Deployment NameGliderProjectDeployedRecoveredDaysDistancePayload BayOSNotes
26.9176.5 km92637.20

All Notes (8)

Created by: dkaragon @ 2017-10-17 10:33:13Informational

Recovered by AE. Wing missing and wing rail broken. Not sure if we checked when it happened, confirm with Ruth.

Created by: administrator @ 2017-10-13 22:41:00Informational

Still being swept SW.
Increased pump to -1000 / +100 to try to make way back toward BATS. Possible recovery on Monday.

Created by: administrator @ 2017-10-12 02:15:48Informational

Being swept west by currents since 6 Oct.
Setting a waypt to south toward weaker flows and bumping up vertical speed on climbs to try to make some way

Created by: administrator @ 2017-10-05 11:28:24Informational

Dives to 600 / double yos -- flying minus the wing. Unable to dive past 700 m.
Pump throw set to -1000 / 0; vertical speeds now 14-15 cm/s on climbs; 11-12 cm/s on dives.
m_roll more stable ~2deg to stbd
batt_pos ~0.3 on dives

Created by: administrator @ 2017-10-01 08:04:16Informational

Vehicle appears to have lost a wing
Dive speeds have slowed to ~7cm/s, climbs are 22 cm/s. Unable to dive deeper than 720m.
m_roll is ~10deg
Will grab mlg and mbd files for 0018.0027 on next surfacing

Created by: administrator @ 2017-09-22 08:27:25Informational

Pump throw -195 / +150 to equalize d/c speeds to ~15 cm/s

Created by: administrator @ 2017-09-22 06:23:42Informational

Roll varying from -2 deg on dives to -4 deg on climbs. Perhaps related to tail boom being bent upward by fish strike last mission -?? Heading error a little larger than usual, but still within +/-10 deg.

Went to double yos, pump throw -180 / +150 last night. Dives to 950m

Created by: administrator @ 2017-09-22 06:19:22Informational

Deployed 20-Sep-2017 by R/V Atlantic Explorer near Hydrostation S

CTD 9263
Optode 408
DVL 669711