI:Bit(2) raise count is now 0. 278.92 SCI:Bit(2) raise count is now 0. 281.31 SCI:PROGLET house_elf start() called 281.41 SCI: house_elf_run(): 0 error(s) in a row. (5 is fatal) 281.60 SCI: house_elf_run(): 0 error(s) since house_elf_begin(). (50 is fatal) sequence 1k_n.mi(5) Sequencing missions load_mission(): Opening Mission file: 1K_N.MI for execution 5 times Validated SENSOR c_science_all_on_enabled(bool) value 0.000000 Validated SENSOR c_science_send_all(bool) value 0.000000 Validated SENSOR u_dbd_sensor_list_xmit_control(enum) value 3.000000 Validated SENSOR u_sci_dbd_sensor_list_xmit_control(enum) value 2.000000 load_mission(): Opening Mission file: lastgasp.mi for execution FOREVER Validated SENSOR c_science_send_all(bool) value 0.000000 Validated SENSOR u_dbd_sensor_list_xmit_control(enum) value 3.000000 1 mission specifiers - sequencing 5 total missions (not counting lastgasp.mi): 1K_N.MI(5) lastgasp.mi ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 1 ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_ABORT_OVERTIME ABORT HISTORY: last abort details: ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 2022-05-20T03:33:46 ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: ru29-2022-139-4-0 (0619.0000) ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: initial.mi SEQUENCE: About to run 1K_N.MI on try 0 You have 120 seconds to type a control-C to terminate the sequence. The control-P character immediately starts the mission. All other characters are ignored. ^P Heard a control-P, starting the sequence SEQUENCE: Running 1K_N.MI on try 0 Starting Mission: 1K_N.MI timestamp: Fri May 20 03:42:25 2022 The instantaneous lag time between the system and gps clock is 29.0 seconds. The average lag time between the system and gps clock is 7.6 seconds. timestamp: Fri May 20 03:42:25 2022 load_mission(): Opening Mission file: 1K_N.MI Setting SENSOR c_science_all_on_enabled(bool) value 0.000000 Setting SENSOR c_science_send_all(bool) value 0.000000 Setting SENSOR u_dbd_sensor_list_xmit_control(enum) value 3.000000 Setting SENSOR u_sci_dbd_sensor_list_xmit_control(enum) value 2.000000 Vehicle Name: ru29 Curr Time: Fri May 20 03:42:25 2022 MT: 359 DR Location: 1810.521 N -6458.645 E measured 239.193 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 1810.651 N -6458.779 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Location: 1810.521 N -6458.645 E measured 244.265 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=1810.52039994332 188.213 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=-6458.64230000313 188.247 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=16.45961835351 3.273 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=0.135374993085861 3.448 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=3.26162499316223 3.462 secs ago sensor:m_depth(m)=0.329222630486982 3.337 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1022 3.59 secs ago sensor:m_gps_mag_var(rad)=0.23387411976724 244.646 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=0 169.853 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_call_num(nodim)=6519 203.001 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_dialed_num(nodim)=11520 212.655 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.5 30.708 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.49642857142857 30.723 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=-1 3.811 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=33398 1e+308 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=8.66762707570208 3.756 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_max_altimeter(m)=100 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_min_water_depth(m)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 1e+308 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=1810.52039994332 194.423 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-6458.64230000313 194.456 secs ago start_alldevices() PARSED iridium_phone_data for datum# 0: =========== predial initialization cmds (from c:\config\iridinit.0): ATE AT+cbst=6,0,1 AT+CSQ dial string: ATD00881600005368 from sensors: C_IRIDIUM_LEAD_ZEROS C_IRIDIUM_PHONE_NUM Iridium login script (from c:\config\loginexp.0): empty or non-existent PARSED iridium_phone_data for datum# 1: =========== predial initialization cmds (from c:\config\iridinit.1): ATE AT+cbst=6,0,1 AT+CSQ dial string: ATD0017818711614 from sensors: C_IRIDIUM_LEAD_ZEROS_ALT C_IRIDIUM_PHONE_NUM_ALT Iridium login script (from c:\config\loginexp.1): empty or non-existent PARSED iridium_phone_data for datum# 2: =========== predial initialization cmds (from c:\config\iridinit.2): ATE AT+cbst=6,0,1 dial string: ATD0017818711051 from sensors: F_IRIDIUM_LEAD_ZEROS_FACTORY