Connection Event: Carrier Detect found. 79.46 Iridium console active and ready... Vehicle Name: sbu01 Curr Time: Fri Aug 20 15:23:46 2021 MT: 79 DR Location: 4003.599 N -7345.583 E measured 76.854 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Location: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_autoballast_state(enum)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_climb_bpump(X)=1000 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_dive_bpump(X)=-1000 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_iridium_current_num(enum)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=13.6797732777797 3.777 secs ago sensor:m_bms_aft_current(amp)=0.248748 4.238 secs ago sensor:m_bms_ebay_current(amp)=-0.00125 4.37 secs ago sensor:m_bms_pitch_current(amp)=0.148124 4.51 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=0.00634799990803003 4.08 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=174.909101999908 4.123 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1022 0.831 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=1 58.04 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_signal_strength(nodim)=5 33.585 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.49725274725275 3.687 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.48763736263736 3.705 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=2.48833943833944 3.725 secs ago sensor:m_lithium_battery_relative_charge(%)=75.7070691666794 4.415 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=30792 77.82 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=7.5287054945055 4.393 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_alt_min_depth(m)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 79.336 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=3916.579 77.971 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-7225.321 77.997 secs ago 80.89 No login script found for processing. 82.84 18 SCI:PROGLET house_elf begin() called 82.92 SCI: house_elf: Version 1.2 84.76 SCI:PROGLET ctd41cp begin() called 84.84 SCI: ctd41cp: Version 0.2 84.94 SCI: ctd41cp: Will be sending the following data to glider: 85.21 SCI: sci_water_cond(s/m) 85.28 SCI: sci_water_temp(degc) 85.36 SCI: sci_water_pressure(bar) 85.49 SCI: sci_ctd41cp_timestamp(timestamp) 85.58 SCI:PROGLET sbe41n_ph begin() called 85.65 SCI:PROGLET flbbcd begin() called 85.77 SCI: flbbcd: Version 0.0 85.85 SCI: flbbcd: Will be sending following data to glider: 85.96 SCI: sci_flbbcd_chlor_units(ug/l) 86.06 SCI: sci_flbbcd_bb_units(nodim) 86.14 SCI: sci_flbbcd_cdom_units(ppb) 86.23 SCI: sci_flbbcd_chlor_sig(nodim) 86.37 SCI: sci_flbbcd_bb_sig(nodim) 86.45 SCI: sci_flbbcd_cdom_sig(nodim) 86.54 SCI: sci_flbbcd_chlor_ref(nodim) 86.63 SCI: sci_flbbcd_bb_ref(nodim) 86.72 SCI: sci_flbbcd_cdom_ref(nodim) 86.80 SCI: sci_flbbcd_therm(nodim) 87.04 19 SCI: sci_flbbcd_timestamp(timestamp) 87.15 SCI: Opening Bit(0) for output 87.23 SCI:Bit(0) use count is now 1. 89.07 SCI:Bit(0) raise count is now 0. 89.14 SCI:Bit(0) raise count is now 0. 89.21 SCI:PROGLET oxy4 begin() called 89.36 SCI: oxy4: Version 0.0 89.44 SCI: oxy4: Will be sending following data to glider: 89.54 SCI: sci_oxy4_oxygen(um) 89.62 SCI: sci_oxy4_saturation(%) 89.70 SCI: sci_oxy4_temp(degc) 89.77 SCI: sci_oxy4_calphase(deg) 89.90 SCI: sci_oxy4_tcphase(deg) 89.98 SCI: sci_oxy4_c1rph(deg) 90.05 SCI: sci_oxy4_c2rph(deg) 90.13 SCI: sci_oxy4_c1amp(mv) 90.20 SCI: sci_oxy4_c2amp(mv) 90.28 SCI: sci_oxy4_rawtemp(mv) i I heard a keystroke ('i'), but not the right one! There were no pending chars in input buffer to drain. SEQUENCE: About to run initial.mi on try 0 You have 120 seconds to type a control-C to terminate the sequence. The control-P character immediately starts the mission. All other characters are ignored. 90.67 20 SCI: sci_oxy4_timestamp(timestamp) 90.77 SCI: Opening Bit(2) for output 90.85 SCI:Bit(2) use count is now 1. 92.62 SCI:Bit(2) raise count is now 0. 92.68 SCI:Bit(2) raise count is now 0. c I heard a keystroke ('c'), but not the right one! Drained the following 10 pending chars from input buffer: 72 69 64 20 63 61 6c 6c r i d SP c a l l rid call 62 61 b a ba SEQUENCE: About to run initial.mi on try 0 You have 120 seconds to type a control-C to terminate the sequence. The control-P character immediately starts the mission. All other characters are ignored. x I heard a keystroke ('x'), but not the right one! Drained the following 16 pending chars from input buffer: 6b 20 73 63 72 69 70 74 k SP s c r i p t k script 20 64 65 6c 61 79 20 65 SP d e l a y SP e delay e SEQUENCE: About to run initial.mi on try 0 You have 120 seconds to type a control-C to terminate the sequence. The control-P character immediately starts the mission. All other characters are ignored. 