SummaryThe goal of this project is to measure the sub-surface environmental conditions in the White Shark Cafe, halfway between Hawaii
and Baja, California. This area is frequented by White sharks, as well as other large marine mammals and sharks, and researchers
do not understand what is attracting animals to this apparent ocean desert. The glider will concurrently record detections of
acoustic tags carried by White sharks or other tagged animals in the region to help us census the marine life present during the
WMO ID5801910
AttributionSchmidt Ocean Institute
Time Coverage Start2018-05-01 16:55:52 UTC
Time Coverage End2018-05-13 00:07:20 UTC
OperatorUniversity of Delaware
InstitutionUniversity of Delaware College of Earth Ocean and Environment
Data Providerrutgers
# Profiles410
Days Deployed12
BBox North25.533
BBox South22.613
BBox East-132.025
BBox West-131.227