All Notes (14)
this is for this glider only
Recovered by Aragon and Coleman out of Tuckerton, NJ. Used a small outboard motor boat from the Field Station.
Weird iridium abort, worth looking into for bug report.
May give up transferring the large files until I understand when a transfer can be continued or not. Potentially may not transfer them this mission since I had 2 failed attempts at 200 + KB transferred each time.
Expect high minute usage for RUDICS.
Passed shipping lanes, lowered no_comms and changed UTC surfacing to 1 pm est.
TBD files from 2 10 hour segments were large, 300 KB and have had difficulty transferring. Giving up for today, will try another day. Right now they are copied to the \\sentlogs folder, you\'ll know them by their size amongst the other TBD\'s or name:
01060000.TBD 330,510 04-20-11 3:29p
01060001.TBD 319,298 04-20-11 3:29p
Data looks better with fix of syncing TBD sampling rates on all sensors.
Removing appcmd.dat to see if it still stays better.
Also changing sampling to every other downcast as we\'re already into the 12\'s and have a lot of mission left.
Enabled appcmd.dat --> -noclklower thinking it would help with data sparcity but the actual problem is sci_water_pressure and other sensors not lining up in time in the dataset. Will have to tweak the TBDlist and sampling to see if I can get them to do so. Still unsure if -noclklower is needed but I am sure it uses more power.
Sampling still not super great @ 2 sec optics so backed off CTD to 1 sec sampling to see if that helps. Will need to talk to John/Oscar as high resolution optics is capable with -noclklower (not downclocking science computer)
Changing TBD to 4 sec optics to save surface time.
Flying under shipping lanes, inflecting by 10 meters, 10 hour mission, 11 hour no_comms. Turned CC off, set UTC surfacing to Thursday at noon.
Science was overloaded. 2 sec sampling seems to be holding up for optics. Also only sampling downcasts to save power, curve rebounded a bit.
TWR believes the glider science computer is overloaded. Lowered optic sampling rates to 4 seconds to see if problem clears.
Problem cleared at 4 sec sampling for all optics. Trying 2 sec to get better data.
TBD is quite large now, only to increase in size. May have to adjust that a bit and for next week the adjustment will be optics sampling to complete the mission since we have had some delays.
Interesting data dropouts after 6 yo\'s into the segments. Not sure quite what is going on but NLG shows some proglet errors:
sci_uart_drain_input:Drained 0 chars
80629 bit_shared_raise(): Raising bit(34).
80629 bb3slo_run(): 1 error(s) in a row. (5 is fatal)
80629 bb3slo_run(): 6 error(s) since bb3slo_begin(). (50 is fatal)
80660 74 sci_uart_close(0): Closing UART4:Chan A SBMB:J2
80661 PROGLET bbfl2s start() called
80661 Opening port 0:UART4:Chan A SBMB:J2
80661 19200 baud, N81, line buf: 85, no input data timeout(secs): 15
in queue size: 2048, out queue size: 0
80661 sci_uart_drain_input(0):
Cleaned up the TBD and NBD and resequenced on 2 hour missions. Glider read data well at the surface for 5 minutes...
u_pitch_max_delta_battpos .04
Sending to full depth
!!! u_min_water_depth = 20 m !!!
Deployed by Chris Jakubiak aboard RV Lucky Lady
SB 0121
CTD 0121
BB3SLO 336
BBFL2 667
BBAM 025B (replaced 026!)