99.50 22 SCI:PROGLET house_elf start() called 99.59 SCI: house_elf_run(): 0 error(s) in a row. (5 is fatal) I heard a keystroke ('SP'), but not the right one! Drained the following 21 pending chars from input buffer: 74 72 61 20 6c 6f 6e 67 t r a SP l o n g tra long 20 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e SP v e r s i o n version 20 74 65 73 74 SP t e s t test SEQUENCE: About to run initial.mi on try 0 You have 120 seconds to type a control-C to terminate the sequence. The control-P character immediately starts the mission. All other characters are ignored. 103.74 23 SCI: house_elf_run(): 0 error(s) since house_elf_begin(). (50 is fatal) 105.83 SCI:PROGLET flbbcd start() called 106.01 SCI: Opening port 3:SBMB:J3 106.10 SCI: 19200 baud, N81, line buf: 256, no input data timeout(secs): 15 106.22 SCI: in queue size: 2048, out queue size: 0 106.34 SCI:sci_uart_drain_input(3): 106.39 SCI: 106.43 SCI:sci_uart_drain_input:Drained 0 chars 106.51 SCI:bit_shared_raise(): Raising bit(0). 106.64 SCI: flbbcd_run(): 0 error(s) in a row. (5 is fatal) 106.75 SCI: flbbcd_run(): 0 error(s) since flbbcd_begin(). (50 is fatal) 106.87 SCI:PROGLET oxy4 start() called 106.93 SCI: Opening port 1:SBMB:J1 107.01 SCI: 9600 baud, N81, line buf: 150, no input data timeout(secs): 60 k I heard a keystroke ('k'), but not the right one! Drained the following 28 pending chars from input buffer: 74 65 73 74 20 74 65 73 t e s t SP t e s test tes 74 20 74 65 73 74 20 74 t SP t e s t SP t t test t 65 73 74 0d 0d 63 61 6c e s t CR CR c a l 6c 62 61 63 l b a c lbac SEQUENCE: Running initial.mi on try 0 Starting Mission: initial.mi timestamp: Fri Aug 20 15:24:14 2021 The instantaneous lag time between the system and gps clock is 0.0 seconds. The average lag time between the system and gps clock is 0.0 seconds. timestamp: Fri Aug 20 15:24:14 2021 load_mission(): Opening Mission file: initial.mi Vehicle Name: sbu01 Curr Time: Fri Aug 20 15:24:14 2021 MT: 104 DR Location: 4003.599 N -7345.583 E measured 105.473 secs ago GPS TooFar: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Invalid : 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago GPS Location: 69696969.000 N 69696969.000 E measured 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_autoballast_state(enum)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_climb_bpump(X)=1000 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_dive_bpump(X)=-1000 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_iridium_current_num(enum)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lat(lat)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:c_wpt_lon(lon)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:m_battery(volts)=13.6733348996084 3.021 secs ago sensor:m_bms_aft_current(amp)=0.407504 3.506 secs ago sensor:m_bms_ebay_current(amp)=-0.001562 3.637 secs ago sensor:m_bms_pitch_current(amp)=0.286872 3.775 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr(amp-hrs)=0.0112319998443127 3.313 secs ago sensor:m_coulomb_amphr_total(amp-hrs)=174.913985999844 3.35 secs ago sensor:m_digifin_leakdetect_reading(nodim)=1023 4.206 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_attempt_num(nodim)=0 18.263 secs ago sensor:m_iridium_signal_strength(nodim)=5 62.091 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage(volts)=2.49725274725275 2.959 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_forward(volts)=2.48772893772894 2.972 secs ago sensor:m_leakdetect_voltage_science(volts)=2.48797313797314 2.982 secs ago sensor:m_lithium_battery_relative_charge(%)=75.706390833355 3.602 secs ago sensor:m_tot_num_inflections(nodim)=30792 106.296 secs ago sensor:m_vacuum(inHg)=7.84505787545787 3.554 secs ago sensor:m_water_vx(m/s)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:m_water_vy(m/s)=0 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_alt_min_depth(m)=2 1e+308 secs ago sensor:u_use_current_correction(nodim)=1 107.773 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lat(lat)=3916.579 106.401 secs ago sensor:x_last_wpt_lon(lon)=-7225.321 106.421 secs ago start_alldevices() PARSED iridium_phone_data for datum# 0: =========== predial initialization cmds (from c:\config\iridinit.0): ATE AT+cbst=6,0,1 AT+CSQ dial string: ATD00881600005456 from sensors: C_IRIDIUM_LEAD_ZEROS C_IRIDIUM_PHONE_NUM Iridium login script (from c:\config\loginexp.0): empty or non-existent PARSED iridium_phone_data for datum# 1: =========== predial initialization cmds (from c:\config\iridinit.1): ATE AT+cbst=6,0,1 AT+CSQ dial string: ATD0017818711614 from sensors: C_IRIDIUM_LEAD_ZEROS_ALT C_IRIDIUM_PHONE_NUM_ALT Iridium login script (from c:\config\loginexp.1): empty or non-existent PARSED iridium_phone_data for datum# 2: =========== predial initialization cmds (from c:\config\iridinit.2): ATE AT+cbst=6,0,1 dial string: ATD0017818711051 from sensors: F_IRIDIUM_LEAD_ZEROS_FACTORY F_IRIDIUM_PHONE_NUM_FACTORY Iridium login script (from c:\config\loginexp.2): empty or non-existent 2.80 1 SCI: in queue size: 2048, out queue size: 2048 2.90 SCI:sci_uart_drain_input(1): 2.95 SCI: 3.00 SCI:sci_uart_drain_input:Drained 0 chars 5.55 SCI:bit_shared_raise(): Raising bit(2). 