F_IRIDIUM_PHONE_NUM_FACTORY Iridium login script (from c:\config\loginexp.2): empty or non-existent 61.76 2 06210000.mlg LOG FILE OPENED MissionSTARTDate: 20 May 2022 03:42:26 Z Mission Name: 1K_N.MI Mission Number: ru29-2022-139-6-0 (0621.0000) log_c_stack(): 1-abend 2-surface 3-surface 4-surface 5-goto_list 6-yo 7-sample 8-sample 9-sample 10-prepare_to_dive 11-sensors_in report_heap_size(): M_FREE_HEAP=75.0K, M_SPARE_HEAP=56.0K pre_mission_init():End of Initialization 63.25 3 behavior sensors_in_11: STATE UnInited -> Active 63.30 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_att_time = -1.000000 sec 63.35 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_pressure_time = -1.000000 sec 63.41 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_alt_time = -1.000000 sec 63.47 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: u_battery_time = -1.000000 sec 63.52 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: u_vacuum_time = -1.000000 sec 63.58 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_leakdetect_time = -1.000000 sec 63.64 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_gps_on = 0.000000 bool 63.69 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_science_all_on = -1.000000 sec 63.75 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_profile_on = -1.000000 sec 63.80 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bb2f_on = -1.000000 sec 63.86 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bb2c_on = -1.000000 sec 63.91 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bb2lss_on = -1.000000 sec 63.97 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_sam_on = -1.000000 sec 64.02 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_moteopd_on = -1.000000 sec 64.08 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bbfl2s_on = -1.000000 sec 64.13 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_fl3slo_on = -1.000000 sec 64.19 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bb3slo_on = -1.000000 sec 64.24 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_oxy3835_on = -1.000000 sec 64.30 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_whfctd_on = -1.000000 sec 64.36 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bam_on = -1.000000 sec 64.42 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_ocr504R_on = -1.000000 sec 64.47 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_ocr504I_on = -1.000000 sec 64.53 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_flntu_on = -1.000000 sec 64.60 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_fl3slov2_on = -1.000000 sec 64.65 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bb3slov2_on = -1.000000 sec 64.71 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_ocr507R_on = -1.000000 sec 64.77 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_ocr507I_on = -1.000000 sec 64.82 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bb3slov3_on = -1.000000 sec 64.88 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bb2fls_on = -1.000000 sec 64.93 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bb2flsV2_on = -1.000000 sec 64.99 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_oxy3835_wphase_on = -1.000000 sec 65.05 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_auvb_on = -1.000000 sec 65.10 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bb2fV2_on = -1.000000 sec 65.16 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_tarr_on = -1.000000 sec 65.21 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bbfl2sV2_on = -1.000000 sec 65.27 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_glbps_on = -1.000000 sec 65.32 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_sscsd_on = -1.000000 sec 65.38 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bb2flsV3_on = -1.000000 sec 65.44 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_fire_on = -1.000000 sec 65.49 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bb2flsV4_on = -1.000000 sec 65.55 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bb2flsV5_on = -1.000000 sec 65.60 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_logger_on = -1.000000 sec 65.66 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bbam_on = -1.000000 sec 65.71 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_uModem_on = -1.000000 sec 65.77 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_rinkoII_on = -1.000000 sec 65.83 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_dvl_on = -1.000000 sec 65.88 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_bb2flsV6_on = -1.000000 sec 65.94 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_flbbrh_on = -1.000000 sec 65.99 behavior sensors_in_11: argument: c_flur_on = -1.000000 sec 66.04 behavior sensors_in_1