% Timestamp sensor to use for cross-section plots SCI_TIMESTAMP_SENSORS=drv_sci_m_present_time_datenum drv_sci_ctd41cp_timestamp_datenum % Depth sensor to use for cross-section plots SCI_DEPTH_SENSORS=drv_sci_water_pressure drv_m_water_pressure % Dbd instance profile qc parameters PRO_MIN_TIME_SPAN= PRO_MIN_DEPTH_SPAN=5 PRO_MIN_DEPTH=1 PRO_MIN_NUM_POINTS=5 % Controls plotting of the bathymetry (m_water_depth): % < 0: do not plot the bathymetry % >= 0: plot only those m_water_depth values that exceed this value % Leave empty to plot all bathymetry BATHYMETRY= % Keyword to specify the .fig file for plotting maps MAP= % y-axis min max limits (leave empty to plot full range) YMIN= YMAX= % Plot cross-sections for the following sensors % Setting CLIM to -1 results in a colorbar using mean +/- N-standard % deviations. % Leaving CLIM blank results in min/max values for colorbar % Setting CLIM to 2-numbers results in min(CLIM)/max(CLIM) for colorbar. PLOT_SENSOR=sea_water_temperature SENSOR_TITLE= CLIM=-1 PDIR= PLOT_SENSOR=sea_water_salinity SENSOR_TITLE= CLIM=-1 PDIR= PLOT_SENSOR=sea_water_density SENSOR_TITLE= CLIM=-1 PDIR= PLOT_SENSOR=speed_of_sound_in_sea_water SENSOR_TITLE= CLIM=-1 PDIR=