5.64 SCI: oxy4_run(): 0 error(s) in a row. (5 is fatal) 5.76 SCI: oxy4_run(): 0 error(s) since oxy4_begin(). (50 is fatal) 5.96 SCI:PROGLET ctd41cp start() called 6.02 SCI: Opening port 6:SBMB:J6 6.11 SCI: 9600 baud, N81, line buf: 50, no input data timeout(secs): 15 6.24 SCI: in queue size: 2048, out queue size: 0 6.32 SCI:sci_uart_drain_input(6): 6.36 SCI: 6.40 SCI:sci_uart_drain_input:Drained 0 chars 6.50 SCI:bit_shared_open(): bit(0) is already open. 6.58 SCI:Bit(0) use count is now 2. 6.65 SCI:bit_shared_raise(): Raising bit(0). 6.91 2 SCI: ctd41cp_run(): 0 error(s) in a row. (5 is fatal) 7.06 SCI: ctd41cp_run(): 0 error(s) since ctd41cp_begin(). (50 is fatal) 74.65 3 02590000.mlg LOG FILE OPENED MissionSTARTDate: 20 Aug 2021 15:24:16 Z Mission Name: initial.mi Mission Number: sbu01-2021-231-1-0 (0259.0000) log_c_stack(): 1-abend 2-surface 3-surface 4-surface 5-goto_wpt 6-yo 7-prepare_to_dive 8-sensors_in report_heap_size(): M_FREE_HEAP=72.0K, M_SPARE_HEAP=53.0K pre_mission_init():End of Initialization 80.38 4 behavior sensors_in_8: STATE UnInited -> Active 80.43 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_att_time = -1.000000 sec 80.48 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_pressure_time = -1.000000 sec 80.54 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_alt_time = -1.000000 sec 80.60 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: u_battery_time = -1.000000 sec 80.65 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: u_vacuum_time = -1.000000 sec 80.70 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_leakdetect_time = -1.000000 sec 80.76 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_gps_on = 0.000000 bool 80.81 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_science_all_on = -1.000000 sec 80.87 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_profile_on = -1.000000 sec 80.93 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_bb2f_on = -1.000000 sec 80.98 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_bb2c_on = -1.000000 sec 81.03 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_bb2lss_on = -1.000000 sec 81.09 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_sam_on = -1.000000 sec 81.14 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_moteopd_on = -1.000000 sec 81.20 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_bbfl2s_on = -1.000000 sec 81.25 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_fl3slo_on = -1.000000 sec 81.30 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_bb3slo_on = -1.000000 sec 81.36 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_oxy3835_on = -1.000000 sec 81.42 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_whfctd_on = -1.000000 sec 81.47 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_bam_on = -1.000000 sec 81.52 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_ocr504R_on = -1.000000 sec 81.58 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_ocr504I_on = -1.000000 sec 81.64 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_flntu_on = -1.000000 sec 81.69 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_fl3slov2_on = -1.000000 sec 81.75 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_bb3slov2_on = -1.000000 sec 81.83 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_ocr507R_on = -1.000000 sec 81.89 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_ocr507I_on = -1.000000 sec 81.94 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_bb3slov3_on = -1.000000 sec 82.00 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_bb2fls_on = -1.000000 sec 82.05 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_bb2flsV2_on = -1.000000 sec 82.11 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_oxy3835_wphase_on = -1.000000 sec 82.16 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_auvb_on = -1.000000 sec 82.22 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_bb2fV2_on = -1.000000 sec 82.27 behavior sensors_in_8: argument: c_tarr_on = -1.000000 sec 82.33 behavior sensors_in_8: argume